'Where does the name Bowen come from?'

'It comes from the word Bowie, like in the knife.'

'For Jim Bowie? Did he stop by too?'

'We like to think he did.'

'You're putting me on.'

'No, I'm not,' Jake insisted. 'Of course, Jim didn't show up at the same time Daniel did. He came years later, in the 1800s,' he said.

'Are you sure you aren't getting Daniel Boone mixed up with Davy Crockett?'

'I sure hope not. The school's already got the lettering on it in stone.'

'Is there proof that Boone was in Bowen?'

'None to speak of,' Jake admitted with a twinkle in his eye. 'But we believe it to be true. Now, as I was telling you, the Bowen kids used to have to bus over to the fancy high school in St. Claire, but it just got too cramped. It was past time we had our own. We've even got a football team. We were all real excited about that last year… until we saw them play. Lord, they're a sorry

lot at best. I never missed a game though, and I won't miss this year either because, now that my daughter is home, she'll be going with me. Mike agreed to be the team's physician, which means she's got to sit on the sidelines and fix them up when they get hurt. We all know they're going to get trounced again, but I figure I ought to be supportive of their efforts by showing up and cheering them on. We didn't win a single game last year. We've got some real big boys, but they don't know what to do when they get the ball. They don't know how to hit either. You like to watch football, Theo?'

'Sure,' he said.

'You ever play?'

'Yes, I did,' he answered. 'High school, and college until I trashed my knee.'

'What position? You're tall and thick through the shoulders. I'd guess quarterback.'

Theo nodded. 'That's right. It seems like a long time ago.'

Jake had a speculative gleam in his eyes. 'You ever think about coaching?'

Theo laughed. 'No, I haven't.'

'Mike might be able to fix up your knee for you.'

'You must be very proud of your daughter, coming back home to open a clinic.'

'Of course I'm proud of her,' he said. 'I'm not going to let her work herself to the bone, though. There are other doctors in

St. Claire, and they'll be taking call for one another so each of them can have some time off now and again.'

'Why is she doing surgery here in Brethren?'

'To make some extra money. They call it moonlighting, but she's finished now and won't be coming back. Do you like to fish?'

'I used to, but the last few years, there just hasn't been any time for it,' he admitted. 'I remember, though, there's nothing like

that feeling of peace that comes over a man when he's-'

'Holding a fishing pole in one hand and a cold beer in the other?'

'Yeah, that's right. Nothing like it in the world.'

They started discussing their favorite lures and bait, and then did a good deal of bragging about the fish they'd caught. Jake was impressed. He didn't think anyone understood or loved fishing as much as he did, but he had to admit that from the way Theo talked, he had met his match.

'I'm telling you, you ought to come up to Bowen. We've got the best fishing in the state, and I mean to prove it to you. We'll pass

a good time out on my dock.'

'I may take you up on the offer sometime,' he said.

'What do you do for a living?' Jake asked.

'I'm an attorney.'

'How come the chief of police is sending you flowers?' he asked. He looked sheepish as he added, 'They were sitting on the counter at the nurses' station before they brought them on in here, and I read the card.'

'I came to New Orleans to give a speech,' he said, leaving out the feet that he was being honored by the local authorities.

'I work for the Justice Department.'

'Doing what exactly?'

'I was assigned to a special task force,' he said. He realized he was still being evasive and added, 'The area was organized

crime. I just finished up.'

'Did you get your man?'

Theo smiled. 'Yeah, I did.'

'Are you out of a job now?'

'No,' he answered. 'Justice wants me to stay on. I'm not sure what I'm going to do.'

Jake continued with his questions. Theo thought he would have made a great prosecutor. He had a sharp mind and a quick wit.

'You ever think about going into private practice?' Jake asked.


'There aren't any good attorneys in Bowen. We got two over in St. Claire, but they'll rob you blind. Folks don't think much of them.'

While Jake talked about his town, Theo kept trying to think of a subtle way to bring the subject back to Michelle.

'Is your daughter married?' So much for subtle.

'I was wondering when you were going to get around to asking me about Mike. The answer's no, she isn't married. She hasn't

had time. Of course, the men in Bowen and St. Claire are all trying to get her attention, but she's been too busy setting up her clinic to pay them any mind. She's still young,' he added. 'And smart. Lord, is my girl smart. She finished college before she was twenty, then started in on her medical training. She had to go out of state to do her residency, but she came home to visit every chance she got. She's mindful of family,' he added with a nod. 'And she's pretty too, isn't she?'

'Yes, she is.'

'I figured you'd notice.'

Jake stood up and put the chair back against the wall. 'It was nice passing the time with you, but I should go now. You get some sleep, and I'll carry that box to the car. Dr. Cooper gave my daughter some old surgical equipment, and when she asked me to come and fetch it, she was smiling like it was Christmas morning. If you ever make your way to Bowen, you be sure and come

by The Swan. That's my bar,' he explained. 'Drinks on the house.'

He was at the door when Theo stopped him. 'If I don't see your daughter before she leaves, please tell her thank you for me,

and also tell her how sorry I am about the dress.'

'I'll be sure and tell her.'

'Maybe our paths will cross again someday.'

Jake nodded. 'Maybe so.'


John's friends never saw it coming. Two weeks to the day after Catherine's funeral, Cameron happened to run into the grieving widower at Commander's Palace, a four-star restaurant located in the Garden District.

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