'No,' Jade screamed. 'Nathan, please don't hurt Caine. Caine, you mustn't hurt Nathan either…'

She quit her pleas when she realized they weren't paying any attention to her.

Caine got in the first toss. He literally threw Nathan up against the wall. A lovely painting depicting the Thames in earlier, cleaner times fell to the floor with a loud thud. Nathan finished the destruction of the artwork when he put his foot through it in an attempt to slam his knee into Caine's groin.

He was determined to make a eunuch out of him. Caine easily blocked the blow, however, then threw Nathan up against the wall again. Jade's brother landed the first good punch, though it was most assuredly by foul means. Caine had Nathan by his neck and was just about to smash his fist through the back of his skull when his attention was caught by the man standing in the doorway. His hold immediately slackened. Nathan pressed his advantage. He slammed his fist into Caine's jaw.

Caine shook off the blow as insignificant, then shoved Nathan against the wall again.


The name came out in a strangled whisper of disbelief. His mind couldn't accept what he was seeing.

His brother was alive. Colin was leaning against the door frame, grinning that lopsided grin of his that

was so familiar, so boyish… so Colin. He looked thin, terribly thin, but very much alive.

Caine was so stunned he didn't realize he was strangling Nathan until he heard him gasping for air. As soon as he lessened his grip, Nathan tore free and hit him again. Caine ignored the blow and finally let go.

Almost as an afterthought, Caine slammed his elbow into Nathan's ribs, then took a step toward Colin.

'Honest to God, Colin, I'm going to kill your brother,' Nathan shouted. 'Do you know what he's done

to my sister? He…'

'Nathan, you don't have to tell Colin,' Jade cried out. 'Please,' she added. 'For once, try to be a gentleman.'

Colin slowly pulled away from the door. He used his cane to aid him as he made his way over to his brother. Caine was shaking with emotion when he wrapped his arms around his little brother. 'My

God, you're really here. I cannot believe it.'

'I'm so damned happy to see you, Caine,' Colin said. 'I know you're surprised. I'll explain everything. Try not to be too angry with me. I wouldn't let anyone tell you. I wanted to explain first. They're evil men. You would have gone charging in…'

Colin didn't seem to have the strength to go on. He sagged against Caine, giving him most of his weight. Caine continued to hold him close while he waited for his brother to regain his composure. 'Take your time, Colin,' he whispered. 'Just take your time.'

When Colin nodded, Caine stepped back to have another look at his brother. The dimple was back in Caine's cheek and tears had formed in his eyes. 'Colin, you look like a pirate, too,' he announced.

'Your hair's as long as Pagan's,' he added with a nod and a scowl in Nathan's direction.

Nathan scowled back. 'I haven't told him anything, Colin,' Nathan said. 'But your astute brother has it

all figured out. He knows I'm Pagan and I sent my little sister to whore for me.'

Jade wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole. Her face felt like it was on fire. 'Nathan,

if Caine doesn't kill you, I very well might,' she threatened.

Colin was staring at her. When he started laughing, she knew exactly what he was thinking. 'Didn't I tell you…' he began.

'Colin, do sit down,' she commanded. 'You must get your weight off that leg. It's too soon for you to

be walking.'

Colin wasn't about to forget Nathan's horrid comment. 'I knew you and Caine would…' He let out a sigh. 'I did warn you, didn't I?'

'Colin, I don't want to hear another word about Caine and me,' she shouted. 'It's over, finished. Do you understand? Where is Winters?' she added in a rush, hoping to turn his attention. 'The physician should be at our side.'

'Winters was with you?' Caine asked.

'Pagan convinced him to take care of me aboard the Emerald,' Colin explained. He hobbled over to the settee and sat down. 'He was a little resistant at first, but Pagan can be very persuasive. And in the end,

I think Winters had the time of his life.'

'Well, where is he?' Jade asked.

'We let him go home,' Colin answered. 'Now quit fretting. It's just going to take time for the leg to heal.'

Jade pushed a pillow behind Colin's back, then propped his feet up on a large round footstool.

'I believe I will order some refreshments for you, Colin,' she said. 'You look too pale to me. The walk from the drive tired you out, didn't it?'

She didn't give him time to answer, but picked up her skirts and started for the drawing room doors. Caine blocked her path. 'You aren't going anywhere.'

She refused to look up at him as she tried to move around him. Caine took hold of her arm. The grip

was stinging. 'Sit down, Jade.'


Colin said her name in a surprised whisper.

'I have allowed Caine to call me by my given name.'

'Allowed?' Nathan asked.

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