arms on either side

of her face and his pelvis pressed snugly against her thighs.

The wood was cool against her back, bis skin hot against her belly.

Burying his face in her hair, he whispered, 'God, you smell good.'

'I thought you wanted to sleep.'

He kissed the base of her neck. 'I never said that.'

'Yes… yes, you did.'

'No,' he corrected. He was kissing that wonderfully sensitive spot below her ear now, driving her to distraction. Her breath

caught in her throat when his teeth gently closed on her earlobe. 'No?' she whispered.

'I said I wanted to go to bed. And you said…' His hands moved to cup the sides of her face. He looked into her eyes for

several long seconds, and then said, '… okay.'

She was a goner and she knew it. His mouth covered hers in a long, hot, passionate kiss that let her know how much he wanted her. Her lips parted, and she felt a jolt of pleasure all the way down to her toes when 'his tongue went in search of hers. Her

arms went around his waist, and then her hands began to stroke and caress him. She could feel the hard muscles under her fingertips, and when her hips began to move restlessly against him, she felt him tremble.

The kiss went on and on until she was gripping his shoulders and shaking with desire. It was decadent the way he made her

feel, and frightening too, because she had never experienced such passion before, never felt this kind of desperation to hold

tight and never let go. Oh, how she loved him.

They were both panting when he lifted his head. He saw the tears glistening in her eyes and went completely still.

'Michelle. Do you want me to stop?'

She frantically shook her head. 'I'll die if you do.'

'We can't have that,' he said gruffly.

She tugged on his jeans, trying unsuccessfully to get them past his hips.

'Slow down, sweetheart. We've got all night.'

And that was the problem. She wanted more than one night. She wanted forever, but she knew that wasn't possible, and so

she decided to take what he offered and cherish the moments they did have. She would love him in a way no other woman

could, with her heart, her body, and her soul. And when he left her, he would never be able to forget.

They shared another long, hot, open-mouth, tongue-thrusting kiss that only made them want more. He pulled away, stepped

back, and stripped out of his jeans. Her breath caught in the back of her throat. He was beautiful. And fully aroused. The sight

of him overwhelmed her because he was so perfectly sculpted.

In the moonlight, his skin seemed to glisten like gold. She reached for the straps of her gown, but he stilled her hands. 'Let me.'

He slowly pulled her nightgown up over her head and tossed it on the floor.

'I've had such fantasies about you,' he whispered. 'Your body is much better than I imagined. The way you feel pressed against me… that's much better too.'

'Tell me what we were doing in your fantasy, and I'll tell you mine.'

'No,' he whispered. 'I'd rather show than tell.'

His chest hair was tickling her breasts. She liked it so much, she moved against him. She could feel his arousal against her and shifted so that her hips cuddled him. It felt so good, so right to be held like this.

'In one of my fantasies, I do this.'

He picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. He followed her down on the sheets, nudged her thighs apart, and

settled between them. Then he kissed her again, lingering over the task, until she was moving restlessly against him again.

Then he rolled onto his side and touched her stomach. 'And I do this.' His fingers circled her belly button, then moved lower.

She sucked in her breath. 'Don't,' she whispered.

'You don't like it?'

His fingers were magical. 'Yes… yes, but if you don't stop, I'll…'

She couldn't go on. He was driving her crazy, teasing, probing, preparing her for him. His head dipped and he began to kiss the fragrant valley between her breasts.

'In my favorite fantasy, you really love this.'

He kissed each breast, his tongue stroking each nipple until she was arched half off the bed. Her nails dug into his shoulders, and she kept trying to get him to move so that she could drive him out of his mind with her mouth and her tongue, but Theo wouldn't budge.

In this fantasy, he explained, she came before he did. He kissed away any resistance she might have had, and then he slowly moved down her body, kissing every inch of her stomach, teasing her belly button by gently tickling her with the tip of his tongue, and then he moved lower still between her silky thighs.

The sensations were consuming. The climax was powerful. She cried out as she clung to him and let his passion devour her.

Theo was such an amazing lover, so giving, so gentle. Then he began to torment her. He brought her to a fevered pitch a second time, but just when she was reaching the explosive brink, he stopped.

'Hold on, sweetheart. I'll be right back.'

'Don't stop. Don't…'

He kissed her. 'I've got to protect you.'

And then he left. She closed her eyes. Her body felt as though it was on fire, yet she was chilled because his heat was gone.

She began to tremble, and just as she was reaching for the covers, Theo came back to the bed and covered her body with his. It seemed he'd been gone for an eternity.

'Now, where was I?'

His restraint and control amazed her. Then she noticed the beads of perspiration on his brow. His eyes were hazy with passion, and his jaw was clenched tight, and she saw then the lengths he had gone to for her.

His hands began to stroke the passion within her once again. She fought him this time, trying to hold out until he lost his control,

but he was stronger. He wasn't gentle now. She didn't want him to be. Consumed with the waves of pleasure still coursing

through her body, she held him tight as he roughly parted her thighs, then lifted her hips and sank deep inside her warmth.

His head dropped down onto her shoulder. He closed his eyes in sweet surrender, and let out a loud, thoroughly arrogant groan.

Gripping her, he forced her to stay still. 'I can make this last… if you… cooperate.'

She smiled up at him. Lord, he was adorable. Then she moved.

'Don't… Oh, God, honey, slow down just a little…'

She moved again, more forcefully this time, arching up against him to take him deeper inside her. He couldn't hold back any longer. The need became too great. He pulled back, then thrust deep once again, then again and again and again.

Theo wanted to tell her how perfect she was, how beautiful, but he couldn't get the words out. The intensity of the feelings rocketing through his body was too overpowering. She wouldn't let him slow down. He loved her for that. He buried himself

Вы читаете Mercy
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