Although she considered herself well up on New York ways, she was disconcerted at this slightly drunken brawl of A-C’s new customers— the Citizens-Merchants Bank. Somehow she’d always believed that bankers were more sedate than almost anybody. Tonight they were not.

Gunnar sat dead in the middle, facing outward. She sat in the middle of the two men on his left and Leaf sat in the middle of the two men on his right. Of the four bank officials, one was really squiffed, one was slightly squiffed, and two were getting their kicks in other ways.

Those two had their cocks out under the table. She could not believe that it was possible to do this in a public restaurant. The tablecloth quite adequately covered the movements of both her hands. Furthermore, by squeezing seven people into the places for six, things were so tight that it was impossible to see shoulder movements. Add the dim light in the room, the general merriment about them, and Gunnar’s expansive monologue— it was easy to do.

Gunnar had cleverly turned the attention to poor Leaf, who was being inundated with sex innuendoes and double meanings that the poor girl hardly understood. It held the attention of the other two men, who were not being jacked off, and covered the squirms and hoots of the two who were.

Earlier, when Crystal received her orders, she squeaked to Gunnar: “You can’t mean it. Why, if I touch Mr. Hunt or Mr. Weber, they’ll throw their new 1100 out in the street and you and me with it.”

“On the contrary, both have indicated to me that they’d gladly give up a couple of supertankers that their bank foolishly funded if they could fuck your platinum-headed brains out. In polite language, of course.”

Mr. Hunt headed the Trust Department of C-M. Mr. Weber headed Loans. Strangely, she decided that Gunnar was more interested in Hunt and his trust funds than Weber and his loan funds, whatever wild scheme he’d concocted.

Several weeks had passed since her fateful meeting with Gunnar. Leaf still lived with her and worked for Domino. Leaf had brought Crystal the necessary papers to set up dummy names to receive Domino paychecks, which was Crystal’s scheme. Sydney Martin was happy with the sex rationed out to him by Leaf and, once, Crystal, and he was not suspicious. Gunnar paid little attention to this small theft. He had much bigger ideas in mind, and she had to go along with him for now.

It was ridiculously easy for Gunnar to join her tutoring team on this new project. It turned out that he’d crept up on her by getting himself hired by A-C as Security Programmer, a specialist in preventing the misuse of the A-C 1100! As such, he was empowered to enter any project at any time and run checks. He was supposed to look out for just such scams as she had planted in the Domino machine! How he’d managed to document himself into that job was beyond her knowing, but he had always been brilliant, and prison had given him a cutting edge.

“The best cover in the world for a thief is a policeman’s uniform,” he pointed out to her.

So here he was, affable and charming, pretending to be slightly drunk and ultra genial as the host of the evening, and here were the bankers and here she was heading into an evening of unknown erotic adventures under his direction.

Eloise stopped by their table to trade repartee with the bankers whom she knew, and Crystal guessed that the restaurant owner probably had a big loan out from the C-M Bank chain. There was foreign money behind it, and it was the latest of “hot” banks in the Big Apple.

Crystal stilled her action until the owner left for another table. She was high and hot herself, thoroughly amazed at what she was doing and how Mr. Hunt and Mr. Weber were able to indulge in this weird kind of sex kick.

“Even presidents play pool,” had been Gunnar’s only comment before he’d crammed them into the banquette.

Per instructions, she waited until dessert to start her aggressions. Naturally both Hunt and Weber knew what was supposed to happen. They seemed to get a huge kick out of what she did. As zippers opened on either side of her, and she sent warm hands inside of flies in her erotic quests, the two men leaned across her to whisper and kid.

“Belly up yet?” asked Hunt.

“Out but not up,” laughed Weber.

Her role was to sit poker-faced and bored looking between the two while she kept her hands busy. Gunnar had cleverly focused all the sex kidding on the more obvious girl package, Leaf. He’d borrowed her for the night. The less daring and somewhat squiffed bankers on either side of her thought their side had the real sex excitement as they nudged and rubbed shoulders with her. Gunnar kept the bawdy conversation going at that side of his table, ignoring Crystal and her partners.

“Is it true that some girls have one higher than the other?” Gunnar asked.

“Mr. Strand, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said Leaf, blushing.

“A guy has only one chance to get one up,” said one of her partners.

“Wrong,” said the other. “A guy can hang one down lower than the other.”

“There goes the old ball game,” yipped Gunnar.

This dumb dialogue, accompanied by laughter and nudges, was quite enough to occupy the two innocent bankers, and Crystal thought Gunnar played the part of a not too bright table companion perfectly. He must want to gag at this flat babble, thought Crystal, but he’s really hugging himself over the job he’s given me to do panded to glory as the gentlemen sipped after dinner drinks. One was longer and thinner than the other. What stirred her was the odd, kinky feeling of fondling cocks right out in public in a situation of a pleasant dinner where she’d been many times without trying anything as tricky as this.

She wondered how far Gunnar expected her to go… in no time at all she had produced two stiff standers, and Hunt’s penis throbbed exquisitely, making her mouth dry and her cunt wet. Was she supposed to flower both sexy stems under the tablecloth — or what? Would her two cavaliers come like gentlemen with a sigh and closed eyes, or would they snort like pigs and gurgle, and turn the party into a coarse exhibition?

When she had both cocks nice and stiff and had produced blushes and sparkling eyes on the faces of both Hunt and Weber, she let go for a moment, to show her hands, sip her drink, and try to look natural.

“More bread and butter?” asked Gunnar, eyes twinkling. “I know you’re a butter freak, Crystal.”

She caught on and nodded. As soon as the attention swung back to Leaf she carefully, coolly buttered one hand lightly and slid it under the table to grip Hunt’s cock in a greased palm. Weber buttered her other hand and they were in business…

If the sensations were great when her dry hand whispered along dry cocks, it went to fabulous as her greased palms closed on both pricks to give her under-the-table lovers wild action. Hunt strained up with an audible gasp of pleasure while Weber made a soft, delighted sound in his throat. Her fists pumped greasily on both cocks to make them throb in ecstasy. She felt the silken gloss of preseminal fluid near each cock head. Crystal’s forehead went to a light sweat, while her cunt creamed in warm desire-feelings. Whatever Gunnar’s game was, this was certainly a sexy way to start it! Hunt reached over and put a hand on her flat belly, then sent it down to dig for her cunt lips. She lifted a little and a long, male finger rode her opening pressing panties and dress tight in her box while she got her own friction thrills.

They hung there like three monkeys on a stick, jiggling a little and feeling the hot sexual responses to the covert masturbation. It began to delight Crystal to realize that she could harvest both cocks and no one would be the wiser.

One of the bankers across the table called: “Hey, Weber, you must really be looped. Your eyes look like marbles.”

“Ge-ge-getting there!” gasped Weber. “All the good food— and drink…”

He was almost there, all right. His cock slogged in her hand, fussed and frictioned to the point of bursting. Hunt was not far behind, thrusting up his loins in a more and more open manner.

The danger was that in the crazing moment of explosion both Crystal’s lovers might go out of control and create a scene. There was also the mess that the two wildly spurting cocks would create under the table.

“Are you guys all right?” asked the other banker of the two who were being masturbated.

Hunt patted his forehead with a napkin, using his left hand.

“Maybe a little jit-jittery. It’s all that coffee.”

“Face it,” said Gunnar, “Leaf is more fun to kid than Crystal. These Scandinavians take life too seriously.” He winked at Crystal.

“No,” said Crystal. “This is just the old folks’ side of the table. Leaf’s only twenty-five.”

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