answered. 'And her assistants, of course. Sometimes the downstairs

maids helped. At least I believe they did. Would you like some sliced

pickles, Marshal Clayborne? They're quite good.'

'That would be nice, ' he answered. 'Please call me Cole and call him

Daniel, ' he added with a nod toward Ryan.

'Then you must call me Grace. I insist.' She proceeded to slice the

pickle with a sharp butcher knife, pulling the sharp blade toward her

wrist. The action drove Daniel crazy. He reached out and grabbed hold

of both of her hands.

'Always cut with the blade angled away from you, ' he instructed.

'Like this.' He slowly glided the knife through the pickle toward the


'It's safer that way.' When he didn't let go of her right away, she

stared down at his big hands and simply waited. 'Thank you, Daniel.

I'll try to remember next time.' He noticed the number of cuts on her

fingers. 'You aren't used to kitchen work, are you? ' he asked as he

let go and leaned back in his chair.

'No, but I'm learning.' She once again bent over the pickle with her

knife. Wrinkling her nose and biting her lower lip in concentration,

she cautiously sawed at it until there were half a dozen thin slices

neatly arranged on the plate.

Then, with a triumphant smile, she washed her hands and set her

achievement before them.

Ryan couldn't take his eyes off her, so completely fascinated was he by

this delicate woman. Even though she was unskilled and totally out of

place, she was not deterred, nor even discouraged.

He had to force himself to get on with the business at hand. Pulling

his notepad out of his pocket, he put it on the table and reached for

his pencil. 'Why don't we get started, ' he began.

'Yes, of course, ' she agreed.

'About what time were you in the bank on the day of the robbery? ' She

stared at the tabletop when she answered. 'I was there at two o'clock,

give or take ten minutes.' Cole was about to take a bite of his

sandwich when she gave her answer.

He put the food back on the plate and shot a glance at Daniel to judge

his reaction.

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