Duncan didn't get either. Madelyne didn't apologize or thank him. He frowned over her stubbornness and then tilted her head back so he could look at her face.

She was sound asleep. She probably hadn't heard a word he'd said. He should have been angry with her. It was certainly disrespectful at the very least. Duncan kissed her instead of waking her. Madelyne snuggled closer. Her hands crept up around his neck.

Edmond walked into the hall just as Duncan placed a second kiss on the top of Madelyne's head. 'She's asleep?' Edmond asked.

'My lecture frightened her into a faint,' Duncan answered dryly.

Edmond laughed, remembered Madelyne was sleeping, and softened his voice.

'Don't worry about waking her, Edmond. She sleeps like a well-fed kitten.'

'Your wife puts in a long day. The food at dinner was exceptional and all because Madelyne demands perfection from her staff. I ate four tarts,' Edmond admitted. 'And did you know it was Madelyne's own recipe given to Gerty?'

'Her staff?'

'Aye, they are loyal to Madelyne now.'

'And you, Edmond? Are you loyal to Madelyne?'

'She's my sister now, Duncan. I would give my life to protect her,' he added.

'I don't doubt you, Edmond,' Duncan returned when he caught the defense in Edmond 's voice.

'Then why did you ask?' Edmond said. He pulled up a chair and sat down, facing his brother. 'Did Gerald bring news concerning Madelyne?'

Duncan started to nod but as soon as he moved his head, Madelyne took up the space under his chin. He smiled. 'Gerald did bring news. Our king is still in Normandy, but Louddon is gathering his troops. Gerald lines with us, of course.'

'I am bound to return to Baron Rhinehold in just three weeks,' Edmond remarked. 'Though he has my pledge of fealty, I'm vassal to our king first, you second, Rhinehold third. For that reason, Rhinehold would allow me to stay here as long as I'm needed.'

'Rhinehold would also line up with Gerald and me against Louddon if it became necessary. Together we can muster over a thousand men.'

'You forget your alliance with the Scots,' Edmond reminded Duncan. 'Catherine's husband could rally eight hundred, perhaps more.'

'I haven't forgotten, yet I don't wish to bring Catherine's family into this feud,' Duncan answered.

'And if the king sides with Louddon?'

'He won't.'

'How can you be so certain?' Edmond asked.

'There are many misunderstandings about our king, Edmond. I've fought by his side many times. He's thought to have an uncontrollable temper. Yet, once in battle, one of his own men accidentally knocked our king to the ground. Soldiers surrounded William, each vowing to kill the careless vassal. The king laughed over the mishap, slapped the soldier on the shoulder who'd thrown him down, and then bade him to remount his horse and see to his defense.'

Edmond mulled over the story. 'It's said Louddon has an unusual hold over the king's mind.'

'I doubt our king would let anyone rule his mind.'

'I pray you're right, brother.'

'There is another matter I wish to discuss with you, Edmond. The Falcon holding to be exact.'

'What about it?' Edmond asked, frowning. The Falcon land was barren but thought to be rich fanning land, owned by Duncan. It consisted of the southernmost area of the Wexton holdings.

'I would like you to oversee that domain, Edmond. Build yourself a fortress there. I would deed the land over to you if it were possible. The king wouldn't allow it, unless a way was found to gain his pleasure.'

Duncan paused while he considered the complexities of the problem.

Edmond was stunned by his brother's comments. ' 'Tis unheard of, this plan you propose,' he stammered. For the first time in his life, Edmond was actually rattled. And though it was highly improbable, a beacon of hope flamed in his heart. To own his own land, to rule as his own master, why, it was all too overwhelming to take in.

'Why would you want me to take over Falcon land?' Edmond asked.


'I don't understand.'

'My wife listened to Gilard and me discussing the king's brothers. When Gilard left the hall, Madelyne pointed out how restless Robert and Henry were. She believes it's because neither was given sufficient responsibility.'

'Good Lord, Robert was given Normandy,' Edmond interjected.

'Aye,' Duncan said, smiling. 'But the king's youngest brother was given gold and a small, insignificant holding from his father and I can see the restlessness in him. He's a born leader, denied by birth the right to rule.'

'If there is a parallel, I am eager to hear it,' Edmond said.

'Madelyne did start me thinking. You're vassal to me and to Rhinehold, and those duties must remain intact, yet, if we could gain the king's grant, then you could take Falcon and make it profitable. You've a good head for turning one coin into ten, Edmond.'

The brother smiled, pleased with the compliment. 'If nought comes of our petition, you'll still build your home there and act as my overseer. The king will welcome the additional tithing and won't care which brother makes the contribution.'

'I'm in agreement with your plan,' Edmond announced, smiling now.

'Gilard will soon return to Baron Thormont to complete his forty days,' Duncan interjected.

'Gilard has a way of leading others and will soon become first-in-command just as Anthony has became your first-in-command,' Edmond said.

'Our brother will have to learn to control his temper first,' Duncan commented.

Edmond nodded in agreement. 'You've still to tell me what news Gerald brings us about Madelyne,' he said then.

'Gerald is convinced that the king's brother, Henry, might be stirring up mischief. Gerald has been requested to speak with Henry.'

'When? Where?'

'The Clares will have Henry as their guest. I don't know when the meeting will come about.'

'Do you think Henry will ask Gerald's loyalty against our king?' Edmond asked. 'And what of you? Are you also invited to this gathering?'

'Nay. He knows I'll stand beside my king,' Duncan answered.

'You suggest Henry will turn against William then?'

'If I was convinced of that, I'd stand in front of our leader and give my life for him. I am honor bound to protect him.'

Edmond nodded, satisfied. 'Gerald said that the number of those becoming discontent is growing. There is more than one plot to kill him. That is not unusual. His father had just as many enemies.'

When Duncan didn't comment, Edmond continued. 'Gerald believes he's been invited to join this gathering because of his friendship to me. He thinks Henry wants to know if I'll honor him as king in the event of William's death.'

'We wait to see what the outcome of this meeting brings?'

'Aye, we wait.' Edmond frowned. 'There is much to consider, brother.'

'Tell me this, Edmond,' Duncan asked, changing the topic, 'does Gilard still believe himself in love with Madelyne?'

Edmond shrugged. 'He was having a time of it, adjusting to your marriage,' he admitted. 'But he's over the infatuation now, I believe. He loves Madelyne, yet she keeps calling him brother, and that puts a damper on his ardor. I'm surprised though that you noticed Gilard's affliction.'

'Gilard wears his thoughts on his face,' Duncan remarked. 'Did you see the way he reached for his sword during the marriage ceremony, when he thought I was forcing Madelyne?'

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