Of course, this led to a discussion of the size and shape of the mons.

As we talked, we both gradually relaxed, so by the time the subject progressed to the size and shape of the inner lips, I was resting on my side, on my elbow, face about level with her bellybutton, and she had spread the lower part of her robe completely, and was sitting there with her knees raised about halfway, and her legs spread fairly wide. Of course, in the position I was in, my robe had parted, and my semi-erect penis was lying on my leg – not fully exposed, but clearly visible. For her part, the reaching and moving she'd done had opened the top of her robe a bit, as well – making almost all of her breasts visible.

So it was that when we got to the subject of the size and shape of inner lips, it seemed perfectly reasonable for us to each shuck our robes, and proceed fully nude. This was also when I found that she'd had the presence of mind to bring along a large hand mirror, so that she could get a clearer view of her own anatomy. A moments discussion and it was agreed that she would continue sitting as she was, while I would scoot down and lay on my stomach between her knees (close enough to see, but not too close) and hold the mirror, so that I could see what she was pointing at or talking about.

From those positions, we were easily able to reference the female anatomy drawing, and compare it with Jan's own structures. When necessary, I was able to reassure her that her development and dimensions were well within the 'normal' range, as I knew them.

As we progressed, it became quite plain that she was becoming more and more aroused, but I remained silent about it. Not that it didn't have an effect on me, mind you. The sight (and smell!) of her obvious arousal was enough to keep my penis in a constant state of semi-erection; it was only by lying to myself outrageously, and pretending this was just an anatomy lesson and she was another girl, was I able to keep from developing a genuine diamond-cutting erection.

It was only when she decided that she really, truly had to see the hymen that made her a virgin did she concede that she was excited: 'Um, Uncle Dan, I want to see this hymen thing they say makes me a virgin.'

'Er, well, I suppose we could do that, but that would mean that you would have to spread your legs pretty wide, and you would have to spread the opening of your vagina so you could see into it far enough.'

'Yeah, I kinda figured that, but, um, well, I don't know if I can.'

'What do you mean? You don't want me to see you doing it, or is there something else about it?'

'No, I don't mind you seeing me do it – I mean, you've seen everything else by now! What I mean is that I feel funny, and I'm kind of wet down there, and I don't know if that would make any difference.'

'Jan, if you mean that you're feeling sexually aroused, that's fine; I can understand that. As for being wet, I expect that would make it easier for you to see inside.'

'Well, yeah, I am feeling aroused, like you said. I think maybe you noticed it as soon as it started to happen, didn't you?'

'Now that you mention it, yes, I did kind of suspect that's what was happening.'

'Why didn't you say something?'

'Mostly because I didn't want to embarrass you.' I answered.

'*Mostly* didn't want to embarrass me? What else?'

'Don't get mad at me, but I thought it was pretty sexy, too, and I liked it.'

That seemed to surprise her a bit, and she paused a little before saying 'You mean you thought I was sexy? It didn't gross you out or anything?'

'No, it didn't gross me out – like I said, I liked it. The sight – and yes, smell! – of a sexually aroused woman is something that most men like. And yes, I thought it was sexy – and thought YOU were sexy.'

'I could smell me, but I didn't think you could. Oh, god, I'm so embarrassed!'

'Whoa, Trouble, stop right there. You didn't listen to what I said!'


'Didn't you hear me when I said that the sight and smell were things that most men liked?'

'Uh, no. You really mean it? Why?'

'Yes, I really meant it. As for why, I don't know that I can explain it, except to say that an obviously aroused and excited woman is something that touches almost every man – it's the kind of thing that hits us at our most basic level, and makes us glad we're men.'

'Really? You think of me as a woman?'

'It really does have that effect on us. I suspect it's kind of the man equivalent of the feeling women get just by holding a baby – it's the kind of feeling that lets us know to our very soul just who and what we are.' I responded, trying to delay answering the second question.

She wasn't going for it, though: 'But what about me as a woman?'

'Trouble, you're at a stage that's difficult to define: physically, you're in transition between girl and woman: in theory, you could start having babies at any time, now that you're having periods and all that.

The problem is that you're a young woman; yeah, I know, almost 15, but still YOUNG. Remember, you didn't start having periods until not so long ago, and the fact that you're not fully developed yet means that – strictly speaking – you're not fully a woman, yet, either. But, because I care about you, and know what kind of person you are, and how grown up you are – most of the time! – I'm willing to talk to you as the woman I expect you'll be, and not the girl you were. Am I making sense?'

'Yeah, I understand. I kind of feel the same way, sometimes – there are times when I want to play with Leo and John like I did when we were smaller, but there are other times when they seem like such children.'

'Well, duh! Leo's 10 and John's 7. Doesn't that qualify as children?'

She laughed, and admitted,'Yeah, I suppose. But you know what I meant.'

'Yeah, I did.'

'So anyway, does that mean that I can go ahead and look at my hymen, then?'

'Sure, I don't know why not, as long as you're careful not to hurt yourself.'

'What do you mean hurt myself? I thought you were going to help me!' she replied.

'Well, I didn't know if you would want me around for that, was all. I mean, this other stuff is one thing, but you'll be pretty exposed when you go hymen hunting.'

She laughed before responding 'Yeah, I know I'll be pretty open – but if you've seen this much, I don't know that I have that much left to hide – particularly with my boobs hanging out, too! And don't pretend you didn't notice, either – I saw you looking!'

'Guilty as charged – yes, I was looking. Like I told you before, I think they're delightful. You're pretty, and I have to confess to liking to look at pretty things – and your boobs, as you call them, certainly qualify. When they're hanging out like that, yes, I'm going to look -but I'm not going to start trying to look down your blouse or anything like that, either, so you don't have to worry about me becoming some pervert, with my tongue hanging out and drooling all over my shirt whenever you wear something that shows off your figure.'

'Uncle Dan, I could never think of you as a pervert. I know that whenever I start talking to you about my body and sex and stuff it makes you uncomfortable. I don't think it's because you're trying to do anything to me, or anything like that; I think it's just because you don't want to scare me or anything. I know that the only reason you agreed to help me tonight is because you think you have to do it to help keep me from getting into some kind of trouble – because you love me.

Not the making love kind, but the non-physical kind you told me about.'

What could I say to something like that?

She continued with 'So don't worry about looking at my boobs, or seeing my vagina or anything like that. I know that you're not going to do anything to hurt me or embarrass me. Actually, knowing that you like my boobs, it makes me feel prettier, and special – like I don't feel like I*have* to go out with just any of the boys at school to feel good. I know that I can wait until there's one that I really like.'

After that last sentence of hers, even if her dad did find out about this and killed me, it would be worth it, knowing I'd managed to accomplish something good with her.

'So now that that's out of the way, what do we need to do to go hymen hunting?' she asked, with a giggle.

I thought about it for a minute, and said, 'Well, the obvious thing is to find out if your vagina can open up enough for you to see it. I see you're still wet' – I couldn't help teasing her a little -'so I suppose the thing to do would be for you to open your legs as far as you can, and see if you can open your vagina enough.'

With that, she spread her legs father than I ever thought she could, rested herself on her tailbone to tilt her

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