jaunt and finding themselves with time for an amorous interlude before they need return to the bosoms of their families, drove off the road on the heath side of Silcaster into a certain old quarry they knew of, and parked the car carefully on the level stretch of grass above the abandoned workings. If the boy had not sensibly elected to back into position and drive out again forwards, and his girl friend had not been well-trained in all their mutual manoeuvres, and hopped out without being asked, to make sure how far back the ground was solid after the rain, a very much longer interval might have passed before George Felse got any information in response to his general call.

‘Come on, you’re all right,’ she called, beckoning him gaily back towards the sheer edge of the quarry, still some eight yards or so behind her, and thinly veiled with low bushes here and there. ‘Somebody’s been back here before us, it’s safe enough.’ And she glanced behind her, following the course of the tyre-tracks flattened deep and green into the wet grass, and suddenly flung up a hand in warning and let out a muted shriek: ‘My God, no! Stop! Eh, Jimmy, come and have a look at this! Some poor soul’s gone clean over the edge.’

The tracks ran straight to the rim, and vanished into the void; a little bush of stunted hawthorn, barely a foot high, was scraped clean of all its twigs and leaves on one side, and dangled broken into the grass. In stunned silence they crept forward to the rim of the cliff, and looked over into the deep, dark eye of the pool which had long since filled the abandoned crater. Rock-based, with only a few years’ deposit of gravel and fine matter to cloud it, and almost no weed, it retained its relative clarity even after rain, but it was deep enough to cover what it held with successive levels of darkness. Nevertheless, they could distinguish the shape of the car by the still outline of pallor, light bronze forming an oblong shoal with all its sides sloping gradually away into the blue-green of deeper water.

‘Oh, God!’ whispered the girl. ‘It’s true! He went and backed her clean over.’

The boy was sharper-sighted, and bright enough to be sure of what he saw. ‘He never did! That car went in forwards. Look at it! What’s more, look at those tracks!’

By instinct they had walked along the wheel-tracks to the edge of the quarry, the grass being longish and very wet, and the flattened channels the smoothest and driest walking. ‘Look there, between the wheel-marks!’ She looked, and there beyond doubt ran the curious feather-stitch pattern of two human legs wading through grass, midway between the grooves the tyres had laid down. Not merely walking, but thrusting strongly, for the soft turf, though it retained no details, was ground into a hollow at every step. These marks began only about fifteen feet from the edge, and ended in a patch of more trampled grass about six feet from it. Only a few yards of effort. ‘You haven’t set foot in there,’ said the boy, ‘and no more have I. Either I’m crazy, or the bloke that did was shoving that car. Put her in gear and let her run, and even then, with this growth, downhill and all she’d need a hand to send her over.’

‘What, just getting rid of an old crock?’ said the girl, relieved of the vision of two young people like themselves slowly drowning as the car filled. ‘Is that all? Well, I know they go to some funny shifts to get shot of ’em, I suppose that’d be one way.’

‘I don’t know! It doesn’t look like a job I’d throw away,’ he said dubiously, peering down at the pale shape below. ‘Suppose it was some car pinched for a job, and then dumped? And it’s recent— couldn’t be longer ago than last night it was put in there.’ He made up his mind. ‘Come on, we’d better report it. Just in case!’

It was his statement that sent a Silcaster police car out to the quarry less than half an hour later. The colour appeared, the boy had said, to be fawn or light brown. The implications were urgent, with the missing light bronze Aston Martin in mind, and they sent out, after only momentary hesitation, for a skin-diver, to settle the matter as soon as possible, one way or the other. If they were wasting time over an old hulk ditched illegally by its desperate owner, so much the worse. But they couldn’t afford to take chances.

The diving unit brought flood-lights and equipment, never being given to do things by halves. The diver went down before the daylight was quite gone, and brought up a report that set the whole circus in motion well into the night.

The first call was put through to George just before seven. ‘Got some news of the Aston Martin for you,’ said the Silcaster inspector, an old acquaintance. ‘Some bad, some good.’

‘Let’s have the bad first,’ said George.

‘We’ve found the car. Dumped in a pool in a deserted quarry up by the heath. Courting couple found the tracks where it had been driven over, and had the sense to report it. We’ve already had a diver down, and it’s the car you want, all right. We’re setting up the gear to raise it, but our frogman reckons he could see pretty well into the interior, and—’

‘And he isn’t in it,’ said George, drawing the obvious inference with immense relief. ‘That’s the good news?’

‘That’s it. Good as far as it goes, anyhow. No body, no luggage, nothing visible bigger than a rug on the floor. But it leaves you with a problem, all right. Since he isn’t there, where is he? Because whoever put his car out of commission down a hole can’t have been exactly well-disposed to the owner, can he?’

The air was getting fouler, and he was getting weaker, and he was almost as far away as ever from that unattainable corner where the hypocaust opened one vein to the light of day; though whether it was night or day, and what the hour was, he had now no means of knowing. He had given up hope of finding a way through the centre of the maze. Every hopeful passage he had attempted towards the river had only closed up in front of him and driven him still further to the right, and three times now he had had to turn off to the right even from that line for a short distance, so that he had lost some ground gained earlier. He must now be at the very site, he thought, of that last minor dig, and the one hope he had left was that this right-hand boundary wall might have survived in better case than the opposite one. Since the centre was bedded solid, and the obvious way to his objective had failed him, try the long way round, and pray that it might yet turn out to be the shortest way home. The flues at the rim of the hypocaust had the best chance of surviving, since on one side they backed all the way into solid earth, the brickwork unbroken by cross-passages. And this one towards which he was now crawling, on no remaining fuel but his native obstinacy, would certainly have carried less traffic and less weight during the centuries of cultivation, since the vast bases of the forum pillars alongside it had defied removal even by the ingenious village builders, and baulked all attempts at getting this piece of land under plough. It had always, he remembered from old photographs in the museum, been a scrub hedge between the fields, and a strip of waste ground, good only for blackberrying. This side he might have better luck.

The boundary flue had one other great advantage, considering his present condition of exhaustion and light- headedness. When he came to it, it would be a blank T-crossing, with no way ahead, and could not be mistaken. He had been telling himself as much, and promising that it would come soon, for what seemed hours, which only indicated how tenuous his grasp of time had become, and how slow his progress. But at every move he still reached out a hopeful hand to flatten against the facing wall that still wasn’t there—as now.

But this time it was there. His palm encountered the unmistakable rough texture of brickwork, squarely closing the way ahead. He lay still for a few minutes, his head swimming with the weakness of relief, and also with the

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