make out with Herman and smoke cigarettes.'
'It's still dangerous for a girl to be alone. Your parents are right to want you with somebody.'
'Are you going to hurt me?' She stared into my face intently. I remember wondering what color her eyes were before I heard the shouting.
'Hey you! Black boy! What's happening here?' It was a pimply-faced boy. He couldn't have been more than twenty years and five and a half feet but he came up to me like a full-grown soldier. He wasn't afraid; a regular fool of a youth.
'What do you want?' I asked as politely as I could.
'You know what I mean,' he said as he came within range of my grasp.
'Leave him alone, Herman!' Barbara yelled. 'We were just talking!'
'You were, huh?' he said to me. 'We don't need ya talking to our women.'
I could have broken his neck. I could have put out his eyes or broken all of his fingers. But instead I held my breath.
Five of his friends were headed toward us. While they were coming on, not yet organized or together, I could have killed all of them too. What did they know about violence? I could have crushed their windpipes one by one and they couldn't have done a thing to stop me. They couldn't even run fast enough to escape me. I was still a killing machine.
'Hey!' the tallest one said. 'What's wrong?'
'Nigger's trying to pick up Barbara.'
'Yeah, an' she's just jailbait.'
'Leave him alone!' Barbara shouted. 'He was just saying where he was from.'
I guess she was trying to help me, like a mother hugging her child when he's just broken his ribs.
'Barbara!' another girl shouted.
'Hey, man, what's wrong with you?' the big one asked in my face. He was wide-shouldered and a little taller than I; built like a football player. He had a broad, fleshy face. His eyes, nose, and mouth were like tiny islands on a great sea of white skin.
I noticed that a couple of the others had picked up sticks. They moved in around me, forcing me back against the rail.
'I don't want any problem, man,' I said. I could smell the liquor on the tall one's breath.
'You already got a problem, boy.'
'Listen, all she said was hi. That's all I said too.' But I was thinking to myself, Why the hell do I have to answer to you?
Herman said, 'He was tellin' her where he lived. She said so herself.'
I was trying to remember how far down the beach was. By then I knew I had to get out of there before there were two or three dead bodies, one of them being mine.
'Excuse me,' a man's voice called out.
There was a slight commotion behind the football player and then a Panama hat appeared there next to him.
'Excuse me,' Mr. DeWitt Albright said again. He was smiling.
'What do you want?' the footballer said.
DeWitt just smiled and then he pulled the pistol, which looked somewhat like a rifle, from his coat. He leveled the barrel at the large boy's right eye and said, 'I want to see your brains scattered all over your friends' clothes, son. I want you to die for me.'
The large boy, who was wearing red swimming trunks, made a sound like he had swallowed his tongue. He moved his shoulder ever so slightly and DeWitt cocked back the hammer. It sounded like a bone breaking.
'I wouldn't move if I were you, son. I mean, if you were to breathe too heavily I'd just kill you. And if any of you other boys move I'll kill him and then I'll shoot off
The ocean was rumbling and the air had turned cold. The only human sound was from Barbara, who was sobbing in her sister's arms.
'I want you boys to meet my friend,' DeWitt said. 'Mr. Jones.'
I didn't know what to do so I nodded.
'He's a friend'a mine,' Mr. Albright continued. 'And I'd be proud and happy if he was to lower himself to fuck my sister
No one had anything to say to that.
'Now, Mr. Jones, I want to ask you something.'
'Yes, sir, Mr., ah, Smith.'
'Do you think that I should shoot out this nasty's boy's eyeball?'
I let that question hang for a bit. Two of the younger boys had been weeping already but the wait caused the footballer to start crying.
'Well,' I said, after fifteen seconds or so, 'if he's not sorry for bullying me then I think you should kill