while I was a nurse, but that was different. This is more… personal.'

Kelly smiled, and told her 'You don't have to be afraid to touch me. I know that I am pretty, and that I have a nice shape. If you want to touch me anywhere, you are welcome to. I know that I would like to be able to touch, you, too.'

With that, the two of them shared a Look – one that made it clear to Marlyn that Kelly was inviting her to be as intimate as she wanted; and that Kelly was happy with the idea of doing the same.

Shyly, Marlyn said 'When we were telling Marilyn about sex, and showing her about a woman's parts, I was surprised to see how much hair you and Robyn had – there, between your legs. It's so much more than I have, and even more than almost all of the Filipinas I know.'

Kelly eased Marlyn off her lap long enough to stand up and remove her panties before sitting down again. Seated, she turned to face Marlyn, and said 'What I have, and what Robyn has, isn't a lot in this country.

When we were all still going to school, we had to take physical education – gym – and at the end of the class, all of us had to take showers together. We saw all of the other girls in our classes, too – some of them had only a little bit of hair, like you do. Other ones had a lot of hair – it looked like they had little hairy animals between their legs!' – that last making Marlyn smile.

Kelly went on to tell her 'If you want, any one of us would be happy to let you look at us naked, so you can see that you don't have to be concerned about how you look. Every one of us has different breasts and nipples, and different hair than the others – we're even different in how we look between our legs. But like Dan has told us: we have all the right parts in all the right places, so nothing else really matters. You heard about the nightgown contest we had for Dan, right?'

Marlyn looked over at me, then turned back to Kelly and nodded. Kelly told her 'You know we tried very hard to make him crazy, but it didn't work – he is too much of a gentleman. But when it was over, he told us something that I have always remembered.'

Marlyn looked at her in anticipation, and Kelly went on 'He told us 'I can promise you that for each and every one of you, there is a guy somewhere that thinks you look absolutely perfect, and even more that think you look pretty good, and even more that think you look just fine, as part of one or more of the groups that they find attractive'. That was after he told us that there are guys that are attracted to different sizes and shapes of breasts, pubic hair, butts, and all that other stuff. So there is NO reason for you to be worried about how you look.'

With that, Kelly leaned forward again to give Marlyn a kiss – one that Marlyn willingly returned – and escalated when she put her hand on Kelly's breast again before moving it up to start teasing Kelly's nipple. Kelly responded in kind, and in short order, each of them had both hands on the other's breasts as their kiss deepened and lengthened.

When they finally parted, both were panting slightly; and from what I could see, I was willing to bet that there were not just one, but two sets of erect female nipples on the couch.

Kelly took Marlyn's hand, and asked 'Would you like to continue this?

Maybe someplace more private?'

Marlyn turned to look at me; I just smiled and nodded my encouragement before she turned back to Kelly and said 'Yes. I think I would like that.'

As they passed, both leaned over to give me a goodnight kiss, and got a pat on the butt in return before they made their way down the hall.

I stayed there in the den, watching TV, to give them as much time as they wanted. It was perhaps half an hour later when Mabel let me know that someone was at the door. I checked the camera, and saw that it was Robyn – in uniform. I quickly went to let her in, and then led her to the den.

Once both of us were seated, I asked her what brought her by so late.

She told me that they'd had a murder right before she went off shift, and that she just needed some company for a little while. I quickly moved to sit next to her, and took her in my arms, holding her as she started crying into my shoulder in deep, wracking sobs. Despite the handle of her revolver poking me, I continued to hold her, rubbing her back and softly speaking words of consolation as she cried. When she'd gotten most of it out of her system, she pulled back from me. I patted her hand, and told her 'Sit for a minute. I'm going to get something to calm you down.' She nodded, and I went into the kitchen to mix her a stiff drink. When I got back to the living room, Cat had made an appearance, parking herself on Robyn's lap – purring loudly as Robyn softly petted her. I handed Robyn her drink, and she took half of it in a single swallow – then gasped when she realized just how strong I'd made it.

After a bit, I asked her if she'd like to stay the night. She looked around, and realized that Kelly wasn't with us. She looked at me quizzically, and asked 'Where's Kelly?'

I simply answered 'With Marlyn.'

It took her a few seconds, but Robyn finally got the implication, and asked in a surprised tone 'Kelly? And Marlyn?'

'She decided she wanted to try girls, next.'

A few seconds went by before Robyn asked ''next'? As in she tried something, uh, someone, before?'

'Yup. Me.'

'You? And Marlyn?'

'Kelly's helping her find out about girls. I helped her find out about guys.'

Robyn just smiled, and said 'Good! That's the best news I've heard all night. I know you didn't leave her disappointed; and I don't believe for a minute that Kelly will, either.'

About that time, the Universe smiled down, and we both heard a cry of release echo down the hall.

Robyn and I just looked at each other; at least, until I said 'No, I don't think she did!' – with that, both of us started laughing, almost hysterically. Cat got miffed at the disturbance, and jumped down to disappear under the couch.

When we'd gotten our breath back, Robyn said 'Yeah, I think I would like to stay tonight. The murder was some woman that decided she was tired of her boyfriend beating her up, and having sex – rape was more like it! – with her thirteen year old daughter. She waited until he was asleep, and shot him in the crotch with a shotgun. She called us right after she did it, and was waiting for us when we got there. The only thing she was worried about was that her daughter would get help.'

She sighed, and said 'So, yeah, I could use some company tonight. I'm really not in the mood for making love, but having someone I love to cuddle with would be just the ticket.'

With that, she let me take her hand, and after she'd finished off her drink with another grimace, let me lead her back to the bedrooms. When we got close, I could see that the door to my and Kelly's bedroom was half-open. I led Robyn inside, closed the door behind us, and had her stand next to the bed as I slowly got her out of her uniform. First to go was the belt and holster. I knew that she knew no one would bother her pistol, but I also knew she'd be more comfortable knowing where it was, so I set it on one of the dressers, where she could easily see it.

Next, I unbuttoned her uniform blouse, and removed it to reveal the bulletproof vest she wore underneath. That was held in place with hook-and-loop fasteners, and was easily set to the side, revealing the sports bra she had on underneath. I cupped her encased breasts for a few moments before reaching between them to unfasten the bra and remove it.

With it gone, her breasts swayed a bit as her nipples erected slightly in the cool air of the bedroom. Next, I knelt down to untie and remove the light boots she wore. Those were followed by her uniform slacks, which left only her plain cotton panties. I slipped those down her legs, and held her steady as she stepped out of them. Before I stood up again, I leaned forward to give her a soft kiss just above her pubic hair – letting her know that I still found her sexy without making any requests or demands of her.

Taking her hand again, I guided Robyn to lie on the bed, and then moved to lie down as well. She rolled onto her side, and I moved next to her, spooning with her from behind. She wiggled herself back against me, content only when she got my penis wedged between the tight cheeks of her ass. Sighing happily, she reached back to pull my arm around her, holding it on her breast as she told me 'Thanks, Dan. This is just what I need tonight.'

I simply kissed the back of her neck, and gave her breast a soft squeeze to let her know I cared. She lifted my hand to kiss it before putting it back on her breast. We fell asleep like that, holding each other, comfortable to simply be together.

The next morning, Robyn and I were sitting naked in the kitchen, drinking coffee when Kelly and a very relaxed looking Marlyn made their way in to join us. Kelly readily moved into my arms for a good-morning kiss; with only a moment's hesitation and a small blush, Marlyn followed her example. Kelly went on to kiss Robyn, and again, Marlyn

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