'Then you do not plan to apologize?'

She saw the incredulous look that came over his face and knew the thought had never entered his mind. Dear heavens, changing Connor from a barbarian into a considerate husband was going to take every ounce of her patience. But, she had pushed him far enough today, and she didn't dare add another word of criticism until he'd recovered. In her estimation, it was a fair start.

Connor was considering tossing his wife over his shoulder and carrying her to the keep when she suddenly smiled at him and took hold of his hand. He didn't understand what had caused the transformation, but he didn't question her. He had pushed her far enough for one day, and now that he'd made her realize she must not challenge him or contradict him, he believed he'd made a fair start. He knew it was going to take him a long time to help her learn to be more disciplined.

As soon as he moved back toward the path, she noticed again the soldier standing next to Quinlan.

'Brenna, in future, don't make me chase after you.'

She nodded agreement because her husband seemed to require it, then looked at Quinlan. 'He did forget about me, didn't he?'

Connor squeezed her hand to let her know what he thought about her question.

'It would seem he did, mi'lady.'

'Thank you for reminding him.'

'I didn't,' Quinlan replied, nodding to his left. 'Crispin did.'

She smiled at the soldier. 'Thank you, Crispin.' She would have officially introduced herself to the soldier, but he looked rather dazed, and she decided he was busy thinking about something more important.

Quinlan laughed at the expression on Crispin's face. His friend was looking quite stunned. 'She takes your breath away, doesn't she, Crispin?'

The soldier nodded. He motioned to Quinlan to wait so that they could have a moment alone and follow at a more discreet distance.

'I've never seen Connor act this way. He doesn't usually allow any woman to make him lose his patience.'

'She isn't just any woman. She's his wife. I think he likes having her around.'

Crispin smiled. 'I'd like having her around too, if I were married to her. She's very beautiful, isn't she? I don't think I've ever seen a woman so bonny.'

'Connor doesn't notice.'

The two men shared a laugh. Brenna glanced back over her shoulder to smile at them.

'Our mistress isn't easily intimidated.' There was admiration in Crispin's voice when he made the remark.

'If she were the least bit timid, Connor would walk all over her. Do you remember what he told us about Isabelle?'

'He told us very little. He doesn't remember his mother.'

'That is so, but he remembers every word his father said to him before he died.'

Crispin nodded. 'Donald called his wife his own sweet Isabelle. He loved her.'

'Exactly so.'

'But Donald cautioned his son not to make the same mistake.'

'Connor knew he was only warning him to be careful. If you had seen the way the Lady Brenna and he looked at one another when they first met, you would conclude what I have.'

'And what is that?'

Quinlan stared at Brenna as he gave his answer. 'She's going to be Connor's own sweet love.'

Crispin clasped his hands behind his back while he considered what Quinlan had just told him. Like his friend, he also wanted his laird to find peace and contentment. But love? He didn't know if Connor would ever let himself feel such an emotion.

'I've never heard you talk like this.'

'I've never seen Connor act like this.'

'Like what?'

Quinlan shrugged. 'There have been sparks flying between the two of them from the very beginning. It's as though Connor were struck by a bolt. He's going to give his heart to her because he won't be able to stop it from happening. Quit frowning, Crispin. She has a good heart.'

The two soldiers continued to follow behind the couple at a leisurely pace while Crispin caught Quinlan up on the latest news. Brenna didn't realize she was being discussed by the men, and she certainly didn't know she was being watched so closely. Connor was forcing her to run in order to keep up with him, and she soon decided she had had enough. She suddenly stopped. Connor was either going to have to drag her behind him or let go of her. She would leave the choice up to him.

'Why did you stop?'

'I got tired of running.'

A smile softened his expression. 'Why didn't you tell me to slow down?'

'I wanted to keep up. I didn't realize I was so weary this afternoon. I'm sure I'll recover after we have our supper. Could we sit a spell until then?'

He moved back to her side. 'We already ate our evening meal, remember? You cannot still be hungry.'

She shrugged. There really wasn't any use in pretending with her husband that she had a dainty appetite. 'I could eat a little something,' she admitted. 'I was a bit nervous meeting Alec and by the time we sat down at the table, I couldn't concentrate on food. I barely ate a thing. I can't imagine why you're laughing, Connor. I haven't told you a jest.'

He didn't apologize, of course. She doubted he ever would. He stopped laughing, though, and she was most appreciative.

'Would it help if I carried you?'

His suggestion didn't sit well with her. 'And have your followers think you married a weakling? I'll crawl first.'

She straightened her shoulders, tugged her hand away from his, and tried to hurry past him. She didn't get very far. He caught her around her waist and forced her into his side. He didn't have to tell her to lean against him. She was too weary to even consider struggling. She sagged against him and let out a little sigh. She didn't dare close her eyes for even a second for fear she'd fall asleep on her feet if she did. God only knew, she'd done it before.

'You've had a difficult day.'

'No, I haven't.'

'Do you have to disagree with everything I say?'

'I was simply giving you my opinion. We've yet to argue, Connor. Once we do, you'll know the difference. Please let go of me as soon as we reach the courtyard. I don't want your followers to think I can't stand without assistance.'

In frustration, she threaded her fingers through her hair, then grimaced as she touched her injury. 'I never seem to say the right thing to you. Everything's so different here. I don't like chaos, and it seems to me that my life has been extremely chaotic since I met you. I want to live in peace.'

'It's going to become much easier for you now.'

She didn't look as though she believed him. 'Do you promise?'

He smiled. 'I promise.'

She managed to smile back and relax. He didn't know if it had been his calm voice or his promise that had soothed her.

'I don't like surprises,' she remarked as she moved closer to his side again. 'Unless, of course, I know about them in advance.'

She sounded sincere enough for him to think she didn't realize she'd just contradicted herself. 'If you know in advance, it isn't a surprise.'

'Exactly so,' she reasoned. 'Tell me how it will become easier.'

'You won't have to worry about pleasing me. I'm rarely here.'

'I don't worry about pleasing you now. But I don't understand why you're rarely here. This is your

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