The white man laughed and shook his head as if I had told a good joke.
'Things happen every day, Easy,' he said. 'Things happen every day. You're an educated man, aren't you?'
'Why, yes.'
'So you read the paper. You read it today?'
'Three murders! Three! Last night alone. Things happen every day. People with everything to live for, maybe they even got a little money in the bank. They probably had it all planned out what they'd be doing this weekend, but that didn't stop them from dying. Those plans didn't save them when the time came. People got everything to live for and they get a little careless. They forget that the only thing you have to be sure of is that nothing bad comes to you.'
The way he smiled when he sat back in his chair reminded me of Mouse again. I thought of how Mouse was always smiling, especially when misfortune happened to someone else.
'You just find the girl and tell me, that's all. I'm not going to hurt her and neither is my friend. You don't have a thing to worry about.'
He took a white secretary-type wallet from a desk drawer and produced a stack of bills. He counted out ten of them, licking his square thumb for every other one, and placed them in a neat stack next to the whiskey.
'One hundred dollars,' he said.
I couldn't see why it shouldn't be my one hundred dollars.
When I was a poor man, and landless, all I worried about was a place for the night and food to eat; you really didn't need much for that. A friend would always stand me a meal, and there were plenty of women who would have let me sleep with them. But when I got that mortgage I found that I needed more than just friendship. Mr. Albright wasn't a friend but he had what I needed.
He was a fine host too. His liquor was good and he was pleasant enough. He told me a few stories, the kind of tales that we called 'lies' back home in Texas.
One story he told was about when he was a lawyer in Georgia.
'I was defending a shit-kicker who was charged with burning down a banker's house,' DeWitt told me as he stared out toward the wall behind my head. 'Banker had foreclosed on the boy the minute the note was due. You know he didn't even give him any chance to make extra arrangements. And that boy was just as guilty as that banker was.'
'You get him off?' I asked.
DeWitt smiled at me. 'Yeah. That prosecutor had a good case on Leon, that's the shit-kicker. Yeah, the honorable Randolph Corey had solid proof that my client did the arson. But I went down to Randy's house and I sat at his table and pulled out this here pistol. All I did was talk about the weather we'd been having, and while I did that I cleaned my gun.'
'Getting your client off meant that much to you?'
'Shit. Leon was trash. But Randy had been riding pretty high for a couple'a years and I had it in mind that it was time for him to lose a case.' Albright straightened his shoulders. 'You have to have a sense of balance when it comes to the law, Easy. Everything has to come out just right.'
After a few drinks I started talking about the war. Plain old man-talk, about half of it true and the rest just for laughs. More than an hour went by before he asked me, 'You ever kill a man with your hands, Easy?'
'You ever kill a man, hand-to-hand?'
'No reason really. It's just that I know you've seen some action.'
'You ever kill somebody up close? I mean so close that you could see it when his eyes went out of focus and he let go? When you kill a man it's the shit and piss that's worst. You boys did that in the war and I bet it was bad. I bet you couldn't dream about your mother anymore, or anything nice. But you lived with it because you knew that it was the war that forced you to do it.'
His pale blue eyes reminded me of the wide-eyed corpses of German soldiers that I once saw stacked up on a road to Berlin.
'But the only thing that you have to remember, Easy,' he said as he picked up the money to hand me across the table, 'is that some of us can kill with no more trouble than drinking a glass of bourbon.' He downed the shot and smiled.
Then he said, 'Joppy tells me that you used to frequent an illegal club down on Eighty-ninth and Central. Somebody saw Daphne at that very same bar not long ago. I don't know what they call it but they have the big names in there on weekends and the man who runs it is called John. You could start tonight.'
The way his dead eyes shined on me I knew our party was over. I couldn't think of anything to say so I nodded, put his money in my pocket, and moved to leave.
I turned back at the door to salute him goodbye but DeWitt Albright had filled his glass and shifted his gaze to the far wall. He was staring into someplace far from that dirty basement.