interested in Anne Askew. A jailor was subject to bribery. You took a little here, a little there. But he wished he had never meddled in the case of Anne Askew.
“You know why you are here, my friend,” said the personage.
“Yes…yes, my lord. But I have done nothing.”
“You have nothing to fear. You have only to answer a few questions.”
God in Heaven! thought the sweating jailor. That is what they are all told. “You have merely to answer a few questions!”
“Allow me to show you round the chamber,” said the jailor’s host. “You see here the gauntlets, the thumbscrews, the Spanish collar… the Scavenger’s Daughter. You, who serve the King as one of his jailors, know the uses to which these toys may be put, I doubt not.”
“I do, my lord. But I have done nothing.”
“And here is the rack. The most interesting of them all. My friend, a man is a fool who lets his limbs be stretched on that instrument. There is no need for it. No
“What… what do you want of me?”
The man gripped his arm.
“Answer my questions and go back to your work. That is all I ask of you. Give me truth and I’ll give you freedom.”
“I will tell you anything you want to know.”
“That is well. I knew you were a sensible man. Sit here…here on this stool. Now … have you recovered? Let us be quick; and the quicker the better, say you; for when you have given the simple answers to these questions you will go back to your work and never, I trust, enter this place again.”
“Ask me,” pleaded the jailor. “Ask me now.”
“You are ready?”
“Aye, sir.”
“Did you conduct a woman to a prisoner this day?”
“Yes, sir.”
“That was not one of your duties, I feel sure.”
“No, no….” The words tumbled out. He could not speak quickly enough. “I took a bribe. It was wrong. I repent of it. I should not have done it.”
“But it was such a big bribe?”
“Yes, sir.”
“From a person of quality, doubtless. And the name of the prisoner whose cell was visited? Do not try to deceive me, because then I should have to use these toys to make you tell the truth.”
“I will not. I swear I will not. The prisoner was a Mistress Anne Askew.”
“That is good. You are doing well. I can see we shall not have to play with those toys tonight.”
“Who was the woman you took to Anne Askew?”
“A lady… whose name I know not.”
“Whose name you know not? Have a care.”
“I swear I know not her name. She came with food and clothes for the prisoner. I know whence she came, though I know not her name. It was never told me.”
“So you know whence she came?”
“Yes, I know. She came from the heretic friends of Anne Askew.”
“The names of these friends?”
“They told me no names.”
“You are not being very helpful. I must have names.”
“They are ladies of the court.”
“Cannot you give me names…even of some of them?”
He had signed to two men with evil faces; they came forward.
“Not one name?” said the interrogator.
“I do not know who sent them. I was told by a man who brought her…I know…”
“You know?”
“Yes, my lord. I know the woman who comes is a messenger from the Queen.”
“The Queen! Ah, that is good. You have been useful. Let him go. Let him go back to his work. Not a word, my friend, of tonight’s adventure, or…”
“I swear I’ll say nothing. I swear…”