She gave her evidence, at the trial, against some of the men but not against her husband. She was in court when the jury returned the verdicts, the black cap was donned and the sentences were passed. Then she left. Outside, she saw Janet and Lois.

Janet smiled, uncertainly.

Mrs Cartier approached, shook hands, and hurried off”.

Soon afterwards Roger was able to tell her that the Society was working again, that Lois was reinstated as secretary but as Lois Tennant, not Lois Randall. Tennant was back in the north, finishing his Army service.

Mark said that nothing would ever satisfy the boisterous energy of that tough young man.

In midsummer a furniture van drew up outside the Bel Street house. Roger was at the Yard and Janet opened the door. She thought that there must be some mistake, until she read the note that the foreman remover had brought with him.

“Roger!” breathed Janet into the telephone, five minutes later. “Darling, it’s incredible, but — Mrs Cartier!”

“What about Mrs Cartier?” asked Roger, startled.

“She’s sent us all the furniture from the lounge at her Weybridge house. She is giving the place up. Darling, it’s twice as good as anything we ever had ! I know the sentimental value isn’t the same but do you think you could get home early and help me put the room straight ? And shall I ask Mark?”

“My sweet, I’ll be home by four sharp!” promised Roger.


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