came along and settled here.'

The doctor picked up the story then. 'Boyle never did give the law a second thought. He liked to take what he wanted. He still does,' he thought to add.

'Well now, I reckon he'd only been here a little while when he decided to build himself a grand house on the top hill just outside of town.

'Everyone thought it was kind of peculiar the way Paddy would go out there every single day, rain or shine, to watch the progress being made. It took more than a year to finish it, almost two. Yes, sir, it did. The house was three stories high and had every fancy gadget inside you could ever imagine. A chandelier hanging in the dining room came all the way from Paris, France. Oh, yes, it was a palace all right, and Boyle meant to show it off.'

'Where did he get the money to build such a grand house?' Adam asked.

'He rented out most of the land to those foreign barons who have gotten into the cattle business because it's so profitable. The cattle were driven up from Texas to graze on sweet Montana grass. He's made a bloody fortune over the years collecting his rent money.'

'Only it wasn't his rent money. It was Paddy's. Paddy owned the land Boyle built his home on,' Douglas explained.

'He must have told Boyle the night of the party, because that's when the beatings began. I had to patch Paddy up so many times I lost count.'

'Why didn't Boyle simply kill Paddy?' Cole asked.

'Paddy must have gone to an attorney and had a will drawn up. He was smart enough not to taunt Boyle without having some sort of legal protection, and knowing how that crazy Irishman liked to have his fun, I imagine he refused to tell Boyle who would inherit the land after he died. He certainly wouldn't have told him where the will could be found. Paddy was a shrewd one all right.'

'Who did inherit?' Adam asked.

'I don't know who he was going to leave everything to when he first had the will drawn up, but you can see from this amendment that he had the will changed after he met Parker and Isabel. Probably because they showed him such kindness, he gave it all to them.'

'Then Isabel owns Boyle's house and all the land?' Travis asked.

'Yes,' the doctor answered.

'The money Boyle collected from renting the land to the barons belongs to her too,' Harrison interjected.

Douglas nodded. 'Either Paddy told Boyle right before he died who the land would go to, or Parker told Boyle after Paddy had died. Either way, it was a mistake. Whoever it was should have used the law to force the claim.'

'Boyle wouldn't have listened to the law,' Simpson said.

Harrison disagreed. 'A good attorney would have gotten a judge to confiscate the accounts at the bank. Boyle would have had to go into court and win before he could get his hands on the money again. He would have lost, of course, and poor men can't hire gunmen to do their dirty work.'

All of a sudden, the Clayborne brothers were up and moving. Douglas and Cole both pulled out their guns at the same time and headed for the back door. Adam disappeared into the hallway with Parker, while Harrison stood in front of Trudy Simpson with his gun out.

Everyone waited in silence. Trudy jumped when a low whistle sounded from just outside the window.

A second later, Travis came strolling inside, looking weary but happy. He slapped Douglas on his shoulder as he passed him, tipped his hat to Mrs. Simpson before removing it altogether, and then sat down at the table.

Introductions were made, and Trudy did her best to make the latest addition to her table feel welcome.

'Are you hungry, young man? I believe I'll fix you a bite to eat.'

'I don't want you to go to any trouble, ma'am.'

Trudy had already turned away to fetch her skillet. The doctor poured Travis a cup of coffee and then sat down again. 'You're going to eat, son, so you might as well accept it. My Trudy's got her mind set and her frying pan out.'

'Yes, sir. I'll eat.'

'Did you get my knife back for me?' Douglas asked.

'Yes. I tied Benton to a post inside the barn so he could drive the others crazy with his crying. I've never seen a man weep like that. Honest to God, it was disgusting.'

Cole laughed. 'We heard you coming up to the door, Travis. You're getting sloppy.'

'I wanted you to hear me.'

Adam came back into the kitchen with the baby. 'Parker's hungry,' he remarked.

Douglas immediately got up, took the baby into his arms, and headed for the steps.

Trudy chased after him. 'Now, hold on, Douglas. You can't go barging into Isabel's room. It wouldn't be proper.'

'Trudy, he delivered that baby,' her husband called out. 'I don't believe it's going to matter if he sees her in her nightgown now. He's been living under her roof for over two months.'

'That was then, and this is now,' Trudy said. ' Douglas, you had to deliver that baby because there wasn't anyone else around to do it. Things have to be more proper now though. I'll take the baby up.'

She wiped her hands on her apron before taking the baby away from Douglas. He didn't give her any argument, for he knew that it would probably be better for Isabel if she didn't see him again. He had hurt her by making her face reality. In time, she would realize he had taken advantage of her, and he hoped to God that when that day came, she wouldn't hate him.

He leaned against the wall, folded his arms across his chest, and stared off into space as he tried to imagine what his life was going to be like without ever seeing Isabel or Parker again.

Harrison pulled him out of his bleak thoughts. 'You delivered the baby?'


'Sit down and tell me what it was like.'

'Why?' Adam asked.

'I want to be prepared for my son or daughter's birth. I'm a little… nervous about it. I don't like the idea of my wife having pain.'

Douglas was thankful for the diversion. He straddled the chair to face Harrison. 'You're nervous? I didn't think anything ever got to you.'

Harrison shrugged. 'Tell me what it was like,' he demanded.

Douglas decided to be completely honest. He leaned forward and whispered, 'Sheer hell.'

'What did he say?' Cole asked.

'He said it was sheer hell,' Adam repeated. 'Stop joking, Douglas. Harrison 's turning gray.'

The brothers found that fact hilarious. Douglas thought he had pretty much summed up the experience, but upon reflection he realized it had only been hell for a little while.

'It wasn't bad,' he said. 'I was scared at first, and then I was too busy to think about everything that could go wrong. Isabel did all the work, and when I held Parker in my hands…'

The brothers were waiting for him to finish. Douglas shook his head. He didn't want to share the memory. It belonged to Isabel and him, and it was all he would be able to take away with him when he left Sweet Creek.

'It was pretty miraculous, Harrison,' he admitted. 'So stop worrying. Besides, you won't have to do anything. Mama Rose will help with the delivery.'

'I plan on being with my wife when the time comes.'

Trudy returned to the kitchen for the coffeepot, then circled the table refilling their cups.

'Thank you,' Cole said. 'You know what I don't understand?'

'What?' Adam asked.

'The folks in Sweet Creek,' Cole said. 'How can so many cower to one man?'

'One man with twenty-some gunslingers working for him,' the doctor said. 'There aren't any cowards in Sweet Creek, but most of the men are ranchers. None of them could hold their own in a fight because they don't have the expertise. Just ask poor Wendell Border.'

'What happened to him?' Adam asked.

'Wendell was coming out of church with his wife and two little girls when some men grabbed him. They

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