Christina shook her head. 'Caine will have had his bath by now and must feel refreshed again. I know both men will want to ask you some questions before they let you rest. Men can be very stubborn,

Jade. It's better to let them have their way every now and again. They're so much easier to manage

that way. Do trust me. I know what I'm talking about.'

Jade tightened her sash on her wrapper and followed Christina. She tried to clear her mind for the inevitable sparring ahead of her. As soon as she walked into the library, she saw Caine. He was leaning against the edge of Lyon's desk, frowning at her. She frowned back.

She really wished he wasn't so handsome. He had bathed and was now dressed in clothes Lyon had

given him. The fit was true, the fawn-colored britches indecently snug. A white cotton shirt covered

his wide shoulders.

Jade sat down in the center of the gold-colored settee. Christina handed her a full goblet of brandy.

'Drink this,' she ordered. 'It will warm your insides.'

Jade took a few dainty sips until she became accustomed to the burning sensation, then emptied the glass.

Christina nodded with satisfaction. Jade felt immensely better, sleepy, too. She leaned back against the cushions and closed her eyes.

'Don't you dare fall asleep,' Caine ordered. 'I have some questions to put to you.'

She didn't bother to open her eyes when she answered him. 'I won't fall asleep, but when I keep my

eyes closed, I don't have to see your mean frowns, Caine. It's much more peaceful this way. Why

were you pretending to be Pagan?'

She'd slipped in that question so smoothly, no one reacted for a full minute.

'He was what?' Lyon finally asked.

'He was pretending to be Pagan,' Jade repeated. 'I don't know how many other famous people he's pretended to be in the past,' she added with a nod. 'Still, it seems to me that your friend has an

affliction of sorts.'

Caine looked as if he wanted to throttle her. Christina held her smile. 'Lyon? I don't believe I've ever seen our friend this upset.'

'Neither have I,' Lyon returned.

Caine successfully glared him into quitting his comments. 'This isn't a usual circumstance,' he muttered.

'I doubt he's ever pretended to be Napoleon though,' Jade interjected. 'He's too tall to pull it off. Besides, everyone knows what Napoleon looks like.'

'Enough,' Caine bellowed. He took a deep breath, then continued in a softer tone. 'I'll explain why I

was pretending to be Pagan after you've told me everything that led up to this black night.'

'You make it sound as though everything is my fault!' she cried out.

He closed his eyes. 'I do not fault you.'

'Oh, yes, you do,' she argued. 'You're the most exasperating man. I've been through a terrible time

and you've shown me as much compassion as a jackal.'

Caine had to count to ten before he could trust himself not to shout at her.

'Why don't you just start at the beginning?' Lyon suggested.

Jade didn't pay any attention to Lyon's request. Her full attention was centered on Caine. He was still a little too controlled for her liking. 'If you don't start giving me a little sympathy and understanding, I'm going to start shouting.'

'You're already shouting,' he told her with a grin.

That statement gave her pause. She took a deep breath, then decided to take a different tack. 'Those terrible men ruined everything,' she announced. 'My brother had just finished renovating his lovely

home and they ruined it. I cannot tell you how disappointed Nathan is going to be when he finds out.

Oh, quit staring at me like that, Caine. I don't care if you believe me or not.'

'Now, Jade…'

'Don't talk to me.'

'You seem to have lost control of the conversation,' Lyon pointed out to Caine.

'I was never in control,' Caine answered. 'Jade, we're going to have to talk to each other,' he announced then. 'Yes,' he added when he thought she was about to interrupt. 'You have been through a trying time. I'll give you that much.'

He thought his tone had been filled with understanding. He wanted to appease her, yet knew he'd failed when she continued to frown at him. 'You're the most galling man. Why do you have to sound so superior all the time?'

Caine turned to Lyon. 'Did I sound superior?'

Lyon shrugged. Christina nodded. 'If Jade thinks you sounded superior,' she said. 'Then perhaps you did, just a little.'

'You treat me like an imbecile,' Jade said. 'Doesn't he, Christina?'

'Since you are my friend, I will of course agree with you,' Christina answered.

'Thank you,' Jade replied before turning her attention back to Caine. 'I'm not a child.'

'I've noticed.'

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