'Did Mrs. Brooks go out last night, after you'd got back?'

Julia smiled tolerantly. 'You mean, did she just nip out for a few minutes and bump him off?.'

'Could she have gone out? That's all I'm asking.'

'Technically, I suppose--yes. She'd have a key to get back in here with. I just wonder what you think she did with the body, that's all.'

'She didn't go out--is that what you're telling me?'

'Look! The only thing I know for certain is that she was fast asleep when I took her a cup of tea just before seven this morning.'

'So she'd been with you the whole time since yesterday afternoon?'

'Since about a quarter-to-four, yes. I would have picked her up in the car, but the wretched thing wanted to stay at home in the garage. Suffering from electrical trouble.'

Morse, who didn't know the difference between brake fluid and anti-freeze, nodded wisely. 'You should get a car like mine. I've got a pre-electrics model.'

Julia smiled politely. 'We took a bus up to school and, well, that's about it, really.'

'Did you actually go into the Brookses' house?'

'Well, 1 suppose I did, yes---only into the hallway, though.'

'Was Mr. Brooks them?'

'Only just. He was getting ready to go out, but he was still there when we left.'

'Did you speak to him?'

'You mean.., ask him politely if he was feeling better? You must be joking.'


'Did his wife speak to him?' CAIN 'Yes. She said 'goodbye.'' '''

'She didn't say 'cheerio' or 'seeh 'No. She said 'goodbye.'' 'see you soor', il What about you? Did you go oq Do you suspect me as well?', o ou,.....

'Sus, pect you of what, Mrs. Stev};' ·, -, at ingot!

Julia s cle, ar, grey eyes sparkled astevensg,, ff somebody s bumped off old Broc'l almo ,,.

- ot You look as ff you hope someo*, rocl,, Ddn t I make that clear from & 'eone has'

'Have you actually seen Mrs. } the st Jd home this moming T'

':. Brooks sin!

'No..I've been in school all day .1 free pe. n, ods. Then we had a staff-mei'

'. Bad day, Thtar J to decree whether we're all satisfy,.. reetin.....

National Curriculum.'

'vin 'Oh'

-' s mc crtteria · It was a dampener; and for a little wth Morse looking around the neatje while saw, on the settee beside Julia, a co Ft'ttly c/uttered Poems. He pointed to it: X. py of 'You enjoy Dowson?', mest 'You've heard of him?'

'They are not long, the eepin, Love and desire and hate...'' acl the laughter.

'I'm impressed. Can you go on?'

'Oh, yes,' said Morse quietly.

For some reason, and for the ftrst ti,.

Stevens betrayed some sign of dis. eat evening, j saw, or perhaps he saw, a film of t emiture, and Mo 'Anything else I can do for you, , her eyes I'

'S across Yes, you can take me to bed with y Jstor?, · for you, perhaps, but I perceive the t. Imay feel no 1o ness of this moment, and soon there, 'ea? an. the readi no readiness, x'Vill be no'beauty 'No, I think that's all,' he said. an: 'No. But I hope somebody's stuck a knife into him somewhere.'

As he looked across at the school-mistress, Morse found himself wondering whether her pale complexion was due not so much to that inherited colouration so common with the auburn type, as to some illness, possibly; for he had ob~ served, in a face almost completely devoid of any other cosmetic device, some skin-tinted application to the dark-ened tings beneath her eyes.

'Did Mrs. Brooks go out last night, after you'd got back?'

Julia smiled tolerantly. 'You mean, did she just nip out for a few minutes and bump him off?.'

'Could she have gone out? That's all I'm asking.'

'Technically, I suppose--yes. She'd have a key to get back in here with.! just wonder what you think she did with the body, that's all.'

'She didn't go out--is that what you're telling me?'

'Look! The only thing I know for certain is that she was fast asleep when I took her a cup of tea just before seven this morning.'

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