“He killed Johny Chen for a trivial purchase Johny made at my request.”
“Ah. He reported that it was because Chen withheld commission.” He gave his uneven grin. “You were lucky, Lovejoy. Did you really plan it all as it came out?”
“No. But I made an offering to Kuan Ti like you said.”
He was delighted and laughed so much he started rolling off the pavement and I had to stop him. He sobered. “You’ve placed a few strange orders yourself, Lovejoy.” So he’d heard; inevitable.
“Only one, really. At a paper shop I once passed, Kowloon side.”
He sniffed censoriously. “They’re very expensive, Lovejoy. Cheaper nearer Boundary Street. Sim’d have got you a special price.”
“Will it matter if I don’t know her parents’ names?”
“I’ll see you get their parents’ full written names. You’ve ordered it for tonight, I believe.”
“Yes.” I thought a second. “Their parents? Plural?”
“Marilyn and Ling Ling are half-sisters, of course.”
“The parents kept Marilyn?”
“Yes. But exposed the next girl baby on the hillside to die. It happened a lot in those days, Lovejoy. Still does, one form or another.”
“And you happened along.” I eyed him. “Good of you, seeing you have your own difficulties.”
“She was all I had,” Titch said simply. “I’d just learned I was a leper. I went up to the mountain to… to do I don’t know what. I was actually there, alone and freezing on the summit, when the flakes came. I must be the only indigenous to’ve been snowed on here.”
“Then you found Ling Ling?”
“She was one of two. I picked her up. She was perfect even then. Can you imagine? Me a leper, my corruption diagnosed that day probably at the exact time that perfect child was born? Like a sick joke. I only took her from, what, curiosity. Maybe to lessen my horror. I paid an amah to look after her. I became like her father. When she showed as she truly was, she was six years old. By then I was working for the Triad, one of a flock of messengers, street people. Naturally Ling Ling received everything from then on.
Genius, gifted, perfectly beautiful. She became full jade at fifteen, the earliest ever since ancient times. Her brilliance in commerce brought great luck to the Triad.”
“Clover ever after, eh? And you the boss?”
“One boss, Lovejoy.” He seemed to blush. “I went to school, a private pupil, late-evening classes on my own at one of the great schools. Kennedy Road. I’ve a degree now.”
“Why can’t you… ?”
“Become a superman?” He held out his arms in display. “Once it’s advanced, it’s basically a repair job. The leper island hospital at Hey Ling Chau did its best, but I am as I am. Did you know I’m not really infectious?” His bowl of food.
“No, but you’ve an honest face. Which brings me to Marilyn.”
He gave his grating laugh. “Marilyn? Once Ling Ling became influential in the Triad, I had them take on Marilyn. I’d found all the relatives by then. Ling Ling could never come to terms with being literally cast out—though her parents were bone poor.”
I’d guessed all that from the day at Stanley. “Where is she, Titch?”
“Didn’t you worm it out of Lorna, Lovejoy?” He was honestly surprised. “She’s temporarily with Brookers Gelman, New York.”
“Certainly. She sends her love, Lovejoy.” He watched while I worked something out, then shook his head. “No. Sorry, but you can’t take up the Brookers Gelman offer of local rep.”
“I haven’t said anything of the kind!” I said indignantly, shifting my feet so a hawker’s barrow could get past.
“Of course not,” Titch said politely. “But you shall be the consultant for each Song Ping painting manufactured by us. You’ll authenticate it. Your pay will be freedom.”
“I can go?” Penniless, inevitably.
“You must, and soon. We’ll be in touch, Lovejoy. About once a year.”
I stood. These moments always embarrass.
“Here, Titch. How does it feel being a taipan, guv’nor of… well, practically everything?”
He said after a moment, “Second-best, Lovejoy. To any healthy layabout.”
Wish I hadn’t asked. “Give my love to Marilyn. And thanks.” Well, he’d vetoed the Triad’s decision to top me.
“It was nothing, Lovejoy.” He did his smile.
“Not much,” I said with feeling. “Tara, Titch.”
“Good-bye, Lovejoy. And don’t keep Ling Ling too long. She’s hostessing an international banking convention tonight.”
Chance’d be a fine thing. “I promise.” I walked off.
Go towards Pok Fu Lam on Hong Kong Island, and before you reach the big hospital, there’s a garden center.