want your word you'll never ride without a saddle, and I assure you, a smile isn't going to work on me.'

'No, you are far more clever than I am, Quinlan. I would never dare to trick you.'

Somewhat placated, he reminded her she still hadn't given him her promise.

'Do you think you could manage to stop shouting at me? You're making my head pound.'

Quinlan was appalled by his conduct. 'I beg your forgiveness, mi'lady. I cannot imagine what came over me.'

'I gave you a scare,' she reminded him. 'Now, tell me what I'm doing wrong. Why can't I stay very long on his back?'

'You sit too far back on the black's back,' he answered. 'As for your promise…'

She cut him off. 'I certainly could have used your advice yesterday. My grip was off as well, but I have already corrected that problem. Poor Willie. For a while there, he kept tossing his head back at me, and I'm sure he thought I was daft.'

The horse had more sense than his mistress did, Quinlan thought. He was still too upset to consider how uncharitable he was being. 'It's amazing he didn't trample you to death,' he muttered. 'Willie… did I hear you call the black Willie?'

'Yes, but I made certain first that Connor hadn't already named him. Davis assured me he hadn't.'

'No, Connor didn't name…' His voice trailed off into silence.

'Then I'm certain he won't mind if I call him Willie.'

Quinlan's eyelid began to twitch. 'Why 'Willie'?' he asked.

'It's short for William,' she explained. She took the reins away from Quinlan and turned to walk back to the stables. He happened to notice she left one of her shoes behind, picked it up, and handed it to her. She thanked him while she held on to his arm so she could keep her balance slipping the shoe back on.

'I'm naming Willie after my brother. If I don't mention it to my husband, I'm sure he won't be bothered. Connor doesn't like it when I talk about my family.'

'Why would you think he doesn't like it?'

'He frowns and tries to change the subject. I'm not certain why he feels the way he does. He can't dislike them, because he doesn't know them. Perhaps he just doesn't care. The topic of my family probably bores him,' she added with a nod.

'I doubt that, mi'lady.'

She shrugged. 'Perhaps,' she agreed, but not because she thought he might be right. She was just being polite.

'I would appreciate it if you wouldn't mention my name for his horse. Connor can be peculiar about some things, and even though I'm almost certain he won't be irritated, there's a slim chance he might.'

'Mi'lady, are you asking me not to tell him?'


'I won't make a point of telling him, but if he asks, I will explain. Are you going to give me your promise you won't ride bareback again?'

'What would you do if I gave you my promise and then I deliberately broke it? I would never do such a thing, but I am curious about the consequences.'

'I would have you locked in your chamber until your husband returns.'

'You would do such a thing?'

'I certainly wouldn't want to, but keeping you safe would outweigh your feelings.'

'Could you ever banish anyone?'

'I would never banish you,' he assured her.

'But do you have the authority to banish someone else while Connor is away?'

'Yes, as long as I have valid reasons to give my laird.'

'Do I happen to have the authority? Don't look so stunned. I wasn't thinking of banishing you, even if you dared to lock me in my room, which, by the way, I happen to know you would never do. I was wondering if I could send someone else away.'

'If you're having difficulty with someone, then you should tell me about it, or wait until your husband comes home.'

She interpreted his explanation to mean she didn't have the authority. At least now she knew what she was up against, and she certainly wouldn't threaten Raen with banishment because he would know she was bluffing. She let out a weary sigh and stared down at the ground while she walked along.

Her disappointment was softened by the recollection that she was only going to resort to such a drastic measure if Raen ever came near her again. Thankfully, she had a plan to keep him at bay.

Quinlan couldn't understand why his mistress looked so disheartened. 'Did you wish to hold such a position of strength, mi'lady?'

She didn't answer him and, in fact, didn't say another word for a long while.

'If you have a problem and you cannot solve it on your own, then tell me what it is and I will be happy to take care of it.'

She shook her head. 'The problem is of a personal nature involving a family member.'

Quinlan was relieved, and though he felt like smiling, he didn't, for fear he would injure her feelings and make her think her problem wasn't important to him.

'You're having difficulty with Euphemia, aren't you?' He didn't give her time to answer him but continued on with a suggestion he was certain would solve her worry. 'It would be appropriate for you to speak to Raen about his mother. I'm certain he'll talk to her.'

She shook her head again, though far more vehemently. 'I should be able to solve this problem, and when Connor returns, I'll discuss it with him.'

'As you wish, mi'lady.'

She changed the subject then. 'You know that ever since I arrived, I've been trying to understand how things are done here. There seems to be a set of regulations everyone else understands but me. I constantly fear I'll offend someone because of my lack of education about Highlanders, and I could certainly benefit from your instruction.'

'I'll be happy to help in any way that I can.'

'Will you and two others you select join me for the evening meal tonight? We could continue our discussion then, and I could learn about the MacAlisters. I'm one of you now and do want to fit in.'

'I would be honored to join you at the table, and I'm certain the other two I choose will feel the same way.'

And I'll be relieved, she thought to herself.

'I don't want to show any favoritism, however, and so, each night that Connor is away, if you would please select two other guests, then I could also become acquainted with some of my husband's followers.'

'Certainly,' he answered.

'When will Connor be home?'

'I cannot say for certain.'

'It seems he's been away a long time. I need to talk to him.'

He heard the desperation in her voice and decided then that Connor's stepmother must be giving her a very difficult time. He imagined the two women were involved in a minor power struggle and was somewhat surprised that Lady Brenna could become upset so easily. Perhaps her loneliness for her husband was making her anxious. She might even feel as though he had abandoned her. Connor had all but snatched her out of one life and put her down in the center of his.

Time was all his mistress needed to find her way. At least that was what Quinlan hoped would happen. Later that day, however, he began to think the problem was more serious than he'd first estimated. Netta caught him on his way up to the soldiers' quarters to tell him Lady Brenna was acting peculiar.

'She didn't hear me knock on her bedroom door, and when I entered, she let out a scream and jumped a foot. 'Tis the truth, she reached for her dagger. She looked terrified, Quinlan.'

The cook's friend, Brocca, happened to overhear the conversation and quickly joined in. 'Ada told me she's worried mi'lady might be ill. She isn't eating anything at all. It's too soon for her to be carrying a bairn,' she added.

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