and got myself ready. Finally, I placed Laurie into her stroller and took off toward the cafe.
Jennifer was seated at a booth, sipping a latte. I ordered a green tea and maneuvered the stroller next to the table.
Jennifer peeked in on Laurie, who was studying the hanging doll attached to her stroller.
“Thanks for meeting me,” Jennifer whimpered.
I nodded.
“I was framed,” Jennifer continued.
I took a deep breath to keep my cool. “By whom?”
“Mrs. Avery.”

I let my jaw drop. “You think Mrs. Avery framed you?”
Jennifer nodded, pressing her thin lips together. “She’s had it out for me. No doubt about it. She hated that I was seeing Brad.”
“She didn’t know you were seeing Brad.”
“What do you mean? She saw us together one time at the country club. When Brad went to use the restroom, she warned me to stay away from him or else!”
I shrugged. “She told me she didn’t know who he was seeing. Maybe she thought it was a one-time thing at the club.”
Jennifer sighed, looking defeated. “Maybe. But she’s evil.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, look at the Penny thing.” Jennifer must have noticed the confused look on my face because she clarified, “Brad and Svetie’s daughter. Svet was convinced that someone Penny knew lured her into the water that day.”
Okay, I
“You think Mrs. Avery lured her own granddaughter to her death?”
Laurie gave a little kick in her stroller for attention. I rocked the stroller forward and back to soothe her.
Jennifer flipped her hair. “It sounds bad, I know.”
“No offense, but it sounds preposterous. Maybe you’ve been smoking a little too much of that hippie hay.”
Jennifer shook her head. “I don’t really smoke all that much.”
“Does Rich?”
Her eyes narrowed. “I wouldn’t know.”
“Don’t you run drugs out of Heavenly Haight for him?”
Jennifer’s face registered shock. “How. . how did you know that?”
“Well, I am a PI.” I felt momentarily proud of myself.
“Does Mrs. Avery know about the drugs?”
“Who do you think pulls all the strings?” Jennifer asked.
I tried to ignore the sharp pain that burned behind my temples. Mrs. Avery did have an awful lot of money. Could it have come from drug dealing?
I pressed against my temples with my fingers. “What about Svetlana?” I asked. “Was she involved?”
“She knew it was going on, but kinda turned a blind eye. I think she was really depressed after Penny. She tuned a lot of things out.”
“Did she know about your affair with Brad?”
“No! God, no! Svetie still wasn’t over the fact that he left her for Michelle. She hated Michelle and her sister. And I really liked Svetlana, so why rub her nose in it?”
“What about the gun? The police found the gun in your apartment.”
“Yeah, so? It must have been planted there.”
“Who has keys to your apartment? Did Brad?”
“No. Just the apartment manager/handyman guy in 101. But he’s a worm. I’m sure Mrs. Avery could have bribed him.”
I stopped at home only for a moment to pick up the car, then drove straight to Mrs. Avery’s. My head was pounding and dread was growing in my stomach. “Please don’t let Mrs. Avery be involved,” I prayed.
I needed somebody, somehow, to be clean in this whole situation. Even worse, I had a selfish reason for wanting her to be innocent. I wanted to get paid.
I pulled up in front of Mrs. Avery’s house. Her Sea Cliff home stood brightly before me. I carefully parked my Chevrolet between a Jaguar and a Cadillac.
I got out of the car and examined my outfit. Jeans and a maroon top. Not bad, but not great either. I searched for my lipstick in the diaper purse.
What had happened to fashionable Kate? I pulled out a pacifier and a tiny headband with a small white hairbrush.
No lipstick! I tried a second pouch and found a rattle and a red lipstick.
It clashed with the maroon top, but I put it on anyway. Lip color has a way of making me feel more presentable. And I knew I’d need to feel as self-assured as possible for this confrontation.
I pulled my shirt down and hiked up the waist of my jeans. Hey, they were fitting a little better. I plucked Laurie’s car seat from the Chevy and walked up Mrs. Avery’s driveway.
I was out of breath when I arrived. The fatigue of not sleeping well and the case were getting to me.
Huffing and puffing, I climbed the few stairs to her house.
Mrs. Avery’s maid, Marta, greeted Laurie and me at door. She ushered us into the sitting room and directed me to a tan chaise lounge with delicate purple and green flowers on it.
After a few minutes, Marta reentered carrying a silver tea service, which she placed on the coffee table in front of me.
Mrs. Avery emerged, dressed in a red power suit. “Kate! Oh! And little Laurie! How are you, dear?”
I pulled the ledgers out from my bag and showed them to her. “I found these at Michelle’s house.”
Mrs. Avery crossed to a side table and retrieved a pair of reading glasses from the top drawer. She studied the reports a moment, her eyes darting back and forth across the pages. “Rich was hired to look over the affairs of the restaurant and the store. Are you saying he’s cheating me, Kate?”
I looked at her, surprised. What if Mrs. Avery was ignorant of the whole drug operation?
“Well, what do you make of these?” she asked.
I hesitated.
“Illegal activity? Like what?”
“Like drug dealing,” I said, feeling foolish. The woman was in her seventies. What was I accusing her of?
Well, hey, hadn’t George said they were looking into going legit with medical marijuana? Maybe Mrs. Avery was involved in that campaign. I imagined her setting up shop at the country club, dealing pot to seniors.
Mrs. Avery made no effort to hide her indignation. “Do you know what you are saying, Mrs. Connolly? I have no such involvement,” she said firmly. “And neither did my son.”