decided to go. This is the first time I've ever been inside her apartment. And now she's…I mean, Jesus!'

Pearl made a show of folding her notepad and putting it away with her pencil. She sat back and made herself look relaxed; it was time for a friendly off-the-record conversation. She'd seen Quinn use this tactic to lull someone he was interviewing, pretending the real interview was over. 'I'm interested now not so much in facts as in your impressions. So tell me, what kind of woman was Marilyn?'

Jones gave it some thought before answering. 'She was always upbeat, optimistic. At least when I saw her. Also bright and ambitious. She thought she was going someplace in this world, and she probably was. She hadn't been in the city long and was doing some sort of consulting work for a chain of clothing stores.'

'Rough Country?'

'I'm not sure. That coulda been it.'

Pearl smiled as if slightly embarrassed. 'Now I'm sorry to have to ask you an intimate question, Mr. Jones.'

He understood. 'She and I were never intimate.' He looked at Pearl with direct honesty. 'Like I said, this is the first time I've ever been in here. And she never came to my place.' He glanced down at his shoes, back up. 'I did have hopes.'

'Sure,' Pearl said. 'What else can you tell me about her? I'm just trying to get a feel for who she was.' And who you are.

'She laughed so easily,' Jones said. 'I liked that about her more than anything. She had the kind of sense of humor where she didn't say much that was funny, but she enjoyed what other people said.' He actually seemed about to tear up. 'The truth is, I guess we didn't know each other all that well, but I'm going to miss her, so I guess that's the kind of person she was.' He glanced about. 'This is such a waste. Such a goddamned shame!'

'It is,' Pearl agreed. Two dates and no sack time, and this guy was about to cry. Well, it was possible. Pearl wondered who'd cry over her if she were murdered. It was the kind of question her mother might ask.

She really should call her mother.

'I mean, a woman so wonderful and still young.' Jones sniffed. 'Well, I guess in your job you see it all the time.'

'Too often.' She waited a beat, then: 'What do you do for a living, Mr. Jones?' Abrupt change of subject. It might cheer him up even if it didn't throw him off balance. His grief did seem real.

'I'm a freelance journalist.'


Her alarm must have shown on her face.

'Not a newshound,' he assured her. 'I'm in New York working on a book about the intersection of politics and economics and its influence on the functions of each.'

'Sounds fascinating.'

A faint smile passed across his features. 'I try not to make it too dry. I'm still looking for a publisher.'

She got out her pad and pencil again. Official cop time. 'And your address?'

Pearl dutifully wrote it down, the Waverton, a residential hotel over on the West Side. It was a place that showed its age but was still respectable and had reasonable rates. Pearl thought it was exactly the kind of hotel where a freelance journalist with intermittent income might stay.

She put pad and pencil away again and thanked Jeb Jones for his time; then she stood up, waiting to see how anxious he was to leave.

Not very.

'We finished?' he asked.

Pearl had the impression he might prefer to hang around for a while and chat, as if he were lonely.

'Maybe,' she said. 'I might be in touch.' She smiled. 'You've been a help.'

'I hope so.' He stood slowly and looked around again, almost as if expecting to see Marilyn Nelson. He didn't so much as glance toward the bathroom.

'What do you know about the bastard who did this?' he asked. 'Are you going to find him?'

'Not much yet, but we're learning. And you can bet we're gonna find him.'

Jones nodded, but he didn't seem satisfied.

When he was gone, Pearl used her cell phone to call the Waverton and ask for Jeb Jones.

She waited while his room phone rang over and over, until finally it stopped and someone Pearl assumed to be the desk clerk came on the line and informed her that Jones wasn't in his room but she could leave a message.

Pearl told him no message, then thanked him and broke the connection.

So Jones was real, what he'd told her was at least true up to a point, and he wasn't in two places at once. Progress?

Who the hell knew?

She glanced at her watch. She was a long way from the Village, but there was still plenty of time to get to where she was having lunch with Lauri Quinn.

Quinn's request that she talk to his daughter nagged at Pearl, but she could understand why he had to ask.

Family! Pearl thought. River of blood. Sticky.

Call Mom.

The hell with Mom! Trying to run my life. Trying, for Chrissake, to marry me off like I'm some kind of virgin in Fiddler on the Roof!

Don't call Mom!

The Hungry U was a bit of a joint, but Pearl had seen worse. And it was in a part of the Village where 'joint' was…well, chic.

Inside, the restaurant was one of those places with a decor that tried too hard. Pearl thought it was like a movie director's low-budget idea of how a Pakistani restaurant should look.

Wafting on the aromatic air was repetitious recorded music played on an unfamiliar instrument, maybe a zither. Pearl thought the music might be Pakistani, but how would she know? The cooking scents titillated her appetite but made her eyes water. She was led by an exotic-looking woman to a table next to a wall.

Lauri must have seen her come in and was waiting for her to be seated, because she appeared right away and shook hands with Pearl before sliding onto the chair opposite.

A waiter also appeared. He was a handsome guy in his twenties with a sharply pointed dark goatee. He was wearing cutoff jeans and a baggy-sleeved white shirt. Maybe that was what waiters wore in Pakistan.

He smiled at Lauri. 'Can't stay away from the place on your day off?'

'It's the saffron,' Lauri said. She looked at Pearl. 'That's like this orange-colored spice that's from flowers.'


The waiter took their drink orders, diet Pepsi for Lauri and iced tea for Pearl, then left them.

Pearl studied Lauri. She definitely had her father's eyes and chin. It was odd how the feminine version of what made Quinn look like a thug was somehow beautiful on his daughter. Her hair was blond and worn short in a don't-give-a-damn cut. There was an obviously fake diamond stud in her nose. She was attractive now, but if she somehow managed to grow up in this crappy world, she might be stunning.

'You know about me,' Pearl said. Not a question.

'Yeah. You're the one who was shacked up with my dad.'

Pearl sighed. Was this going to be difficult? 'That's me, all right. He thought we should have this conversation.'

'So he'll understand me better, I suppose.'

'I suppose the same thing,' Pearl said.

'Think it'll work?'

'Yes. I'm intuitive.'

Lauri gave her a frank look. A Quinn look. 'You're pretty much what I expected.'

'Is that good?'

'Not bad. I'm not predisposed to dislike you.'

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