“I want to go over that with you in detail, ”Burden said. “I'm going to get to your place early tonight, and I'll put it all together for you, tell you where we stand. What do you have to do to make the first payment go through?”

“A phone call.”

“Good. I want you to do that right there in front of him. And what about the next payment?”

“I'm working on it.”

Burden paused, and Titus heard something in the background, people talking, radio transmissions.

“Look, ”Burden said, “I want you to be prepared… Thrush isn't going to be the only one. I just don't want you to start thinking… that anything's magically changed here.”

Titus was aware of the acrid odor of electronics, of warm plastics and rubber-coated wiring. Familiar smells. But what he was feeling at the back of his brain, the hum that oscillated deep behind his chest muscles as if his heart were about to fibrillate, was not only unfamiliar, but also frightening. Waiting for another death was harrowing. He wondered if this was what a man felt when he lost control of his reason, if these sensations were the beginnings of what would later be called blind rage.

“No, ”Titus said, “I understand that hasn't changed.”

After ending the call, Titus stepped outside and stood in the shade at the front of the guest cottage. The shadow would grow as the sun fell farther behind the orchard, heading toward the hillside where the men had been working on the reservoir. He looked down through the splintered light of the allee of laurels and slipped into one of those moments when all that was familiar and commonplace swiftly bled away from his awareness, until he found himself estranged from his own experience, caught in a queer and alien moment.

Then, just as quickly, he snapped out of it and took the cell phone out of his pocket and called Carla at the office. He asked her if she could bring her laptop and come to the house for a few hours’work. It wasn't an uncommon request. Titus liked working from the house whenever he could, even in the early years.

He walked across the courtyard, past the fountain, and into the broad atrium hallway. He found Rita in their bedroom, unpacking. She heard him, but she didn't turn around from the bed where she had opened her suitcases. She was snatching things out of the bags, still agitated.

“Listen, ”he said, “let's don't leave it like this.”

When she spun around to say something that he knew had been building up inside her, he gestured with a vertical forefinger and then pointed to his ear, reminding her of the bug.

Caught off guard, she just stared at him, holding her breath. Then she snapped, “Not now, Titus, for God's sake.” And she turned around again and went on with her unpacking.

“Carla's coming over, ”he said to her back. “I've got to get some things done.”

“Then do it, ”she said without stopping, covering the bed with slips and skirts and underwear and shoes.

Titus turned and walked out of the room.

When Carla stepped into his office nearly an hour later, he was at the long worktable reading Luquin's message on his laptop screen for the tenth time. When he looked up and saw her face, he knew that she knew that something was going on. She put her laptop on the table across from him and flipped it on before she'd even slipped off her shoulder bag.

“I just saw Rita in the kitchen, ”she said, giving him a significant look as she shrugged off the bag. “What happened to the trip? She was upset.”

“Sit down, ”Titus said, and as she did he started telling her about Charlie Thrush's accident. Astounded, she asked questions-she always asked questions-and then commiserated. It didn't take her long to realize, either, that this terrible news was falling on top of the stress Titus was already under from the huge financial loss he'd told her about yesterday.

They talked a little while about notifying certain people at CaiText, and Carla made a list of those whom Titus thought should be told immediately. They, in turn, could tell others.

“God, this is just one thing on top of another, ”she said. She hesitated and then went right into it. “What about… the financial thing you mentioned? Is that what you want to deal with now?”


“And does Rita…?”

“She knows everything.”

“How's she…?”

“We're working on it.”

Carla nodded. After an awkward silence Titus said, “I'm going to have to sell off a piece of the company, a small piece, about eight percent.”

Carla's mouth dropped open.

Titus instantly flushed. This was humiliating.

“I've got Lack Paley working on it, and it ought to be done in a couple of days.”

“A couple of days?! ”She was floored.

Angry and embarrassed, Titus swallowed, and then he knew she had seen it. He'd never felt exactly like this in his life. All the good common sense, the sound judgment, the caution and steady stewardship he'd used to build CaiText, and which was a trademark of the way he conducted business, were being destroyed by the actions Luquin was forcing him to make. It would have been bad enough if this disparagement had been justified, but to have to deliberately bring such wrong assumptions upon himself was nearly more than he could stand.

“You needed to know this, ”he went on, his face burning, “in case something about it leaked out and you started to get inquiries.”

If he felt this way telling Carla, who knew him so well, with whom he had shared so much of his life, and who knew more about him than anybody besides Rita, how was he going to feel when this perceived irresponsibility became public? What would people think when the business press seized on this? What would happen to his reputation when his colleagues and managers and employees believed he had behaved so recklessly? How was he going to deal with that?

“If… if I do get questions, what… what do you want me to say? ”she asked.

“Just tell them you don't know anything about it. Tell them it's legal stuff. It's out of your bailiwick.”

She nodded, still looking at him, but the expression on her face had moved from shock to suspicion, as if she were beginning to see that there was far more to this than Titus was telling her.

“That's a big hit, ”she said, pretending to believe him and knowing that he could tell she was pretending, “that bad investment.”

He nodded. Carla was a faithful jogger, and the same inner discipline that drove her regimen of physical training shaped her sense of integrity. It wasn't his withholding that was eating at her here. Titus didn't tell her everything about the business, of course, and she never expected him to. But she knew that something else was going on here, something was wrong.

They sat in silence.

“Look, ”she said, leaning toward him, her short, brindled hair framing her face and raised eyebrows in a kind of tousled discipline, “when I came into the house a minute ago, I saw some kind of technician coming out of the guest house wearing headphones. I walked into the kitchen and there was Rita standing at the sink, staring out the window. When I hugged her she didn't even react to my surprise at seeing her home early.”

She kept her eyes on him.

“And just now, when I walked through the house to come in here, I saw another technician wearing headphones. ”She paused for emphasis. “It looked to me like he was listening to a little bookcase.”

She shrugged. Who was she to find that odd? Her forearms were resting on the table, and when she paused her hands opened and her fingers spread out as if she were trying to convey a feeling of sincerity. Her fingernails were carefully manicured to an oval-edged practicality. She never wore polish.

“I'll go along with the bad investment story, ”she went on. “That's fine. ”She nodded. “Okay? But listen, Titus, something's terribly not right here, I think. Are you sure… you know, that you don't want to go into it just a little bit?”

He stared at her. He was tempted. The room had been swept. Who could possibly know if he said anything to her? He didn't have any doubt about her being able to keep a secret, but he felt that telling her would be like splashing her with a radioactive chemical. It could only be dangerous for her to know.

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