in England for the rest of her life, can he? She's already married to you. We kind of think of you as our insurance.'

'You met her here,' Cole reminded him. 'Like it or not, you're also a part of her past. You know all about us, but Elliott doesn't. Mary Rose is going to need to rely on your strength and your honor, and we all think you'll probably bring her back home. Yes, sir, that's what we think.'

'Elliott isn't your enemy. If you knew him the way I do, you'd realize he would never make Mary Rose stay anywhere she didn't want to stay.'

'So you say,' Douglas replied. 'We still wanted some protection for our sister.'

'So you let her marry me. You've used backhanded logic. Haven't you considered the possibility that I might want to keep her in Scotland?'

Cole smiled. 'You know what your problem is, Harrison? You're too damned noble for your own good. If she wants to come back to Montana, you'll bring her. You couldn't live with yourself if you made her unhappy. It's a shame, really. Love does have its price. Pleasing Mary Rose is going to be difficult, but you'll try.'

'Just keep your eye on her,' Douglas ordered. 'Don't make us come after you. I know you believe Elliott's a good man, but we don't know him, now, do we?'

Mary Rose interrupted the discussion. Harrison stood up when she walked out onto the porch.

She'd changed her clothes. She'd worn an ivory dress for the wedding ceremony, but now she had on a pale pink dress with white trim. Her hair was pinned up behind her head. She looked very prim and proper to him, and suddenly all he wanted to do was pull the pins out of her hair, take her clothes off her, and make love to her.

She had other ideas in mind. She had a white apron in her hands, and while he stood there watching her, she unfolded the thing and tied it around her waist.

'I guess Harrison 's finally going to see the second floor of the house,' Cole remarked.

'No, he isn't,' Mary Rose blurted out. 'Of course, he could if he wanted to, but I thought it would be nice if he and I stayed in the bunkhouse tonight. Do you mind, Harrison?'

'No,' he answered, wondering over the quick blush that covered her cheeks. He couldn't imagine why she was embarrassed, but he decided he would have to wait until later to find out what was bothering her.

'Why are you putting an apron on?' he asked.

'I was going to help with supper.'

He noticed her hands were shaking then. Her brothers must have noticed too. Douglas frowned with concern. 'Are you feeling all right, Mary Rose? You aren't coming down with Eleanor's ailment, are you?'

'No, I'm fine.'

Harrison decided not to wait to find out what was wrong. He took hold of his bride's hand and half dragged her to the other side of the porch.

'What's the matter with you?'

'Nothing,' she whispered. 'I'm just a little nervous.'


'I just got married.' She all but wailed out the fact.

Harrison tried to take her into his arms. She glanced over her shoulder to look at her brothers, then backed away from him.

The audience obviously embarrassed her. Harrison held on to his patience.

'I just got married too.'

'Yes, of course you did,' she agreed. 'It happened awfully quick, didn't it?'

'Why don't you want to sleep in your room tonight?' She looked horrified. In a low whisper she said, 'They'll hear, Harrison. My brothers hear every little sound.'

He nodded. He finally understood. 'We need a proper honeymoon.'

She gave him an exasperated look. 'You have to go to Hammond tomorrow.'

He nodded agreement. He hadn't forgotten. 'Know what I think we ought to do?'

He leaned down close to her. She edged a little closer to him and tilted her head back. 'What do you think we ought to do?'

'Go tell Corrie.'

'Tell her what?'

'That you're a married woman,' he explained. 'Let's spend the night in the cave. Do you think you could find it again?'

'Yes, of course I could find it. Harrison, do you really want to sleep on a rock floor tonight?'

'I want to get you alone, Mary Rose. Got any better ideas?' He could tell from her expression that she was warming to the idea. 'I've been thinking a lot about that cave,' he whispered. 'I want to go back, but this time, when you start to take off your clothes, I won't stop you.'

Her blush intensified, and she hastily looked over her shoulder once again to make certain her brothers hadn't heard.

'Go and pack your things,' he whispered. 'I'll tell Adam where we're going.'

'Samuel would be happy to fix a basket of food for us,' she said. 'Let Adam ask him, please. He'll hide from you.'

Harrison still didn't believe they had an actual cook, but he went along with her game.

They left for the ridge an hour later. Mary Rose insisted on taking Corrie another basket of gifts, and Adam let her include a book written by a popular fellow named Mark Twain with the condition that Corrie return the book when she was finished reading it. Only then would he lend her another one of his treasures to enjoy.

His bride spent less than an hour talking to her friend, and they reached the cave a little before dark.

She'd carried along a thick quilt, and they used it for their mattress. They didn't need extra blankets that night, for the heat of their bodies pressed against each other kept them warm.

It was the most romantic night either one of them had ever experienced. It was also quite educational for Mary Rose. There weren't any inhibitions, and because they were isolated from the rest of the world, she felt free to do whatever she wanted to do. Harrison taught her how to pleasure him, and she was eager to learn. She was awkward and timid, but only in the beginning, and when she saw how he reacted to her touch, she became bolder and more sure of herself.

By morning light, husband and wife were too exhausted to move. They slept in each other's arms until nearly eight o'clock, made love once again, and reluctantly returned to the ranch.

Harrison left for Blue Belle to meet the judge a short while later. Mary Rose kissed him good-bye and then went up to her room and slept the rest of the morning away.

She walked around in a haze of bliss for the rest of the day. Eleanor was back to complaining about every little thing, but Mary Rose was too happy to be bothered by her grouchy friend.

Cole carried Eleanor downstairs for supper. Her fever had finally broken, and although she looked pale, she had regained her appetite.

She made Cole carry her back up to her room after she'd eaten, and he stayed inside her bedroom a little longer than was necessary. He had told Douglas he was going to have a talk with her about his lack of intentions.

Eleanor didn't take kindly to the news that Cole wasn't the marrying kind. She didn't much like hearing he'd only been dallying with her because he thought she'd be leaving soon, either, and by the time he left the room, she was shouting every raucous curse she had ever heard. She threw a porcelain vase at him and clipped him on the shoulder on his way out the door.

Mary Rose decided to give Eleanor time to calm down before she went upstairs to try and console her. She helped Douglas with the dishes. She thought it was odd that her other brothers continued to sit at the table, and after she'd finished the kitchen duties, she was invited to sit back down.

Adam explained there was an important matter to talk about.

She sat in Harrison 's chair and faced the eldest brother. Her hands were folded in her lap. She leaned back and smiled, relaxed now, for she believed the matter concerned family finances. The brothers only wore such grim expressions when they were worried about money problems.

Cole began the discussion. ' Harrison came here with two motives in mind, Mary Rose. He wanted to learn about ranching because he wants to eventually retire from law and build up a ranch of his own, either in the Highlands or maybe even around here.'

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