suspensor field distorted the room to reflect his target, the operator would be relying on motion—anything that moved. A shield could slow a hunter, give time to destroy it, but Paul had put aside his shield on the bed. Lasguns would knock them down, but lasguns were expensive and notoriously cranky of maintenance—and there was always the peril of explosive pyrotechnics if the laser beam intersected a hot shield. The Atreides relied on their body shields and their wits.
Now, Paul held himself in near catatonic immobility, knowing he had only his wits to meet this threat.
The hunter-seeker lifted another half meter. It rippled through the slatted light from the window blinds, back and forth, quartering the room.
The thing dropped a half meter, quartered to the left, circled back around the bed. A faint humming could be heard from it.
The hall door behind Paul creaked. A rap sounded there. The door opened.
The hunter-seeker arrowed past his head toward the motion.
Paul’s right hand shot out and down, gripping the deadly thing. It hummed and twisted in his hand, but his muscles were locked on it in desperation. With a violent turn and thrust, he slammed the thing’s nose against the metal doorplate. He felt the crunch of it as the nose eye smashed and the seeker went dead in his hand.
Still, he held it—to be certain.
Paul’s eyes came up, met the open stare of total blue from the Shadout Mapes.
“Your father has sent for you,” she said. “There are men in the hall to escort you.”
Paul nodded, his eyes and awareness focusing on this odd woman in a sacklike dress of bondsman brown. She was looking now at the thing clutched in his hand.
“I’ve heard of suchlike,” she said. “It would’ve killed me, not so?”
He had to swallow before he could speak. “I … was its target.”
“But it was coming for me.”
“Because you were moving.” And he wondered:
“Then you saved my life,” she said.
“I saved both our lives.”
“Seems like you could’ve let it have me and made your own escape,” she said.
“Who are you?” he asked.
“The Shadout Mapes, housekeeper.”
How did you know where to find me?”
“Your mother told me. I met her at the stairs to the weirding room down the hall.” She pointed to her right. “Your father’s men are still waiting.”
“Go to my father’s men,” he said. “Tell them I’ve caught a hunter-seeker in the house and they’re to spread out and find the operator. Tell them to seal off the house and its grounds immediately. They’ll know how to go about it. The operator’s sure to be a stranger among us.”
And he wondered:
“Before I do your bidding, manling,” Mapes said, “I must cleanse the way between us. You’ve put a water burden on me that I’m not sure I care to support. But we Fremen pay our debts—be they black debts or white debts. And it’s known to us that you’ve a traitor in your midst. Who it is, we cannot say, but we’re certain sure of it. Mayhap there’s the hand guided that flesh-cutter.”
Paul absorbed this in silence:
He thought to call her back, but there was an air about her that told him she would resent it. She’d told him what she knew and now she was going to do his
His mind went to other parts of that strange conversation:
Still gripping the shattered seeker, Paul turned back into his room, scooped up his shield belt from the bed with his left hand, swung it around his waist and buckled it as he ran back out and down the hall to the left.
She’d said his mother was someplace down here—stairs … a
What had the Lady Jessica to sustain her in her time of trial? Think you carefully on this Bene Gesserit proverb and perhaps you will see: “Any road followed precisely to its end leads precisely nowhere. Climb the mountain just a little bit to test that it’s a mountain. From the top of the mountain, you can not see the mountain.”
AT THE end of the south wing, Jessica found a metal stair spiraling up to an oval door. She glanced back down the hall, again up at the door.
Through the windows beneath the spiral stair she could see the great white sun of Arrakis moving on toward evening. Long shadows stabbed down the hall. She returned her attention to the stairs. Harsh sidelighting picked out bits of dried earth on the open metalwork of the steps.
Jessica put a hand on the rail, began to climb. The rail felt cold under her sliding palm. She stopped at the door, saw it had no handle, but there was a faint depression on the surface of it where a handle should have been.
Jessica glanced back to make certain she was unobserved, placed her palm against the depression in the door. The most gentle of pressures to distort the lines—a turn of the wrist, another turn, a sliding twist of the palm across the surface.
She felt the click.
But there were hurrying footsteps in the hall beneath her. Jessica lifted her hand from the door, turned, saw Mapes come to the foot of the stairs.
“There are men in the great hall say they’ve been sent by the Duke to get young master Paul,” Mapes said. “They’ve the ducal signet and the guard has identified them.” She glanced at the door, back to Jessica.
“He’s in the fifth room from this end of the hall, the small bedroom,” Jessica said. “If you have trouble waking him, call on Dr. Yueh in the next room. Paul may require a wakeshot.”
Again, Mapes cast a piercing stare at the oval door, and Jessica thought she detected loathing in the