Glitsky's frown grew more pronounced.
Hardy took his opening. 'But on this other thing… I'm still trying to imagine who might have shot at us if it wasn't Sephia.'
'And you're sure it wasn't him?'
'Blanca was sure enough when I talked to him last. Said he checked around and called Nick up in Nevada, where he'd been since last night. So it wasn't him. But who does that leave?'
'Maybe Wade's got some other shooters on the payroll?'
Hardy had thought of almost nothing else in the twenty-six hours that had elapsed since he'd arrived at Coit Tower. It showed in his drawn and worried face. 'But there's no reason to come after me. I'm no threat anyway if Freeman…' His voice wound down.
'Maybe they don't know that.'
Hardy's voice grew hard. 'Meaning maybe you think I should tell them I'm out of it? Just roll over?'
Glitsky spread his hands. 'Meaning nothing. My favorite theory is they weren't after you anyway. Whoever it was, they wanted Holiday.'
'How'd they know he was there?'
'How'd they know you were? Somebody followed somebody, that's all. Happens all the time. The tail figures out your destination is Coit Tower, calls for the cavalry in the gray sedan, you're there when they arrive twenty minutes later. Then it's sorry, no hard feelings, but it's bad luck to leave witnesses breathing.'
'Maybe,' Hardy said. 'But what's the deal with Blanca? I mean, early afternoon yesterday he's the perfect cop. Wanted to know everything I had. Impressions, suspicions, you name it. We talked about David, getting a lead on these cretins… anyway, three hours later he's a different guy.'
'Maybe he ate lunch at Lou's in the meanwhile, got a stomachache.'
Hardy kept talking. 'He knows it wasn't Sephia. Plus he wasn't going after Panos until he got some physical evidence. Then he asks me how come I hadn't told him I was with Holiday up at Coit? Didn't I think that mattered? It's like, suddenly, I'm the bad guy. What, I'm making this stuff up to ruin his day? I wanted to go, 'Hey, remember me? I'm the guy who got shot at. I am the victim here.' Anyway, he tells me he'll call if something comes up, but I'm not holding my breath.'
'Probably smart.' Glitsky stood up, walked over to the fireplace, moved some of the glass elephants on the mantel. 'So what's your next move?'
'That's why I called you. Though it pains me to admit it, I think I need some advice.'
'Emotional, philosophical, strategic, I don't care.' He came forward with some difficulty, rolling his shoulder against the pain. 'They whack my car Wednesday, they shoot at me on Friday. Tell you the truth, I'm a little concerned.'
Glitsky stared out through the blinds of Hardy's front window. A muscle worked by his temple. When he spoke, it was with an exaggerated calm. 'For what it's worth, it's probably not you. It's Holiday.'
'It was my car, Abe, on Wednesday. Holiday wasn't anywhere near it.'
'That, in fact, might really have been random. Vandals.'
'Right. Just like David was.' Hardy took a beat. 'Come on, Abe. Two attacks in three days. You know it wasn't random. I'd like a little hint about what to do here. I don't like people coming after me. To say nothing about my family. It makes me a little uptight. We had two crying kids last night. Frannie's talking about taking them out of school, all of us going away for a week or two.'
Glitsky just nodded.
'What?' Hardy asked.
'You already said it. If you're absolutely sure it's Panos…'
'Of course it's Panos! Whether the target is me or Holiday, either way it's Panos.'
'Okay, so what you do is you call Dick Kroll and tell him you're out. At least until Freeman's up and around again. Explain the situation without threatening him or accusing him or his client, if that's in your arsenal of legal moves. That takes you out of it, am I right?'
'So far. Maybe.'
'All right. Meanwhile, make friends with Blanca again. Find out what happened. It's probably just some misunderstanding-you know how cops can be if they feel you haven't been completely straight with them. Apologize. Then, of course, turn over Holiday.'
'No way.'
Glitsky's mouth went tight. 'There's that flexibility you're so famous for.'
'He's not going to jail again, Abe. He's been there once and didn't like it. He thinks Panos will have him killed.'
'In jail?' Glitsky barked a laugh. 'That's just stupid and you know it, Diz. Wade may be the big bad wolf on the streets, but essentially he's a rent-a-cop, okay? He doesn't have secret operatives working in the jail to enforce his wishes. Trust me on this. The truth is that if somebody is out to get your client, he's safer in jail than he is out of it.'
'And then what?'
'And then what, what?'
'I mean, after I drop my lawsuit and John's in jail, then what? They just win?'
'What's the hurry? You let things cool off awhile, see how things stand with Freeman, get some new partners to work on the lawsuit later. Then, with Holiday, you press for a speedy trial and get him off on the evidence. You said he's got alibis for all the murders. If that's true, he's out after the prelim.'
'And back on the street, where they can try again.'
Glitsky broke his second smile of the day, a personal record. 'You can't have it both ways, Diz. He's either safer on the street, or safer in jail.'
'How about neither? Whoever really did these killings wants to pin them on him. If he dies, with the evidence they found at his place, the case is closed.'
Glitsky walked back to his chair, stood looking down at his friend. 'Because you've been through recent psychological trauma and I don't want to embarrass you, I've kind of been avoiding that pesky little evidence problem.'
Hardy's eyes narrowed. 'Abe, I swear to God, somebody shot at us yesterday. Really. I'm not kidding you.'
Glitsky registered surprise. 'I don't doubt it. But what's that got to do…?'
'Somebody planted that evidence. Get used to it. That's the truth. And that happens to be Nick Sephia's specialty.'
'Which makes it especially unfortunate he wasn't here in the city.'
'I'm working on that.'
'Well.' Glitsky stood again. He checked his watch. 'You get something, let me know. Meanwhile, call Kroll at his home, talk to your client. Be convincing. It could all be settled by tonight.'
Glitsky met his wife and daughter where he'd dropped them at a bookstore on California Street. They presented a Saturday Children's Hour that Rachel enjoyed-it also got everybody outside of the duplex, which was to the good. In the car, Trey a drove while Abe turned himself around and sang some nonsense songs to his daughter, then tickled and laughed with her, enjoying himself. Treya put a hand on his thigh. 'What are you so happy about? Not that I'm complaining.'
'I've successfully resisted temptation, so I'm taking a few minutes to bask in my virtue.'
She threw him a look across the car seat. 'That's nice. Was the temptation female?'
He put his hand down on hers. 'Never in the world. He was subtle enough about it, but Diz wanted me to check up on the efficiency of the current homicide team. I politely declined.'
'What is it,' Treya asked, 'some kind of virus? First your dad, now Diz.'
'I know. But I can't be mad at him. He's legitimately worried.'
'I'd be worried, too. But what did he expect you to do about it?'
'He thinks John Holiday's getting framed. He wanted me to pass it on.'
'To Lieutenant Gerson?'