'Learn anything new.9'

'Wouldn't go quite so far as that. What about you?'

'Interesting. That woman, well---she's a sort of major-domo Amazonian type, sir. I wouldn't like her as Chief Constable.'

'Give it five years, Lewis.'

'Anyway, it's about Matthew Rodway. In the autumn term--'

'We call it the Michaelmas Term here, Lewis.'

'In the Michaelmas Term, in his third year, when he was back in college again--'

'In the House.'

'In the House again, he was sharing rooms with another fellow---'

'Another undergraduate.'

'Another undergraduate called Ashley Davies. But not for long, it seems. Davies got himself temporarily booted out of college--'


'Rusticated that term. Some sort of personal trouble, she said, but didn't want to go into it. Said we should see Da-vies tbr ourselves, really.'

'Like me, then, you didn't learn very much.'

'Ah! Just a minute, sir,' smiled Lewis. 'Mr. Ashley Da-vies, our undergraduate, in the Michaelmas Term 1993, was rusticated from the House on e sayso of one Dr. Felix Mc Clure, former Student--capital 'S,' sir--of Wolsey Col- lege.'

'°The plot thickens.'

'Bad blood, perhaps, sir? Ruined his chances, cer-tainly--Davies was expected to get a First, she'd heard.

And he didn't return this year, either. Murky circum stances ... Drugs, do you think?'

'Or booze,'

'Or love.'


'I've got his address. Living with his parents in Bed-ford.'

'Did any good thing ever come out of Bedford?'

'John Bunyan, sir?'

'You go and see him, then. I can't do everything myself.'

'What's wrong?' asked Lewis quietly.

'I dunno. My chest's sore. My legs ache. My bead's throbbing. I feel sick. I feel sweaty. It's the wrong question, isn't it? You mean, what's right?'

'Have you had your pills.9'

'Course I have. Somebody's got to keep fit.'

'When were you last fit, sir?'

Morse pulled the safety-belt across him and fumbled for a few seconds to fix the tongue into the buckle. 'I don't ever remember feeling really fit.'

'I'm sure you'll blast my head off, sir, but--'

'I ought not to drink so much.'

'I wouldn't be surprised if you'd just washed your pills down with a pint.'

'Would you be surprised if you were quite wrong about that?'

'Washed 'em down with two pints, you mean?'

Morse smiled and wiped his forehead with a ortwh handkerchief.

'You know the difference between us, sir--betveen y and me T'

'Fell me.'

'I got married, and so I've got a missus who' alw tried to look after me.'

'You're lucky, though. Most people your age are vorced by now.'

'You never--never met a woman---you know, the ri woman?'

Morse's eyes seemed focused far away. 'Nearly, Nero once.'

'Plenty of time.'

'Nonsense! You don't start things at my age. ?u p 'em up. Like the job, Lewis.' Morse hesitated. 'L%k' I not told anybody yet--well, only Strange. I'm Packing the job next autumn.'

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