never to be associated with the life and the death of Yvonne Harrison.  He'd

been careless about leaving that single page of a longer letter but (as he

asked Lewis to agree) it was hardly an incriminating piece of evidence wi-.

-.  * i^-~ --- ' s- -3 *.  ^.  3 .  0 - a k- >l a^Snag'l'SS^ ^ 2 1-i^l ^ -^o

^2 ill blacky | ^ y a | N I ^ -ss I 1 ^,'S I s Young ^ ^ - S | .  g .S S .  |

| ^ I 1 -' '' & '' g M g V v ' fl x S a.  S -S -a 3 nextfewday^

-g-^Sis^S^it'Sii nightmares.  TwP g ^ | | ^ ^ -^ fl ^ ^ ^ g J g v cs .  2 v '

' ' u u a blood; and Kersh&l | s So ^ : | ^ | ^ S 8 where he'd once stayS, i

5 s^'^g.  Sa 5S ~ cq _.  w ^ w y (to _ ^ S'T!  rSO''ut<Q^~'^ owner's sheep

had beer?  u ^S ^y Sa^^S S crimson, ^a-a^^.^^^l y-So-i^'^S^^'g^ crimson,

^ai^^.^^^l No note was found by Kersh' I'a^^^-^^i^ ^ by anyone afterwards.

It was asif>%?  SQ3yg-^b B0 with a despair she'd found incommtS ^ ^ '^ t3 c!

^ c1' to her parents; even to the uncouth loi&> ^ ^ ^ ' S 5 so pleasurably

now, though at first against rfc^ g ^ @ S rather nice police inspector who'd

seemed GS S ^ 2 , stand so much about her.

Far too much.  .  .  incl'S s ,3 S known it!  ) the fact that she had lied.

Roy could have been cycling along Sheep Street when Ban-on fell to him

SC because at that very moment he had been in bed with her

partnership had resulted from some incident or series of incidents at school;

that the youth had agreed, for money, to make a statement to the police about

a supposedly accidental collision with a high ladder a statement that was

wholly untrue, because Roy Holmes had been nowhere near Sheep Street that

morning; the hypothesis (to be confirmed!  ) that it was Frank Harrison who

had murdered Barren, and who had engineered an ingenious scheme whereby all

suspicion would be diverted both from himself and from Simon the scheme

itself probably prompted by another son, by Alien Thomas, who regularly

gathered a good deal of information from his vantage-point in the Maiden's

Arms and who regularly passed it on to his father, the man at the centre of


Lewis nodded to himself.  No wonder Frank Harrison had gone to earth

somewhere.  Not for long though, surely.  He had nowhere to go; nowhere to

hide.  Airports and seaports had been apprised of his passport number, and

photographs would be on their way.  Unless it was too late.

It was Morse's suggestion that the two of them together should interview Roy

Holmes and Christine Coverley, with Lewis invited to do most of the talking

with the youth.

'I detest him, Lewis!  And you're better at those sort of things than I am.'

It was flattering, but it didn't work.  Morse was sadly wrong if he thought

he could so easily re-establish some degree of integrity in the eyes of his


In mid-morning, Lewis left the office without asking Morse if he would like a

coffee.  He knew that the omission would be noted; he knew that Morse would

feel the hurt.

Not so.

When Lewis returned ten minutes later, he found Morse leaning back and

beaming happily.

'Fetch me a coffee, will you, Lewis!  No sugar we diabetics, you know .  ..

Something to celebrate.'  Th^Iaumras folded

 accepted immediately that it

was in his own hand) Lewis had hoped, in an old-fashioned sort of way, that

Morse had in fact never been invited to Lower Swinstead, in spite of his own

plea for some communication from her; in spite of that almost school boyish

business about looking through his mail every morning in the hope of finding

something from her.  And that was about it.  Morse had wanted to cover up

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