friendly, affectionate kisses we'd shared before, and headed straight for lust in the dust.
When the kiss finally broke, both of us were panting slightly from the intensity of it – and I could see that Susan had most definitely decided where she wanted to go.
Smiling, she took my hands and put them on her breasts, squeezing them as a sign that she wanted the contact to be more than social and casual as it had been before. As I ran my thumbs over her erect nipples, she reached down and took hold of my penis – for the first time since the anatomy lessons the night of the sleepover. Holding it gently, she did a Braille examination of it, and my scrotum and testicles, as I did a similar exam of her breasts.
Her eyes were open, if hooded in desire, when Kelly came into the den with a cup of coffee in her hand. As she looked at us in surprise, Susan realized we weren't alone, and turned to see who it was. When she saw Kelly, quickly got off my lap to go hug her – and then give her a kiss that must have matched the one she gave me, judging from the changes of expression on Kelly's face. I stood up, too, and took the cup from Kelly, so both her hands would be free to return the kiss – and she did, with considerable enthusiasm. When their kiss finally broke, Kelly looked at Susan, and asked 'You're ready?', concerned.
Susan only nodded, happily, before the three of us bunched up for a group hug.
When it broke up, Susan stood there, tears running down her face. I asked her 'What's wrong?', and was quietly informed 'Nothing's wrong, you lunched – I'm just so HAPPY!'. Kelly and I both laughed, and the three of us headed for the couch again. Kelly sat to the side, and gestured for Susan to resume her place on my lap, which she did, smiling at both of us. She leaned forward, and I held her in my arms as she and Kelly shared a number of small, loving kisses.
We stayed like that for the next little while, as one by one, the rest of them got up to the smell of the coffee, only to be surprised at the sight that greeted them when they wandered into the den. They could see that something had changed in Susan, and sat there quietly, watching as she drank in our love and affection the way a sponge soaks up water.
Susan finally sat up, and looked around at them, finally seeing the love and happiness all of them felt for her. Jan first, then the others, got up and came over one at a time to give her a kiss and tell her that they loved her, smiling in obvious happiness for her. When they'd all kissed her, she got up long enough to turn around on my lap, leaned back against me and pulled my arms around her, holding them in place as she looked from one to another to another, and back again.
As she was looking at Jan, I felt her suddenly start in my arms, and a couple of seconds later, heard her say 'You love me.'
Jan looked at her, and calmly answered 'Of course'.
Susan turned to look at Candice, and said 'You knew I would get to this, didn't you?'
'Of course.', was the reply, again, before Susan focused on Robyn.
'You waited for me, didn't you?'
'Sure. We love you, don't we?'
Susan next looked at Sandra, saying'You would have waited, though, for as long as it took.'
'We love you too much to do anything else!' was the answer, before Susan shifted her attention to Kelly.
'I'm happy – and you're happy that I'm happy, because I'm happy.'
'That's it.'
Susan looked at each of them in turn, before saying 'And if I wanted to make love with Dan, right here and right now, none of you would mind in the slightest – except to be glad for me that I was learning what it was like to make love, and be happy that*I* was happy.'
They all nodded, seeing that she was getting close.
'And if I wanted to make love with one of you, the rest would still be happy for me, for the same reasons.'
They nodded again.
'And if I didn't want to make love, with anyone, you would still love me, anyway.'
More nods.
'And you can do all that because you love me. And you know how much I love you, even if
Jan spoke then, simply saying 'Yes.'
Susan suddenly moved my arms aside and stood up, turning to face me. She looked deep into my eyes as she said 'And you – you had enough love and caring inside you to bring every one of them to this; and you've still got enough to do it for me, too.' She stared at me, intently, for several seconds before saying 'And there's still so much more inside you – there really isn't a limit to it, is there?'
I shook my head slowly, and she suddenly turned around again, looking at all of them.
With a sense of awe and wonderment in her voice, she said 'As much as I love all of you for all the good that I see in you, you love ME –
After a while, her crying tapered off, and the others continued to comfort her until she finally released me to sit up to look at me. When she did, they eased back to their seats, listening as she told me 'You knew all of this, didn't you?'
'And you gave it to us – without knowing if we'd ever really *understand* it, that we'd truly 'get it'.'
'And knowing how much making love – or being willing to – would help us understand, and how much it would change us and make us better, you*still* didn't do anything to move us along before we were ready; you were willing to wait for as long as it took for US to make the decision.'
'And knowing that if any of us misunderstood, or got upset or angry with you, we could complain about how you tried to touch us and you would maybe wind up in jail, STILL took the chance – because you loved us, and cared about us.'
She looked at me in wonderment for several seconds before finally saying 'I owe you so much. And I know that there's no way to even begin to pay it back to you – the risks you took, the love and caring you showed and gave, the knowing you must have had inside. I understand, now, why you told every one of them that the debt is to the ones that don't know -and WHY we owe them and not you. And now, even more than before, I want you – all of you, but especially you, Dan, and you, Kelly – physically. I love you, all of you, and want to give back to you the love and happiness you've given me.'
When Kelly started to speak to her, Susan turned her head to listen as Kelly said 'If you know all that – and it's obvious that you do, that you've 'gotten it' – then you know there's no hurry, on ANY of it.'
'I know. If it happens today, or tomorrow, or next week, or next year, that's fine – because now I know that it WILL happen, and that I will enjoy it, and be able to give joy back. But for now, I think I'd better get home – I'm sure my parents are starting to get concerned about me, and I love them, too, and don't want them to worry.'
Kelly told her 'I've got some things you can wear, if you don't want to wear your dress home this morning', and turning to the others, said 'I've got enough to get all of you home, if you want – just don't forget to bring them with you to school Monday, okay?' They all smiled and agreed before accepting her offer. They got up and headed back toward the bedroom, leaving Susan with me to make our goodbyes.
She looked at me again, and said 'You are really something; the more I learn about you and how you think and behave, the more I want to be like you – and now I know that I can be. Thank you.' before giving me a kiss – the kind that I treasured more than any other: one that expressed the kind of love that only a fully aware person can manage, because it comes from the heart and mind and spirit. After we separated, I told her 'I love you, Susan.', and she answered 'I know, Dan. Just like you knew I would.' before getting up to get dressed herself.
When they got back, Candice called her parents, and they agreed to come and get her – and give Sandra and Robyn rides home, as well. Kelly was to take Jan home, and that left me take Susan. Pure coincidence, I'm