little tiny teeth* unnatural selection* where there’s a will* good blood* skeleton dance twenty blue devils dead men’s hearts make no bones icy clutches curses! old bones* murder in the queen’s armes* the dark place* fellowship of fear*

Chris Norgren Novels

old scores a glancing light deceptive clarity

Lee Ofsted Novels (with Charlotte Elkins)

on the fringe where have all the birdies gone? nasty breaks rotten lies a wicked slice


turncoat loot

*Available from Berkley Prime Crime Books





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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Elkins, Aaron J. Little tiny teeth / Aaron Elkins.

p. cm.

ISBN: 1-4295-4082-6

1. Oliver, Gideon (Fictitious character)—Fiction. 2. Forensic anthropologists—Fiction.

3. Botanists—Crimes against—Fiction. 4. Amazon River Region—Fiction. 5. Headhunters—

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