'Father, will it upset you to talk about what happened the night I was taken? I'm very curious about it.'

'What did you want to know?' Elliott asked. He was already beginning to frown.

She turned back to MacPherson. 'I was told the nursemaid took me from the nursery.'

MacPherson nodded. 'Your parents had gone to the opening of the new factory. They weren't expected to return until the following day. We still don't know how Lydia pulled it off. The house was filled with staff. We believe she took you down the back stairs and out the back door.'

' Lydia was the name of the nursemaid?'

'Yes,' her father answered. 'George was eventually put in charge of the investigation. Your mother had taken ill, and I wanted to get her back to England and her own personal physician. She trusted him, you see.'

'The authorities gave up the search after six months of intense looking, but your father had already hired his own team of investigators. I simply coordinated their duties.'

'How long did the investigators work for you, Father?'

'Until four or five years ago. I finally put it all in God's hands and tried to accept the fact that you were lost to me. Harrison wouldn't let me give up though. He began to take over. He followed every lead that came our way.'

He reached over and clasped her hand in his. 'It's a miracle he found you.'

'I understand from your father that you were found in an alley by some street thugs, Lady Victoria,' MacPherson said.

She was grossly offended by his choice of words. 'They weren't thugs. They were four good-hearted boys who had been tossed out on their own and were doing the best they could to survive. They weren't thugs,' she added again in a much harder voice.

'Yes,' her father agreed. He patted her hand and then let go of her. 'We don't need to talk about those men now, do we? We have you back home. That's all that matters.'

Mary Rose didn't want to let the subject go. She turned back to MacPherson and asked, 'Did the nursemaid plan it?'

George looked at his employer before he answered. He could tell Lord Elliott was becoming distressed. He obviously wanted to put the ordeal behind him.

'Sir, do you mind if I answer her?' he asked.

'No, I don't mind. She's curious. It's only natural.'

'At first, we thought there must have been one or two others involved, but as time went on, we became convinced she acted alone. I wish I could tell you more, Lady Victoria, but after all these years, we still don't have any more information. I believe it's going to remain a mystery. If Lydia had lived, perhaps she could have been persuaded to tell us.'

'The woman's references were impeccable,' her father interjected. The frown on his face intensified while he thought about the treachery.

'We now know she'd gotten rid of you, mi'lady. She must have had cold feet at the last minute. She didn't have any money to support herself without a job. The authorities found her in a tenement building. She'd been strangled. It's believed she came home and interrupted a robbery.'

Elliott abruptly stood up. 'That's enough talk about the past. George, I'll sign these vouchers tomorrow.'

Mary Rose could see how distressed her father had become.

'Will you have time to go riding today, Father?' she asked, thinking to turn his attention.

He believed it was a splendid idea. Mary Rose excused herself and went up to her bedroom to change into her riding habit. She found Harrison hunched over the desk, pouring over old papers again.

'I met MacPherson,' she told him after she'd shut the door behind her. 'Are you certain he's the one behind the kidnapping? He seems to be too refined and timid to ever do anything so bold.'

He rubbed his neck to ease the stiffness, rolled his shoulders, and then stood up. 'Hell, I don't know anymore. Douglas told me the man he saw was dressed in evening attire, and MacPherson was supposed to have gone to the theater with friends.'

'Everyone dresses for the evening.'

'Not staff.'

She sighed. 'You're looking for the discrepancy in one of the charitable donations, aren't you? Have you had any luck yet?'

'There are almost a dozen organizations I've never heard of,' he answered. 'I'll check them out to make certain they exist.'

'And if they are all credible?'

'I'll start looking somewhere else.'

'Why is it so important for you to find out?'

'Are you serious?'

'You seem to be obsessed with this, Harrison. It happened years ago, and if the authorities weren't able to make a connection between MacPherson and the nursemaid, why do you think you can?'

'None of them talked to Douglas,' he answered. 'Your brother's description of the man he saw sounds like MacPherson, doesn't it?'

'He could have been describing a thousand men. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? You're exhausted. You can't keep up this pace much longer. Every spare minute you have you spend poring over old documents. Why is it so important to you?'

He didn't know how to make her understand. 'I have to finish it,' he snapped.

She tried not to be offended by his irritation. Exhaustion was the reason for his behavior.

'Do you have to leave tomorrow?' she asked.


'Where are you going now?' she asked when he reached for his jacket.

'To the office, sweetheart. Quit worrying about me.'

'I wanted to talk to you about our future. Will you have time tonight?'

'I'll make time,' he promised. 'Now, quit worrying about me.'

He had become as abrupt and agitated as her father had been when she'd asked questions about that night so many years ago.

He kissed her good-bye and then left the room. His own personal demons followed him. He felt he had a debt to pay, and if he had become obsessed, it was only because he owed it to his savior to finish what the jackals had started. Harrison couldn't rest until he knew for certain that MacPherson wasn't the mastermind behind the crime. He had to at least try to solve the mystery because of the kindness Elliott had shown his father.

The debt consumed him.

The following afternoon Mary Rose happened to be crossing the entryway when the mail was being delivered. She was so eager to find out if any of the letters were from her brothers, she all but snatched them out of the butler's hands.

She spotted Adam's handwriting right away, of course, and let out a cry of joy. Then she ran back upstairs to read his letter in privacy. She knew she was going to weep and didn't want anyone to see her.

Adam wondered why she hadn't written. He told her he realized she must be busy, but it wasn't like her to be unthoughtful, and she surely must know her brothers worried about her. Couldn't she spare a few minutes to pen them a note?

She was horrified by the anguish her brothers must be going through. She was disheartened too. Why hadn't her brothers received her letters?

Had they been intercepted before they left the house? No, of course they hadn't been. Her relatives wouldn't deliberately be cruel, and it would be a grave insult for her to ask.

She wrote back right away, sealed her envelope, and then tucked it into the pocket of her coat. Ann Marie came into the bedroom then.

'Where are you going, mi'lady? Have you forgotten your lessons?'

Mary Rose smiled. 'Missing one afternoon learning how to run a household won't upset my aunt, will it? Will you send Eleanor to me?'

'She's helping to organize your aunt's invitations. Do you wish me to interrupt her?'

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