propped his head up with one elbow, and casually draped one heavy thigh over her legs.

Madelyne thought he looked most arrogant. He stared at her with such a smug expression on his face. A lock of hair had fallen forward to rest against his forehead.

Madelyne was about to reach up and brush the hair back in place when Duncan spoke. 'I love you, Madelyne.'

Her hand froze in the air between them.

Madelyne's eyes widened and it was then that Duncan realized what he'd said to her.

It wasn't at all how he'd planned it. She was supposed to tell him she loved him. He smiled over his own blunder while he patiently waited for her to recover from his admission and tell him how much she loved him.

Madelyne couldn't believe he'd said the words. His expression turned solemn, telling her he meant what he said.

She started to cry. Duncan didn't know what to make of that. 'Are you weeping because I've told you I love you?'

Madelyne shook her head. 'No,' she whispered.

'Then why are you so upset? I have just pleased you, haven't I?'

He actually sounded a little worried. Madelyne wiped the tears from her cheeks, bumping Duncan 's chin. 'You have pleased me,' she told him. 'I'm so frightened, Duncan. You shouldn't love me.'

Duncan sighed. He decided he'd have to wait a few more minutes to get a decent explanation out of her. She was shivering too much to speak coherently.

He really held his patience, but once he'd carried Madelyne to their bed and they were under the covers, she snuggled up against him and didn't say a word.

'Why are you afraid?' he asked. 'Is it so terrible for me to love you?'

His voice was filled with tenderness and that made Madelyne cry again. 'There can be no hope for us. Duncan. The king will-'

'Give us his blessing, Madelyne. Our king will have to approve this marriage.'

He sounded so sure of himself. She drew comfort from his confidence. 'Tell me why you think the king will side with you. Make me understand. I don't want to be frightened.'

Duncan sighed. 'King William and I have known each other since we were young boys. He has many flaws, but he has proven himself to be an able leader. You dislike him because of the stories you've heard from your uncle. And your uncle reflects only the attitudes of his church. The king has lost the support of the clergy because he took treasures from their monasteries. He has never been quick to replace any church official either. The clergy belittles our king because he doesn't bend to their dictates.'

'But why do you think-'

'Do not interrupt me when I'm instructing you,' Duncan said. He softened his command by giving her a gentle squeeze. 'Though I don't mean to boast, in truth I've helped our king unite the Scots and maintain a peaceful coexistence. The king knows my value. I've a well-trained army he can call upon in time of need, Madelyne. He relies on my loyalty. I would never betray him. He knows that too.'

'But, Duncan, Louddon is his special friend,' Madelyne interjected. 'Marta told me so and I've also heard rumors from my uncle's friends.'

'Who is this Marta?'

'One of the servants assigned to my uncle,' Madelyne answered.

'Ah, then she must surely be as infallible as the pope,' Duncan returned. 'Is that your way of thinking?'

'Of course not,' Madelyne muttered. She tried to turn around to look at Duncan, but he wouldn't let her move. She settled back against his shoulder and said, 'My brother even boasts of his power over William.'

'Tell me, wife, what you mean by special,' Duncan commanded.

Madelyne shook her head vehemently. 'I cannot say the words. It would be sinful.'

Duncan sighed in exasperation. He knew well enough what the king's preferences were, had guessed long ago that Louddon was more than a clerk in William's court. He was surprised, however, that his innocent little wife would have such knowledge.

'You will just have to trust me on this, Duncan, when I tell you it's a sinful pact between my brother and our king.'

'It will not matter,' Duncan returned. 'We'll not speak of this any longer, since it seems to embarrass you so. I know what you mean by special, Madelyne. Yet the king will not betray his barons. Honor is on my side in this feud.'

'Are we speaking about the same honor that got you tied to a post in Louddon's fortress perchance?' Madelyne asked. 'You're so honorable, you trusted Louddon to honor the temporary truce, didn't you?'

'It was a most carefully thought out plan,' Duncan answered. His voice grated against Madelyne's ear. 'I never trusted your brother.'

'He could have killed you before your men gained entrance, Duncan,' Madelyne returned. 'As for that matter, you could have frozen to death. I, of course, saved you. Honor had little to do with it.'

Duncan didn't argue with her. Madelyne was wrong in her assumptions, of course, but he didn't feel he needed to point out her error.

'Louddon will use me to harm you.'

That comment didn't make any sense at all. 'Madelyne, there isn't a baron in England who hasn't heard about Adela. If the king turns his back on the truth, he'll have made his first foolish mistake. There are other loyal barons who will stand by me. We are all honor bound to our leader, aye, but he must also act with honor toward each of us. Otherwise our pledge of fealty means nothing. Have faith in me, Madelyne. Louddon cannot win this war. Trust me, wife, to know what's to be done.'

Madelyne thought about what he said for several minutes and then whispered, 'I've always trusted you, ever since that night we slept together in your tent. You promised me you wouldn't touch me when I slept, and I believed you.'

Duncan smiled over the memory. 'Now do you realize how absurd it was for you to think I could take advantage without you knowing it?'

Madelyne nodded. 'I am a very sound sleeper, Duncan,' she teased.

'Madelyne, I'm not going to let you ignore our initial topic. I've just vowed my love for you. Have you nothing to say to me in return?' Duncan asked.

'Thank you, husband.'

'Thank you?' He shouted the words back at her. His patience deserted him. Madelyne was supposed to tell him how much she loved him and why the hell she didn't know that infuriated him.

Madelyne suddenly found herself flat on her back with her husband looming over her. The muscle in the side of his jaw flexed, a true indication of his anger. He looked ready to do battle.

She wasn't the least intimidated. Madelyne gently stroked his shoulders, then let the palms of her hands slowly slide down his arms. His body was stiff, rigid. She could feel the strength of steel under her fingertips. Madelyne never took her gaze away from his as she caressed him. And though she could feel the power in him, she could also see the vulnerability in his eyes. It was a look she'd never seen before but recognized all the same. Duncan looked good and worried.

When she gifted him with a tender smile, Duncan immediately stopped frowning. He saw the sparkle in her eyes and responded to it. His body relaxed against her.

'You dare to tease me?'

'I'm not teasing you,' Madelyne told him. 'You've just given me the most wonderful gift, Duncan. I am overwhelmed.'

He waited to hear more. 'You're the only man to ever tell me you love me.' Madelyne whispered. A wrinkle crossed her brow and she added, 'How could I not love you in return?'

She looked as if she'd only just realized that fact. Duncan 's sigh of exasperation all but parted her hair. 'Then I suppose I'm damn fortunate Gilard didn't tell you he loved you first.'

'He did,' Madelyne announced, smiling over the startle that admission caused. 'But I didn't count that pledge of love as being the first, you see, because it wasn't really true. Your brother had a small infatuation.'

Madelyne suddenly stretched up and kissed Duncan. She put her hands around his waist and squeezed him. 'Oh, Duncan, I've loved you for the longest time. What a fool I've been not to have realized it sooner. Though I

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