he was brave enough to stab an unarmed drunk, but Junior couldn't stand up to answer for his crimes.

'He ain't worf living,' the voice whispered in my head.

'Let's go,' I said to Mouse.


Dupree was at his sister's house, out past Watts, in Compton. Bula had a night job as a nurse's assistant at Temple Hospital so it was Dupree who answered our knock.

'Easy,' he said in a quiet voice. 'Mouse.'

'Pete!' Mouse was bright. 'That pigtails I smell?'

'Yeah, Bula made some this mo'nin'. Blackeyes too.'

'You don't need to show me, I just run after my nose.'

Mouse went around Dupree toward the smell. We stood in the tiny entrance looking at each other's shoulders. I was still half outside. Two crickets sounded from the rose beds that Bula kept.

'I'm sorry 'bout Coretta, Pete. I'm sorry.'

'All I wanna know is why, Easy. Why somebody wanna kill her like that?' When Dupree looked up at me I saw that both of his eyes were swollen and dark. I never asked but I knew that those bruises were part of his police interrogation.

'I don't know, man. I can't see why someone wanna do that t'anybody.'

Tears were coming down Dupree's face. 'I do it to the man done it to her.' He looked me in the eye. 'When I find out who it was, Easy, I'm'a kill that man. I don't care who he is.'

'You boys better com'on in,' Mouse said from the end of the hall. 'Food's on the table.'

Bula had rye in the cabinet. Mouse and Dupree drank it. Dupree had been crying and upset the whole evening. I asked him some questions but he didn't know anything. He told us about how the police had questioned him and held him for two days without telling him why. But when they finally told him about Coretta he broke down so they could see that it wasn't him.

Dupree drank steady while he told his story. He got more and more drunk until he finally passed out on the sofa.

'That Dupree is a good man,' Mouse slurred. 'But he jus' cain't hold his liquor.'

'You got your sails pretty far up too, Raymond.'

'You callin' me drunk?'

'All I'm sayin' is that you been puttin' it away along wit'im and you could be sure that you wouldn't pass no breath test neither.'

'If I was drunk,' he said, 'could I do this?'

Mouse, moving as fast as I've ever seen a man move, reached into his fancy jacket and came out with that long-barreled pistol. The muzzle was just inches from my forehead.

'Ain't a man in Texas could outdraw me!'

'Put it down, Raymond,' I said as calmly as I could.

'Go on,' Mouse dared, as he put the pistol back in his shoulder holster. 'Go fo' your gun. Les see who gets kilt.'

My hands were on my knees. I knew that if I moved Mouse would kill me.

'I don't have a gun, Raymond. You know that.'

'You fool enough to go without no piece then you must wanna be dead.' His eyes were glazed and I was sure that he didn't see me. He saw somebody, though, some demon he carried around in his head.

He drew the pistol again. This time he cocked the hammer. 'Say your prayers, nigger, 'cause I'm'a send you home.'

'Let him go, Raymond,' I said. 'He done learned his lesson good enough. If you kill'im then he won't have got it.' I was just talking.

'He fool enough t'call me out an' he ain't even got no gun! I kill the motherfucker!'

'Let him live, Ray, an' he be scared'a you whenever you walk in the room.'

'Motherfucker better be scared. I kill the motherfucker. I kill'im!'

Mouse nodded and let the pistol fall down into his lap. His head fell to his chest and he was asleep; just like that!

I took the gun and put it on the table in the kitchen.

Mouse always kept two smaller pistols in his bag, I knew that from our younger days. I got one of them and left a note for Dupree and him. I told them that I had gone home and that I had Mouse's gun. I knew he wouldn't mind as long as I told him about it.

I drove down my block twice before I was sure no one was waiting for me in the streets. Then I parked around

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