'You left something out.'

'I did?'

He gave her a look that let her know he didn't believe she'd forgotten. 'You told me they tried to break into the cabin. Remember?'

She knew he was right. She shouldn't have taken the risk. She should have stayed inside the cabin with her son. It was her duty to protect him. Oh, Lord, the Winchester! She'd left the rifle inside by the window.

'I wasn't thinking. There, are you happy? I admitted it. I've been preoccupied lately. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to my son.'

She turned around and hurried out of the barn. 'Isabel, where's the rifle?'

She didn't answer. He knew good and well where it was, since she hadn't had it in her hands when she'd come into the barn. He'd asked the question just to make her feel like an idiot. She certainly felt like one, and that made her angry with herself. If she hadn't been so distracted by Douglas, she would never have done such a foolish thing.

Douglas strode past her and checked on Parker. The baby was sleeping soundly in the drawer on the table. He would have moved him back to the bedroom, but his hands were greasy, and he decided to wait until he had washed first. Isabel stood by his side, looking down at her son. Douglas didn't say another word to her. The two of them were past due for a long discussion about her future, he decided, and just as soon as he had cleaned up, he planned to sit her down and force her to make a few decisions.

He grabbed a thick, clean towel, a bar of soap, and headed back to the barn to take a bath.

He scrubbed the dirt from his body, but the cold water didn't rid him of the fever he'd felt for weeks now, every time he thought about Isabel. Unfortunately, that was most of the days and nights. No, cold water didn't help. He could have washed in snow and still burned inside to touch her.

He needed to get away from her as soon as possible, but he couldn't do that until she told him where, in God's name, she wanted to go. She had procrastinated as long as he was going to allow. Before the night was over, she was going to make a decision. Douglas knew he needed to get a grip on himself. He knew how too. All he had to do was get the hell away from Isabel, because she was turning him into a raving animal.

Things were going to change from this moment on. He put on clean clothes, turned down the lantern light, and went to have the long overdue talk with Isabel.

She was waiting for him.

He took the tray with the untouched supper to the kitchen. 'We need to talk,' he whispered so he wouldn't disturb the baby. 'First, I'll put Parker away.'

'Back in the dresser?' Her voice was brittle.

'This isn't the time to get into one of your moods, Isabel. We need to…'

'One of my moods? I can't believe you just said… Leave the drawer on the table and come with me. I want you to see something.'

She hurried into the bedroom so he wouldn't argue with her. As soon as he came inside, she shut the door and then dramatically pointed to the bedroll on the floor next to her bed.

'Would you mind explaining why you slept on the floor today when there was a perfectly good bed a foot away? I think I know why, but I want to hear you tell me anyway.'

'Why do you think I slept on the floor?' he hedged.

'Because the thought of getting into my bed was so repulsive you chose the hard floor instead. I'm right, aren't I?'

'No, you aren't.'

He had the gall to scowl, and that infuriated her.

She moved to the other side of the bed to put some distance between them. 'You don't have to deny it. I know you don't like being here. You can barely stand to be in the same room with me. What did I do to make you feel this way, Douglas? No, don't answer that. I think the time has come for you to leave. That's what you were going to talk about, wasn't it?'

He couldn't believe a woman could be this naive. She'd twisted everything around, and, honest to God, he couldn't figure out how she had come up with such outrageous conclusions. Hadn't anyone ever told her how pretty she was?

'You really don't have any idea what I'm thinking, do you?' He was astonished by the revelation.

She took a deep breath, ordered herself to stop criticizing him, and then apologized. 'I'm sorry I snapped at you. If it weren't for you, I don't know what Parker and I would have done. I felt so powerless then. I should be thanking you for your help, and my only excuse for acting like a shrew is that I haven't been feeling myself lately.'

'Why is that?'

'Why? Take a look around, Douglas. My life is in shambles. I don't know how-'

'Now, Isabel, it isn't that bleak.'

He was going to remind her she had a handsome son who was getting stronger every day, but she didn't give him time to get another word in.

She wasn't in the mood to be reasonable and didn't particularly like being contradicted. Her voice became shrill when she continued on.

'Of course it's bleak. My son is sleeping in a dresser drawer, for God's sake, when he should have a proper cradle, and I shouldn't have to be terrified every time it rains. Don't you think I know where Parker had the cabin built? Everyone in town tried to talk him out of it, but he was determined to prove them wrong. There, are you happy? I've admitted he wasn't perfect. Neither are you, Douglas. You're rude and cold and so horribly reasonable all the time you make me want to scream.'

'You are screaming, sugar.'

'Don't you dare start being sweet. Don't you ever lose your composure?'

'Is it my turn yet? You keep asking me questions, but you don't let me answer them.'

He sounded cool and collected, as always. It drove her to distraction. 'Don't you have any idea how much you frustrate me?'

'You want to talk about frustration?' He let out a harsh laugh and came toward her. 'You're looking at it, Isabel. You've got to be blind or just plain nuts not to know what the mere sight of you does to me.'

Once he got started, the words poured out and he couldn't make himself stop.

'I sleep on the floor because your scent is on the sheets, woman, and it makes me so damned hot I can't sleep. All I want to think about is making love to you. Now do you understand?'

He was suddenly pressing her up against the wall and glaring down at her. 'Are you getting scared yet? Or have I stunned you speechless by shocking your sensibilities? What the hell are you smiling about, Isabel? I want to take you to bed. Got that? Now aren't you frightened?'

She slowly shook her head. 'Isabel, I'm begging you. Tell me to leave.'


'Do you understand…'

'Oh, yes, I understand,' she whispered.

She threw her arms around his neck.

He gently cupped the sides of her face and slowly leaned down. 'I tried to stay away from you…'

'You did?' she asked with a long, breathless sigh.

'I wasn't strong enough to resist you. It was those sexy…'


'Yeah, freckles. A man can only take so much temptation before he's got to take a bite out of the apple, sugar, and when I saw you bathing, I…'

' Douglas, are you ever going to kiss me?'

She had barely gotten her question out before his mouth came down on hers. It wasn't perfect; it was much, much better. Her reaction was instantaneous. Her entire body responded to his kiss, and when his tongue brushed against hers, she imitated his action and kissed him with all the pent-up passion inside her.

He kept her glued against him while he continued to try to devour her. It would be over before he'd even begun to do all the things he wanted to do if he didn't get her to slow down, yet the thought of stopping so he could explain was simply too much for him to accept.

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