New Testament, i Peter, 3:7

'I'm not marrying anyone.' Madelyne meant to shout her decision, but the words came out strangled. She couldn't help that, for she finally understood what Duncan meant to do. Gilard might not challenge that decision, but she certainly was going to.

Duncan did seem determined in the matter. He ignored Madelyne's struggle to get away from him and motioned for the priest to begin the ceremony.

Father Laurance was so flustered, he couldn't even remember most of the standard phrases, and Madelyne was so incensed, she wasn't paying the least attention. She was too busy yelling at the man trying to squeeze her to death.

When Madelyne heard Duncan promise to take her as wife, she shook her head. The priest then asked her if she'd have Duncan for husband. Madelyne gave an immediate answer. 'Nay, I will not.'

Duncan didn't care for her answer. He gripped her so tightly, Madelyne thought he was trying to push the bones right out of her.

Duncan grabbed hold of her hair, twisted it back until she was looking up at him. 'Answer him again, Madelyne,' Duncan suggested.

The look in his eyes almost changed her determination. 'Let go of me first,' she demanded.

Duncan, believing she meant to obey him, released her. His arm settled on top of her shoulders again. 'Ask her again,' he told the frazzled priest.

Father Laurance looked ready to faint. He stuttered out the question again.

Madelyne didn't yell a denial or an acceptance. She didn't say anything at all. Let them stand there until morning, she didn't care. No one was forcing her into this mockery.

She hadn't counted on Gilard's interference. Madelyne thought he looked as if he wanted to kill Duncan. When his hand went to the handle of his sword, and he took a threatening step forward, she let out an involuntary gasp. Good God, he was going to challenge Duncan. 'I do take you, Duncan,' she blurted out. She continued to stare at Gilard, saw the indecision in his eyes, and added, 'Willingly do I pledge myself.'

Gilard's hands dropped back to his sides. Madelyne's shoulders sagged with relief.

Adela walked over to stand between Edmond and Gilard. She smiled at Madelyne. Edmond was grinning too. Madelyne wanted to scream at both of them. She didn't dare, what with Gilard looking so crazed.

The priest rushed through the rest of the ceremony. After giving an awkward, backward blessing, he excused himself and rushed out of the room. His color had turned green. The man was obviously terrified of Duncan. She understood that feeling well enough.

Duncan finally let go of Madelyne. She rounded on him then. 'This marriage is a mockery,' she whispered so that Gilard wouldn't hear. 'The priest didn't even give us a proper blessing.'

Duncan had the audacity to smile at her. 'You told me you never make mistakes, Duncan. This time you certainly have. Now you've gone and ruined your life. And for what purpose? Your vengeance against my brother is endless, isn't it?'

'Madelyne, the marriage is real enough. Go up to my room and wait for me, wife. I'll join you soon.'

He deliberately stressed the word wife. Madelyne stared up at him in astonishment. There was a warm glint in his eye now. His room?

Madelyne jumped when Adela touched her on the shoulder, trying to tell her everything would be all right. That was certainly easy enough for her to say; she wasn't the one bound to a wolf.

She had to get away from all the Wextons. There was so much to think through. Madelyne lifted the skirt of her gown and slowly started to walk out of the room.

Edmond stopped her when she reached the entrance by putting his hand on her arm. 'I would welcome you into our family,' he said.

The brother actually looked as though he meant what he said. That infuriated Madelyne almost as much as his horrible smile. She much preferred him scowling at her. 'Don't you dare smile at me, Edmond, or I'll hit you. Just see if I don't.'

He looked surprised enough to satisfy her. 'I seem to remember your threat to hit me for just the opposite reason, Madelyne.'

She didn't have the faintest idea what he was talking about. Nor did she particularly care, for her mind was filled with far more important matters. Madelyne pulled away from Edmond, muttering to herself that she hoped he'd choke on his dinner, and then he walked out of the room.

Gilard tried to go after Madelyne but Edmond grabbed him. 'She's your brother's wife now, Gilard. Honor that bond.' Edmond kept his voice low so Duncan wouldn't overhear. The eldest brother had turned his back on them and was staring at the fire again.

'I would have made her happy, Edmond. Madelyne has had so much pain in her life. She deserves to be content.'

'Are you blind, brother? Haven't you seen the way Madelyne looks at Duncan and the way he stares at her? They care for each other.'

'You're mistaken,' Gilard answered. 'Madelyne hates Duncan.'

'Madelyne doesn't hate anyone. She isn't capable of it.' Edmond smiled at his brother. 'You just don't want to admit the truth. Why do you think I've been so angry with Madelyne? Hell, I could see the attraction from the beginning. Why, Duncan never left her side when she was so ill.'

'That was only because he felt responsible for her,' Gilard argued.

The youngest brother was trying desperately to hold on to his anger, yet Edmond 's argument was staring to sound reasonable.

' Duncan married Madelyne because he wanted to. You know, Gilard, it's quite remarkable that our brother married because of love. In these times, that is a rarity. He'll not gain any lands, only the king's displeasure.'

'He doesn't love her,' Gilard muttered.

'Aye, he does,' Edmond contradicted his brother. 'He just doesn't know it yet.'

Duncan 's mind wasn't on his brothers. He ignored them as he reviewed his plans for tomorrow. The messenger had hinted they'd attack with first light if Madelyne wasn't given to them. Duncan knew it was a bluff. He was almost disappointed. Aye, he was aching for another battle with anyone pledged to Louddon. However, the paltry assembly freezing their backsides outside his walls wouldn't be foolish enough to challenge their leader's petition. They knew they were outnumbered, outskilled. Louddon had probably sent them so that he could stand before his king and show he'd tried to regain his sister back without involving his leader.

Satisfied with his conclusions, Duncan put the matter aside and turned his thoughts to his new life. How long would it take her to accept him as husband? It didn't make the least difference to him how long it took, he told himself, but the sooner she came to terms with her new life, the better for her own peace of mind.

He felt honor bound to keep her safe. She'd given him her courage and her trust. He couldn't turn his back on her. Aye, it was a sense of duty that propelled him into this hasty decision. Sending her back to Louddon would be like sending a child into a cage to fight a lion.

'Hell,' he muttered to himself. He'd known from the beginning, when he first touched her, that he'd never let her go. 'She is making me daft,' he said, uncaring who overheard.

She did please him. He hadn't realized just how rigid his life had been, until Madelyne began to interfere. She could get reactions from him with just an innocent look. When he wasn't thinking about strangling her, he was obsessed with kissing her. It didn't matter that Louddon was her brother. Madelyne didn't have his black soul; she was gifted with a pure heart and a capacity for love that rocked all of Duncan 's cynical beliefs.

Duncan smiled. He wondered what state he'd find Madelyne in when he went upstairs. Would she be terrified or would she give him one of her practiced serene expressions again? Would his new wife be a kitten or a tigress?

He left the hall and went in search of Anthony. After listening to his vassal's congratulations on his marriage, he gave Anthony additional instructions for the night's watch. The nightly ritual of swimming in his lake came next. Duncan took his time, giving Madelyne a bit longer to prepare herself for him. It had been over an hour since Madelyne had stormed out of the hall.

Duncan decided that was time enough. He took the steps two at a time. It wasn't going to be easy to

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