'Uncle, try the others on,' Jade suggested. 'There might be another pair that will do just as well.'

Harry did as she suggested, then tucked another pair in his pocket.

'You did your task well, men. I'm proud of you.'

Caine's head dropped forward. The picture of how Harry's men had come by the spectacles forced a reluctant smile.

'Half of England will be squinting before Harry goes home,' Colin predicted with a deep chuckle.

'You being insulting, boy?' Harry asked.

'No, just honest,' Colin answered.

Sterns opened the doors then and announced that dinner was now ready to be served.

Harry bounded out of his chair. Nathan and Colin moved out of his way just as he kicked the footstool out of his path. 'Are you coming with me, girl?' Harry asked as he charged past Jade.

Caine increased his grip on her hand. 'No, Uncle, I'm staying here,' Jade called out. 'I have a little explaining to do. Enjoy your meal with your men.'

As soon as Harry left the room, Jade motioned for the men to follow. Jimbo looked like he wanted to argue with that command. His expression bordered on hostility. His target was Caine.

Jade simply stared at Jimbo. The silent message got through and the big man hurried out of the room.

'Shut the doors behind you,' she called out.

'I might not be able to hear you if you call out,' Jimbo argued.

'You'll hear me,' Jade promised.

'You'll hear me too,' Nathan drawled out. 'I can take care of my sister, Jimbo.'

'That's still to be proven,' Jimbo muttered loud enough for everyone to hear. He gave Caine one last glare, then shut the doors.

'Are you rested enough to explain this problem to Caine? I really would like to get this over with,

Colin, so I can leave.'

Caine gave her hand another good squeeze.

'Yes, I'm rested enough,' Colin said. He turned to Nathan, received his nod, then turned his attention back to Caine. 'When I was in my last year at Oxford, a man by the name of Willburn approached me. He was from the War Office and he was recruiting men to do some undercover work for England. Our country wasn't officially at war with France yet, but everyone knew it was coming. Anyway, Willburn knew you worked for Richards. I was still sworn to secrecy. I should have wondered at the time why I couldn't discuss my duties with you, Caine, but I didn't. You never talked about your work, and I figured that was the way it was supposed to be. In all honesty, I think I was enamored with this spy business.' His expression became sheepish when he added, 'I saw myself as England's savior for a while, anyway.'

'How did you meet Nathan?' Caine asked.

'Almost a year after I'd started working for Willburn. We were paired together then. He was recruited in much the same way I was. Eventually Nathan and I became good friends.' He paused to smile at his friend. 'Nathan's a hard man to like.'

'I've noticed,' Caine said.

'Get on with it, Colin,' Nathan ordered.

'It took a long time to win Nathan's trust, almost another full year working together as a matter of fact. He didn't confide in me in all that time. Then, on a trip back from France, he told me about the letters Pagan had found.'

Colin shifted positions, grimacing in pain. Nathan caught the expression before anyone else did and immediately righted the stool for his friend. With a gentleness surprising in such a large man, he lifted Colin's injured leg, slipped a cushion under the heel, then asked, 'It's better now?'

'Yes, thank you,' Colin answered. 'Now where was I?'

Caine was watching Nathan. He could still see the concern in Nathan's eyes. He suddenly realized he couldn't hate the man after all.

That revelation was one hell of a disappointment. Caine wanted to hate him. The bastard had deserted

his own sister, left her on her own to fend for herself. He was the reason Jade had so many shields guarding her heart, the reason she had had so much pain.

Yet Colin was alive.

'Caine?' Colin asked, drawing his brother back to the discussion. 'Do you believe it's possible for a government to operate within a government?'

'Anything is possible,' Caine answered.

'Have you ever heard of the Tribunal?' Colin asked. His voice had dropped to a whisper.

Both Colin and Nathan exchanged a nod. They were prepared to hear Caine's denial. Then they were going to knock the breath out of him with the facts they'd uncovered.

'Yes, I've heard of the Tribunal.'

Colin was astonished. 'You have?'

'When?' Nathan demanded. 'How?'

'There was an investigation immediately after your father's death, Nathan. The Earl was linked to all

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