Josey was watching her closely. She noticed how pale Jessica was and

how sad her eyes looked. She wanted to ask her if she was in trouble

and if so, if there was anything that she and Tom could do to help, but

Jessica spoke before she could get the words out.

'Do you consider yourself patient? ' 'I beg your pardon? ' 'Are you

patient? ' 'Tom seems to think I am, ' she answered.

'What do you do when you get angry? ' Josey leaned back in her


She was thoroughly perplexed by her guest's peculiar questions.

'I clean.'

'I'm sorry? ' Jessica asked, not understanding.

'I clean, ' Josey repeated. 'When I get into a lather about something

or other, I scrub my floors and wash my walls and do whatever else I

need to do until I've gotten rid of my anger. Then I talk it out with


Are you going to tell me why you're asking me these questions? ' Tears

sprang into Jessica's eyes. 'Yes, I'll explain just as soon as Cole

finishes talking to your husband. Do you keep lye under your


' 'Do I what? ' 'Keep lye under your counter.'

'Good heavens, no, ' Josey answered. 'Like I told you before, I'm used

to watching my nieces and nephews. A couple of them are about your

baby's age. They can walk and get into mischief, but they don't have a

lick of sense yet. Lye could kill them, so I keep it up where they

can't get to it.

You're in trouble, aren't you, Jessica? ' 'Yes, ' she whispered. 'I'm

sorry I've been so. . . suspicious, but I needed to know.'

'Know what? ' Josey asked.

'Cole will explain, ' she replied. 'But I promise I won't hound you

with any more questions.' Josey reached over to pat Jessica's hand.

'You're with a good, strong man to help you through this trouble. '

'Cole's a marshal and he's part of my problem. If it weren't for him,

I wouldn't be on my way to Texas.' Josey's frown deepened. 'I guess

I'm just gonna have to wait until Tom tells me what's going on, then.

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