Two members of Justin's team were knocked unconscious. As leader, Justin now had to take on two additional opponents. God's truth, he was thoroughly enjoying himself. He actually laughed when one of his opponents got in a lucky kick; then he retaliated in kind.

The crowd went wild. They began to chant Justin's name. Nicholaa was overwhelmed by what she was watching. Her brother's strength astonished her. His cunning was even more impressive. The two guards assigned to Nicholaa completely lost their composure when the last of the challengers went down. Their cheers made her ears ring.

For a minute or so before the others joined him, Justin stood all alone in the center of the field. Victory belonged to him. The proof littered the ground around him.

Justin heard the cheers, but it didn't register in his mind that the crowd was chanting his name or that their shouts were for him. He bowed low to the king, then turned to his baron.

Royce gave him an arrogant nod. Justin nodded back. Ingelram and the others joined Justin then. Together now, they walked toward their baron.

The crowd swelled onto the field. Nicholaa watched as the ladies hurried to surround her brother. He seemed confused by all the attention he was getting.

Nicholaa expected Royce to come up the hill. He went in the opposite direction. She noticed King William had left his platform, too, and now stood at the bottom of the steps. Guy stood on one side of his overlord, and Royce stood on the other side. A heated discussion got under way. Nicholaa couldn't see Royce's face. His back was turned to her. Guy kept shaking his head. Then he took a step toward Royce.

King William shoved Guy back.

'The barons are having a disagreement,' the guard named Vincent announced.

'A heated one, from the looks of things,' replied Edward, the second guard assigned to protect Nicholaa. 'See how the crowd has backed away.'

'Please go and find out what this disagreement is all about,' Nicholaa requested.

Both Edward and Vincent shook their heads. 'We cannot leave your side, my lady,' Vincent explained.

'Then at least go up to the top of the hill and ask Clayton what's going on.'

The two guards agreed with that request. Only the herald stood above them. Clayton wasn't that far away, either, and if anyone came up the hill to get to Nicholaa, the soldiers would have plenty of time to get to her side to protect her.

Nicholaa turned her attention back to her husband. Guy's two vassals were now being escorted over to the king. Morgan and Henry genuflected in front of their overlord, then stood up. The king was doing all the talking now. Nicholaa wished she could hear what he was saying. He was waving his hands in obvious agitation. His face was red, and she thought he might be shouting at the vassals.

Morgan and Henry took turns shaking their heads. The king raised his hand, turned to say something to Guy. After a minute or two Guy nodded.

Royce hadn't moved at all. Nicholaa didn't know if he was pleased or angry by whatever was being decided.

William mounted the platform. Guy moved to stand in front of Royce. He faced Morgan and Henry. He spoke to them, then struck Morgan across his face. Guy gave the same punishment to Henry next.

Two other soldiers wearing Guy's colors moved forward when their baron motioned to them. They waited while the vassals removed their swords. Nicholaa understood then. Morgan and Henry were being dishonored for something they'd done.

Neither vassal appeared to be shamed by the public humiliation. In unison they turned and walked across the field, escorted by the two other soldiers. Guy bent to pick up their swords, walked to the side of the platform, and threw the weapons into the trees beyond.

Nicholaa kept her attention on the insolent vassals. Morgan stared straight ahead, but Henry kept turning back to look at Royce. She thought then that perhaps Henry blamed her husband for the disgrace he was suffering. The two vassals finally reached the area near the trees where the horses were tethered.

She let out a sigh of relief. The vassals had obviously been banned from the celebration, and she wouldn't have to put up with their insolent remarks at the dinner tonight.

Royce turned and walked onto the field. Nicholaa thought he might be coming up the hill to her. She hurried back inside the tent. Her husband would surely be in need of a refreshment and she wanted to have it ready for him.

His packet was on their cot. Nicholaa unlatched the fastenings and reached inside to pull out a fresh tunic for her husband. She let out a surprised laugh when she unfolded the tunic and her sling fell out. There were three smooth stones inside, too. Nicholaa couldn't imagine why Royce had carried that equipment along.

The sound of trumpets caught her attention. Nicholaa rushed back outside to see what was going on. The games were supposed to be over by now. Royce had told her the young soldiers would be the last to participate, and their competition had just ended.

She came to a dead stop when she saw what was happening. Royce stood near the center of the field. Guy faced her husband, though he stood almost twenty feet away.

Both barons were removing their swords. Then each turned. Guy to his right, where his soldiers were lined up on the sidelines, and Royce to his right, where his soldiers had also formed a line.

Royce's soldiers weren't smiling. Neither were Guy's. A hush had fallen over the crowd, too. Lawrence started onto the field toward Royce just as one of Guy's vassals moved forward. Lawrence paused in his stride, turned to nod at Justin, and then continued. Justin didn't understand what was expected of him until Ingelram nudged him and gave him a little shove. Nicholaa's brother then hurried onto the field after Lawrence.

Nicholas didn't know what was going on, but she was determined to find out, no matter how many guards Royce had ordered to keep her on the bill. She lifted her skirts and started running down the path. She was caught from behind. Vincent grabbed her. The redheaded knight apologized profusely as he escorted her back to her tent.

'The baron wishes you to watch from here, my lady,' Vincent explained for the tenth time.

She turned around to give the soldier a curt response, but quickly changed her mind when she saw the sympathy on the soldier's face. Vincent was only doing his duty. Nicholaa couldn't fault him for that.

'Exactly what am I going to be watching?' she asked.

'The fight,' Vincent answered, looking confused by her question.

'Vincent, I gathered there was going to be a fight,' she returned. 'I'm asking you why. Royce told me he wasn't going to participate.'

The second guard moved forward. 'The king just ordered the challenge to settle a dispute.'

Edward had told her everything he knew, and she still hadn't learned anything.

Then Vincent spoke again. 'Your brother's receiving an honor, my lady,' he said as he motioned to the field below. Nicholaa turned just as Royce handed his sword to Lawrence, who in turn handed the jeweled weapon to Justin.

'Now what are they doing?' she whispered. Justin had left the field, and Royce was speaking to Lawrence. Guy was also talking to his vassal.

'They're following procedure,' Vincent answered. 'Our baron is letting it be known in front of witnesses that Lawrence will take charge in the event…'

The soldier realized what he was explaining a little too late. Nicholaa let out a gasp. 'I can't believe this is happening,' she whispered. Anger was quickly replacing her fear. Her voice had a sting in it when she added, 'Royce specifically told me he wouldn't be competing.'

The two soldiers exchanged a look. 'He isn't competing,' Vincent said. 'A dispute is being settled. That's quite different from a competition, my lady.'

'Will the two of you at least go down to the base of the hill where the other soldiers stand and ask them if they know what this dispute is all about?' Her words fairly tripped over one another in her rush to gain their agreement.

'By God, if this is a fight to the death, neither one of them will win,' she announced, 'because I'll kill both of them. Just see if I don't.'

Vincent was able to keep his smile contained. Edward wasn't. Their mistress's concern for her husband warmed their hearts. Her worry was unfounded, however. Their baron could meet any challenge.

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