“Stop and locked,” the desk said.
Montserrat relaxed. The
Interviews with the kzin Supervisor-of-Animals were always rather stressful. Montferrat sipped, looking down over the low-pitched tile roofs of Old Munchen. None of the sprawling shanty-suburbs and shoddy gimcrack factories of recent years, this ten-story view was almost as he had known it as a student: The curving tree-lined streets that curled through the hills beside the broad blue waters of the Donau, banked flowers beside the pedestrian ways, cafes, the honeygold quadrangles of the University, courtyarded homes built around expanses of greenery and fountains. Softly blooming frangipani and palms and gumblossom in the parks along the river; the Gothic flamboyance of the Ritterhaus, where the Landholders had met in council before the kzin came. And the bronze grouping in the great square before it; the Nineteen Founders.
Memory rose before him, turning the hard daylight of afternoon to a soft summer's night; he was young again, arm in arm with Ingrid and Harold and a dozen of their friends, the new student's caps on their head. They had come from the beercellar and hours of swaying song, the traditional graduation night feast, and they were all a little merry. Not drunk, but happy and in love with all the world, a universe and a lifetime opening out before them. The three of them had lead the scrambling mob up the granite steps of the plinth, to put their white-and-gold caps on the three highest sculpted heads, and they had ridden the bronze shoulders and waved to the sea of dancing, laughing young faces below. Fireworks had burst overhead, yellow and green…
“I knew it,” he muttered. “It wasn't logical, they didn't do as much damage as they could have.” The kzin had thought otherwise, but then, they had predator's reflexes. They just did not think in terms of mass destruction; their approach to warfare was too pragmatic for that. Which was why their armament was lacking in planet-busting weapons: the thought of destroying valuable real estate did not occur to them. Montferrat had run his own projections, and with weapons like that ramship you could destabilize
So there must have been some other point to the raid, and not merely to get an effective ship to the Free Wunderlanders. Nothing overt, which left something clandestine. Intelligence work. Perhaps elsewhere in the system, pray God elsewhere in the system, not in his backyard. But it would be just as well…
He crossed to the desk. “Axelrod-Bauergartner,” he said.
A holo of his second-in-command formed, seated at her desk. The meter-high image put down its coffee-cup and straightened. “Yes, Chief?”
“I want redoubled surveillance on all entry-exit movements in the Greater Munchen area.
“Zum befehl, Chief.”
“Our esteemed superiors also wish evidence of our zeal. Get them some monkeymeat for the next hunt, nobody too crucial.”
“I'll round up the usual suspects, Chief— ”
The door retracted, and a white-coated steward came in with a covered wheeled tray. Montferrat looked up, checking… yes, the chilled Bloemvin 2337, the heart-of-palm salad, the pate…
“And for now, send in the exit-visa applicant, the one who was having the problems with the paperwork.”
The projected figure grinned wickedly. “Oh,
He lit a cigarette and blew a smoke-ring at the ceiling. Have to crank up my contacts, he thought. Activity's going to heat up system-wide, and there's no reason I shouldn't take advantage of it. Safety's sake, too: arse to the wall, ratcats overall. This wasn't all to get our heroic Herrenmann in the Swarm a new toy; that was just a side effect, somehow.
“Sam,” he said, keying an old-fashioned manual toggle. “Get me Suuomalisen.”
“Finagle,” Jonah muttered under his breath. The transfer booths were shut down at Munchenport as well, and the shuttle station had been moved out into open country. The station was a series of square extruded buildings and open spaces for the gravitic shuttles; mostly for freight, the passenger traffic was a sideline. “Security's tight.”
Ingrid smiled at the guard and handed over their identi-cards, The man smiled back and fed them into the reader, waiting a few seconds while the machine read the data, scanned the two Belters for congruence and consulted the central files.
“Clear,” he said, and shifted into Wunderlander: “Enjoy your stay planetside. God knows, there are more trying to get off than on, what with casualties from the raid and all.”
“Thank you,” Jonah said; his command of the language was adequate, and his accent would pass among non-Belters. “It was pretty bad out in the Belt, too.”
The lineup moving through the scanners in the opposite direction stretched hundreds of meters into the barnlike gloom of the terminal building. A few were obviously space-born returning home, but most were stockier, families with crying children and string-tied parcels, or ragged-looking laborers. They smelled of unwashed bodies and poverty, a peculiar sweetsour odor blending with the machinery-and-synthetics smell of the building and the residual ozone of heavy powder release. More raw material for the industries of the Serpent Swarm, attracted by the higher wages and the lighter hand of the kzin offplanet.
“Watch it,” Ingrid said. The milling crowds silenced and parted as a trio of the felinoids walked through trailed by human servants with baggage on mag-lifters; Jonah caught snatches of the Hero's tongue, technical jargon. They both wheeled at a sudden commotion. The guards were closing in on an emigrant at the head of the line, a man arguing furiously with the checker. “It's right!” he screamed. “I paid good money for it, all we got for the farm, it's
“Look, scheisskopf, the machine says there's no record of it.
“It's the right paper, let me through!” The man lunged, trying to vault the turnstile. The guard at the checker recoiled, shrieked as the would-be traveler slammed down his metal-edged carryall on her arm. The two agents could hear the wet crackle of broken bone even at five meters distance, and then the madman's body disappeared