steady in the palm of her hand with her thumb pressed against the

barrel. She found Donald quickly, he was sitting at the end of the

fourth row next to the aisle on her side of the courtroom. He was

close, very close, and as she watched him, he gave her a barely

perceptible nod before turning his attention to the deputy guarding the

side door on her left. She understood what he was telling her and

looked at Bell.

The judge took his seat, adjusted his flowing black robe, and squinted

at the assembly. They still appeared to be a little unnerved, and he

decided to give them another minute to recover.

'Marshals, you can holster your guns, ' he ordered. 'Which one of you

is Daniel Ryan? ' 'I am, Your Honor.' The judge motioned him to the

bench. 'You sure cut it awfully close getting here, ' he remarked.

Daniel didn't offer any excuses or explanations. 'Yes, Your Honor, we


'I happen to know a great deal about you, son, because I make it my

business to find out everything I can about men like you, and I have

only one thing to say. It's an honor and a privilege to finally meet

you.' Daniel didn't know what to say in response. The judge had

already turned his attention to Cole. 'What's your name, Marshal? '

'Cole Clayborne.' Rafferty nodded. 'I've heard a tale or two about

you as well. Of course, I know the stories can't possibly be true. '

'I'm sure they aren't, Your Honor, ' Cole answered, wondering why the

man wasn't getting to the urgent matter at hand. Cole kept glancing at

Daniel to make sure he was still in control. He noticed the way Daniel

was watching Bell, and knew that wasn't a good sign.

The judge rose to address his assembly. 'All right now. I've given

you enough time to soothe your ruffled feathers and settle down. From

this point on, I don't want to hear one peep out of any of you. If I

do, I swear I'll order these fine marshals to escort you out the front

doors.' Silence resulted from his firm decree. Rafferty turned to

Jessica and sat back. 'Young lady, who are you? ' 'My name is Jessica


'State your business with this court.' She took a step closer to the

center of the bench and looked up at the judge.

'I witnessedt' 'I'm your witness, ' Rebecca screamed.

'I'm telling the truth, ' Jessica insisted.

'She's lying, Judge, ' Rebecca countered. 'I was there.' Heads turned

back and forth from one side of the courtroom to the other as

accusations were volleyed. Daniel crossed behind Jessica and handed

the judge a paper.

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