leaving the dewan to continue his pacing unmolested.

Lady Maccon snapped open the lid of her dispatch case and extracted her harmonic auditory resonance disruptor. The spiky little apparatus looked like two tuning forks sticking out of a bit of crystal. While Alexia rummaged about for further necessities, Lord Akeldama tapped one fork with his finger, waited a moment, and then tapped the other. This resulted in a discordant, low-pitched humming, amplified by the crystal. It would prevent their conversation from being overheard.

“Serious, do you think? This threat? One to be taken seriously?”

The dewan ought to have been handsome with his dark hair and deep-set eyes, but his mouth was a little too full, the cleft in his chin a little too pronounced, and his mustache and muttonchops excessively aggressive. This facial hair had initially given Alexia much distress. Why? was the question. Most gentlemen went clean-shaven into immortality’s long night. Poor Biffy had had to wait in scruffy purgatory until Alexia returned home from her European tour and turned him mortal long enough to shave. Professor Lyall had reportedly been kind and sympathetic during that most trying of times.

Lady Maccon took out her notes on the ghostly event and closed her dispatch case. She had attempted to remember and transcribe everything the specter said to her. “The threat came to me via a ghost messenger. I think we must treat it with slightly greater significance than we would some blundering daylight opportunist with a taste to become the next darling of the anarchist press.”

Lord Akeldama added, “And, my sweetlings, if a supernatural told of the threat to a preternatural, it is likely that something or someone equally unnatural is involved.”

The dewan sucked at his teeth. “Very serious.”

Lord Akeldama sat back and rested the tips of his long white fingers on the table before him. It was a gesture oddly reminiscent of his predecessor.

Alexia continued. “Greatly mysterious as well. My husband says that BUR records show nothing on this ghost. We’ve been unable to locate either her or her corpse since she delivered the message.” Alexia had no compunction about involving the two disparate arms of Her Majesty’s supernatural supervisory operations, nor tapping into the advantages afforded by her position as wife to BUR’s chief officer. So far as she was concerned, bureaucratic restrictions were all very well in their place, but they couldn’t be allowed to limit efficiency. So while BUR was supposed to handle enforcement and the Shadow Council deal with legislative issues, Alexia was actively causing the two to become ever more entangled.

This was largely held to be one of the reasons Queen Victoria had appointed her muhjah in the first place.

The dewan was suspicious. “Why was the message delivered to you? And why use a ghost? Most are instinctively afraid of you because of what you are and what you can do.”

Lady Maccon nodded. Even when she was properly introduced to ghosts, they treated her with decided wariness. “Valid points. I don’t know. If anyone, it should have been brought to the attention of my husband. He’s the official channel.”

“The fact that you are the muhjah is not well known around town except by the hives. A standard ghost would not have had access to information divulging your state and position and would not have known that you have the queen’s ear. So, there is even less reason to tell you under such circumstances.”

Alexia looked over her notes. “Perhaps it has something to do with my father.”

The dewan paused in his pacing. “God’s teeth, why should it?”

“The ghost muttered something about ‘daughter of Tarabotti.’ As though she were specifically driven to find me because of my name.”

“Perhaps the ghost knew Alessandro Tarabotti in life, my little dipped biscuit.

Alexia nodded. “Perhaps. Regardless, if the threat is coming from the supernatural element, who do we like as suspects?”

Lord Akeldama immediately said, “I know one or two darling little lone werewolves who’ve been getting restless.” He tilted his head and snapped his teeth together a couple times.

The dewan countered with, “There are some rove vampires with sharp fangs.”

Lady Maccon was having none of this kind of scapegoat prejudice. “I think we ought to take everything into consideration and assume that it could also be a hive or a pack that is involved.”

Lord Akeldama looked cagey and the dewan uncomfortable.

The dewan said, “Oh, very well, but what kind of lead do we have?”

“Only the ghost. I have to find her, and soon, for she was getting rather unsubstantial.”

“Why you?” demanded the dewan.

“Clearly it has to be me. I was the one she was looking for, so I am the one she will converse with. Either one of you might do more harm than good. I’m already concerned that my husband is blundering about without my supervision.”

Lord Akeldama laughed. “Thank heavens he never hears you talk like that, petunia.

“What makes you think he doesn’t?” Alexia continued her line of reasoning. “A ghost left untended, no preservation enacted, in the dead of summer. How long would the specter remain sane under such conditions?”

The dewan answered, “Only a few days.”

“And if she were given regular formaldehyde treatments?”

“Several weeks.”

Alexia pursed her lips. “That is a rather broad window.”

Lord Akeldama smoothed his fingertips over the tabletop. “Did she have any kind of accent, my petal?”

“You mean was she foreign?”

“No, snowdrop. I mean, could you make out her place in society?”

Lady Maccon considered this. “Good but not particularly well educated. I should say perhaps upstairs staff? Which could explain why she did not get proper preservation, burial . . . or registry with BUR.” Alexia was smart enough to carry the line of reasoning full unto its undignified potential. “So I am looking for a shopgirl or perhaps a housekeeper or cook. One who has died within the past two weeks. Few or no family members. And within a tethering radius of the potentate’s town house.”

Lord Akeldama shook his head in distress. “You have my deepest sympathies.”

Alexia knew this for the sham that it was. Lord Akeldama liked to pretend he attended only the best parties and fraternized with only the right kind of people. His drones were certainly drawn from the highest society had to offer. But Biffy, in his day, had unexpectedly turned up in more unsavory locales than a housekeeper would ever frequent, and Lord Akeldama would never make his drones go anywhere in London he had not vetted first himself.

The dewan kept the conversation on course. “But, Muhjah, that’s hundreds of houses, not to mention shops, private clubs, and other places of interest.”

Lady Maccon considered Madame Lefoux’s underground contrivance chamber, just outside the radius of inquiry. “In addition, it does not take into account cellars or attics built with subterfuge in mind. And it assumes strangers will tell me if someone within their household has recently died. Nevertheless, can you think of a better approach?”

Neither Lord Akeldama nor the dewan could.

The infant-inconvenience kicked out in apparent punctuation to this statement. Lady Maccon made an oof noise, glared down at her stomach, then cleared her throat when the others looked at her inquiringly.

“Do we inform the queen in the meantime?” Now that they had some kind of plan, the dewan seemed to feel that pacing about was no longer necessary. He came to sit at the table.

Lord Akeldama took a stand at that. He always took a stand over control of information. “Not just yet, I think, fluffy. Not until we have more concrete evidence. All we have now are the mutterings of a mad ghost.”

Lady Maccon, a mite suspicious of his motives, nevertheless had to agree with his point. “Very well, I’ll investigate those residences that look to be nighttime inclined, as soon as we have finished here. I’ll sleep tomorrow morning and continue in the afternoon with the daylight households.”

Lord Akeldama winced and then took a deep breath. “This may be distressing to hear, my flower, but I’m

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