The sheriff wasn't there. His deputy, a young man with a horridly

pockmarked complexion, fastened his eyes on her breasts the second she

walked inside. Amused, she stepped forward to shake his hand. His

palms were sweaty, and she had to resist the urge to wipe her hand on

her dress. She introduced herself and explained why she was there.

'The sheriff was hoping you'd get here soon, ' he said. 'He's over at

the courthouse waiting to either drag the prisoner back here or let him

go. I think we ought to head over there, because Judge Rafferty won't

end the trial until you eyewitness Bell for him.'

'And if he isn't one of the men I saw in the bank? ' She tried to

dazzle him with a smile, but it was wasted on him because he wouldn't

take his gaze off her chest. She really had to remember to tell Donald

about the deputy.

He'd get a good laugh out of the story.

'We're all hoping Bell is one of the Blackwater gang, ' he told her.

'Would it be all right if I held your arm while I walked you to the

courthouse? ' 'I won't mind at all. It's very gentlemanly of you. '

The courthouse was only two blocks away. He took her to the back

entrance and showed her to the judge's chambers adjacent to the

courtroom. She sat down near the desk to wait, while the deputy wrote

a note for the clerk to hand to the judge.

'I'll bet Rafferty interrupts Bell's closing speech when he reads this,

' he said, waving the note he'd just folded. 'Is it okay if I leave

you alone for a few minutes? I'd like to watch old sour face's

expression and hear what he has to say to the fancy attorney.'

'I'll be fine, ' she whispered.

She fought the urge to open the door just a crack and look into the

courtroom, but she didn't dare take the chance because Donald was in

the audience, and if he saw her peeking out, he'd be furious.

She closed her eyes, cleared her mind, and prepared for her role. ghe

moment had arrived.

As soon as the deputy returned and opened the door for her, Rebecca

stepped into the courtroom and waited until she was summoned. She

surveyed her audience, noting with pleasure that the room was packed.

A center aisle leading to a pair of front doors divided the courtroom

in half. Two deputies with rifles stood guard on either side. She

noticed a side door directly across from the door to the judge's

chambers. It too was guarded.

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