of her weapon and pulled dexterously and sharply to jerk her off her feet. Instinctively she released her grip and let the thing go, springing back from too close contact. And then Luke had scrambled clear and was on his feet, and had her by the hand.

“Quick . . .run!”

Neither of them had heard, or could possibly have heard in that chaotic interlude, the labouring footsteps dragging their way down the stairs. They had forgotten Quilley. Fleet fired after them towards the door as he came to his knees, but the bullet plugged harmlessly into the lintel. It was the other shot that stopped them cold as they hurled themselves out into the hall, a shot that spat accurately into the wood blocks of the floor just before their feet, and flung them back in a frantic recoil against the balustrade of the staircase. It came from the corner just within the front door, out of absolute darkness, whereas they had one faint light upon them from the glass panel of the door, and another behind them from the open doorway of the living-room.

“Hold it right there!” said Quilley’s voice, faintly stirred this time with earnest zeal, for who was the useful one now? “I can see you, and you can’t see me. One step this way and I plug you.”

Luke recovered from the check in a moment, but a moment was too long. If they could not both get away, he could still break a way through for Bunty, and this time she would have to go, because there would be nothing left for her to do here, no one to salvage. He put her aside by the shoulder, flattening her into the shelter of the newel- post, and sprang for the armed darkness, diving low.

His arms found and circled Quilley’s knees, Quilley’s gun hand swung towards the ceiling, and down they went in an ugly, heavy fall in the corner beside the door, both heads jarred against the wall.

Run, Bunty!” Luke panted, clawing his way along Quilley’s right arm towards the gun, and forcing the struggling wrist to point the barrel away into the wall.

The way was clear for her to reach the door, but time had already run out. The narrow hall was suddenly full of people. Blackie had an arm locked round Bunty’s neck, and his gun pressed left-handed into her back. And Fleet was lunging past them to reach Luke and Quilley and drag them apart. A faint, flickering pencil of light suddenly sprang up, scurrying through the living-room to shed a queasy pallor on the struggle, and after it a cone of steady light from Con’s long, rubber-cased torch came surging eagerly in. They were back from the jetty far too soon, and empty- handed, just in time to put the quietus on all hope of escape.

The beam of yellow light swung upwards and bounded along the ceiling, swung downwards again and danced over the glass panel of the door. The thick rubber case hit Luke low in the back of the head with a solid, sickening sound. His shoulders hunched oddly, he hung still for an instant, and then collapsed over Quilley like a discarded rag-doll, and lay in a motionless sprawl of arms and legs and lolling head, dead to the world.

“All right,” said Fleet’s voice out of the dark, soft, savage and frightening, “bring them back inside. All right! There are other ways.”

He was out of breath, ruffled, bruised. He looked from Luke’s huddled body to his own awed and silent lieutenants; he looked at Bunty, and the ray of the torch showed her his face outlined in abrupt lights and shadows, planes of steep pallor and obliques of dusty black. All the debonair, easy, vigorous bonhomie had cracked and fallen away from those razor-edged surfaces. This was basic Fleet, the bedrock fact of what he had made of himself, for in every aspect of him Fleet was a selfmade man. Neither her life nor Luke’s was worth half a crown now, but for one thing. Fleet still didn’t know where the money was. And Luke was past questioning. A respite for him, at least; he’d had more than enough. Now she was left. Fleet’s marmalade eyes, orange-flecked, glowed almost to red as he stared at her.

Without turning his head he addressed Quilley, who had clambered painfully to his feet again, and was holding himself up by the wall. “Get back upstairs, and keep a sharp eye out. Somebody could have heard the shots.”

“Yes, sure, boss, I’m going. I had to come down… the front door… they’d have made it if I hadn’t…” He edged away along the wall, eager and anxious, hooked an arm heavily over the bannister rail, and began to drag himself back to his guard duty. The torch caught the whites of his eyes, turned back hopefully and fearfully upon Fleet.

“All right, you had to come down! Now get back!”

Quilley went in fear, groaning as he climbed.

“Well, what happened to you two?” But he knew already. “There was nothing there, of course.”

“Nothing. No ring, even. A lot of lies,” Con said indignantly.

“We had to get out of sight fast, too,” Skinner supplemented. “There’s a boat making up-coast, not far offshore. We didn’t want to be seen. But we’d already made sure. He was lying, all right.”

“Bring him in,” said Fleet, and stalked ahead of them into the living-room.

Blackie prodded Bunty before him into the ravaged room, and pushed her down into the settee. The other two dragged in Luke by his arms and tumbled him on the floor in front of her feet, a thin, long, disjointed puppet. They had only the two torches for light, the small, guttering candle that belonged to the Alports, and the illuminated club that had battered Luke into unconsciousness. Fine slivers of glass crunched under their feet, and drew thin silver- point lines the length of Luke’s dangling hand.

By this curiously stagey lighting Bunty looked round the chaos of the room, from the shattered light-fixture to the door-lintel where Fleet’s second bullet had buried itself.

There was no passing this off as a murder and suicide from despair now. Did that make bargaining possible? No, not a hope. There was a lot of room in the sea, and such witnesses as Fleet had at his mercy were better out of the way.

“You’ll need a new script, won’t you?” she heard herself saying with unbelievable calm. “Four bullet-holes to account for, and all this wreckage. And after you’d polished all the prints off the business gun, too! I can’t wait to see you tidy this lot up.”

“Too true,” said Fleet, in a voice as soft as it was vicious. “You couldn’t have put it better—you can’t wait! You’re too sharp, my dear, too sharp altogether. A lot too sharp for your own good. Wouldn’t you do better to cooperate, and tell me where the money’s hidden?”

“No,” she said with a tight, tired smile, “I shouldn’t. That’s the last thing I’d be likely to do, even if I knew. You’re so sure I’ve got no time left. But I have! I’ve got until you know the answer to that, either from him or from me. That long, and not many minutes longer. You think I don’t know a killer when I see one? If I told you what you want to know, that would be the last thing I should do. So wouldn’t I be a fool to tell you? Even if I knew?”

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