“No, Cil, relax, please,” he said. “That’s not what I’m sayin’. Just with you and me, it was different. I grew up in a tough neighborhood in Bensonhurst, hanging out on street corners, getting into all sorts of shit. Hell, half my friends got themselves arrested, two of ’em shot to death. One guy I went to high school with is doin’ double life sentences in Attica. And you, you grew up in the South Bronx, no father, a fucked-up mother. By the time you were twelve, you knew the score better than Carol does now, and she’s almost twenty. It’s different with you, Cil. You’re street smart, tough. You don’t wear your heart on your sleeve, you don’t have unrealistic expectations about the average guy on the street. Carol’s just too soft, too trusting. And it’s probably my fault, me and Jen’s, maybe we pampered the girls too much, sheltered them. If she becomes a cop, she’ll pay the price for that, pay the price for my mistakes.” He sighed. “Come on,” he said gently. “You know the deal, you’ve seen it. These kids comin’ on the job from Long Island, upstate New York, wherever. They ain’t got a clue. The streets eat ’em alive. All that Sesame Street bullshit they grew up with, ‘Teach the World to Sing’ crap, they actually believed all that. They come on the job and that’s when they see the real deal, what human nature’s really like. Hell, you knock out the electricity, cut the food supply for one friggin’ day, all of a sudden it’s the third century. The fuckin’ Huns versus the Vikings, and everybody loses.”
Priscilla remained silent. Rizzo turned to face her. “Civilization is just a facade. You know it. I know it. Every cop knows it. But Carol, she don’t know it. She was never on the streets. She may as well have grown up in fuckin’ Mayberry with Aunt Bea bakin’ her pies.”
“Okay, Joe,” she conceded, “I see where you’re coming from. But consider this: you only know Carol as her father, and see her only from that limited viewpoint. She may be tougher and a little more realistic than you figure. If this is something she really wants to do, you got to figure she’s thought it through. Carol’s lookin’ for your support. She
“That’s what a father does, Joe,” she said. “From what I’ve been told.”
Rizzo looked at her with a sad smile.
“Yeah, that’s what I hear, too.”
They sat in silence. After a few moments, Rizzo spoke again.
“I was just gonna tell her what it’s like. Tell her about the dead kid on the highway, about the I.A.D. jam-up I got myself into, about the shit me and Mike got tangled up with, about the political flunky bosses.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair, his eye twitching nervously.
“I was gonna tell her all about it,” he repeated. “Instead, I completely lost it. Went right into a tirade, just like my grandfather used to do when he came home from the job too full of bourbon.” Rizzo shook his head. “If I know Carol, even if she changes her mind and decides she’d rather become a friggin’ nun, she’ll still go on the cops. Just to show me I can’t push her around.”
Priscilla hesitated a moment, then laughed, slapping backhandedly at Rizzo’s left arm.
“There you go, Partner,” she said. “You’re startin’ to look on the bright side of this thing already.”
Rizzo turned to her, a puzzled look in his eyes.
“Hell,” she said. “At least she didn’t say she wants to become a nun. Now
Rizzo laughed grudgingly. “Yeah,” he said, “really.”
She turned to face him fully.
“You know, Joe, it ain’t the end of the world if she goes on the job. There’s worse shit parents got to deal with.”
“Yeah. I’m aware of that,” Rizzo said. “But we’re talkin’ about
Priscilla sighed. “I know, I know.”
Rizzo’s face animated, his cheeks flushing slightly. “No,” he said firmly. “You
“When my girls were little,” he said, “I’d tell them stories. Bedtime stories. When I was home to do it, that is. Carol was always the toughest. See, I’d make up the stories. I’d give them a choice: Ben the bear, Flipper the dolphin, or Lassie. Marie usually went for Lassie. Jessica bounced from one to the other. But Carol, she was tough. She’d pick combos-Ben and Lassie, Flipper and Ben-like that.” He raised his eyes back to Priscilla’s, pulling himself back into the car from those faraway nights. He smiled sadly. “You got any friggin’ idea how hard it is to make up a story with a goddamned fish combination? A fish and a bear? Or a collie?
“I’d have ’em all go waterskiing. On a river. Flipper pulling the other guys.” He laughed. “One time Carol asked me, ‘Where’d they get the skis, Daddy?’ ”
Amused, Priscilla asked, “I’m a little curious myself. Where
“Where else?” Rizzo asked. “Santa Claus.”
That brought a laugh from her. “Of course.”
He shook his head at the memory. “What
Priscilla opened the driver’s door and swung a long leg out of the car.
As he opened his door, Rizzo turned to her again.
“She can’t do this, Cil,” he said in a low voice. “It’s not right for her. It’ll hurt her.” Again his head shook. “She’s still my little girl.”
Priscilla pressed her lips, uncomfortable with Rizzo’s obvious pain.
“Yeah,” she said kindly. “She’ll always be your little girl, I guess.” Now her own mood turned sad, and she made a conscious effort to push it away. “I wish I had been somebody’s little girl. Damn, I wish I had. Wish I
Priscilla climbed from the car, leaning back in to address him one more time.
“And so is Carol. What ever happens, however this plays out, she’ll handle it. Like a full-grown woman.”
Rizzo remained silent.
“Now,” Priscilla said, her voice businesslike, “let’s go do our job. Let’s go get
THE TWO detectives sat in high-backed upholstered chairs in the neat, sparsely decorated living room. Across from them on a plain black sofa, three civilians sat facing them.
“I have a question,” Rizzo said. “About the names.”
Twenty-nine-year-old Cornelia Hom nodded.
“I’m sure you do, Sergeant,” she said.
Rizzo continued. “I have your grandmother’s name as Hom Bik and your grandfather’s as Hom Feng. Is that correct?”
“Yes,” Cornelia answered. “Hom is the surname. Chinese names are the reverse of English-surname first, given name second.”
Priscilla said, “So it’s Mr. and Mrs. Hom. Is that right?”
“Yes,” Cornelia said. “And, as I told you, they both understand English and speak some. They’re just more comfortable with me here, which is why I took off from work today.”
“Where is that, Ms. Hom?” Rizzo asked.
“Morgan Chase,” she replied. “On Broad and Wall Streets.”
“Okay,” Rizzo said, jotting it down. “Before we leave, I’d like all your numbers-home, business, cell. In case we