As he spoke, he drew the tiny soul out. He knew even before he checked it that this one would go to Heaven, for now he had discretion in such cases.

'You're not the way I thought you would be,' the woman said, recovering some stability now that the issue had been decided. 'You have — ' She faltered, seeking the appropriate word. 'Compassion.'

Compassion. Suddenly it fell into place. This was the quality Zane brought to the office of Death that the office had lacked before. It made him feel good to realize that the delays he had indulged in and the rules he had broken — that such acts could be construed positively instead of negatively. He cared about his clients, strove for what was best for them within the dreadful parameters of his office, and was no longer ashamed to admit it.

He knew he had been installed in this office for reasons not relating to merit. But he had conquered his limitations and knew that he would perform with reasonable merit henceforth.

'Death came with friendly care…' he repeated as he set his watch for the next client. He liked the thought.

End of Anthony, Piers — On a pale Horse

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