'I'm wondering to meself why you haven't noticed both Matthew and Jimbo are missing,' he interrupted. 'That's telling, ain't it?'

'She's still in danger.'

'She'll do all right.'

'Tell me where she is,' Caine demanded.

'She's running from you, I imagine.'

Caine didn't want to waste any more time arguing with Harry. He turned around and almost ripped the hinges off the door as he pulled it open.

'Where you going, boy?' Harry called out.

There was more than a thread of amusement in the old man's voice. Caine wanted to kill him.

'Tracking, Harry.'

'You any good at it?'

Caine didn't bother to answer that question.

'She's led you a merry chase with her little deception, now hasn't she? I'd have to say she did a fair job

of impressing you,' Harry called out at Caine's back.

Caine turned around. 'What's the point, Harry?'

'Well now, I'm thinking to meself it's about time you did a little impressing of your own, assuming, of course, that you're up to it.'

Caine took the steps to his bedroom two at a time. He was pulling his shirt over his head by the time Nathan caught up with him.

'What's happening now?' Nathan demanded.

'Jade's gone.'

'Damn,' Nathan muttered. 'You going after her?'

'I am.'

'I'll go with you.'


'You could use my help.'

'No,' Caine snapped. 'I'll find her.'

Nathan reluctantly nodded. 'You any good at tracking?'

Caine nodded. 'I'm good.'

'She left you a message.'

'I saw it.'

Nathan strolled over to the side of Caine's bed and lifted the long-stemmed white rose from the pillow.

He inhaled the sweet fragrance, then walked over to the window to look outside.

'Is she in love with you?' Nathan asked.

'She is,' Caine answered. His voice lost its brittle edge. 'She just doesn't know it yet.'

Nathan tossed the rose back on the bed. 'I'd say Jade was telling you goodbye when she left you the rose.'


'She might be reminding you who she is, Caine.'

'That's part of it,' Caine said. He completed his change of clothes, stomped into his boots, and started

for the door.

'Then what's the rest?' Nathan asked as he trailed after him.

'Harry's right,' Caine muttered.


'She's trying to impress me.'

Nathan laughed. 'That, too,' he agreed.

Caine bellowed for Sterns as he bounded down the stairs. The servant appeared at the doorway to the drawing room. 'Lyon will find Richards for us,' Caine said. 'When the two arrive, make them wait until

I get back, no matter how long it takes.'

'What if your friend can't find Richards?' Nathan asked.

'He'll find him,' Caine answered. 'I probably won't be back before tomorrow morning,' he said. 'Take care of things while I'm gone, Sterns. You know what to do.'

'Meaning the guards, mi'lord?'

Caine nodded. He started for the door, but Sterns' question stopped him.

'Where are you going, mi'lord?'

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