Harry ought to turn them into French when he’s done.”

Olivia frowned thoughtfully. “Perhaps he will. I don’t know that he’s ever taken something and translated it into two separate languages. I imagine he’d enjoy the challenge.”

“He does have a ferociously mathematical brain,” Sebastian murmured.

“I know.” Olivia shook her head. “It’s a wonder we have anything to talk about. I—Oh! Don’t look now, but someone is pointing at you.”

“Female, I hope?”

Olivia rolled her eyes. “They’re always female, Sebastian. It’s”—she squinted —“Lady Louisa McCann, I think.”


“The Duke of Fenniwick’s daughter. She’s very sweet.”

Sebastian thought for a moment. “The thin one who doesn’t say much?”

“You have such a way with words.”

Seb smiled slowly. “I do, don’t I?”

“Don’t scare her, Sebastian,” Olivia admonished.

He turned to her with not entirely unfeigned indignation. “Scare her? Me?”

“Your charm can be terrifying.”

“I suppose if you put it that way I cannot help but be complimented.”

Olivia gave him a dry smile.

“May I look now?” he inquired. Because it was starting to grow tedious, this pretending not to know he was being pointed at.

“Hmm? Oh yes, I’ve already waved. I don’t know the other one, though.”

Sebastian hadn’t had his back to the approaching pair, so he only needed to do a quarter turn to face them. Still, he was extremely glad that this movement turned him away from Olivia, because when he saw who was walking toward him—

He liked to consider himself a master at maintaining his unflappable facade, but even he had his limits.

“Do you know her?” Olivia asked.

Sebastian shook his head as he watched her, his curly-haired goddess with the gorgeous pink mouth. “Not at all,” he murmured.

“She must be new,” Olivia said with a slight shrug. She waited patiently for the two ladies to finish crossing the distance, then smiled. “Ah, Lady Louisa, it is so good to see you again.”

Lady Louisa returned the greeting, but Sebastian wasn’t paying attention. He was far more interested in watching the other one studiously trying to avoid eye contact with him.

He kept his own gaze on her face, just to make it all that more difficult.

“Have you met my dear cousin, Mr. Grey?” Olivia said to Lady Louisa.

“Er, I believe we have been introduced,” Lady Louisa responded.

“It’s silly of me to even ask,” Olivia said. She turned to Sebastian with a hint of sly mischief in her eyes. “You’ve been introduced to everyone, haven’t you, Sebastian?”

“Almost,” he said dryly.

“Oh, do forgive me,” Lady Louisa said. “May I present my, er—” She coughed. “Excuse me. Sorry. It must have been dust in my throat.” She motioned to the woman at her side. “Lady Olivia, Mr. Grey, this is Miss Winslow.”

“Miss Winslow,” Olivia said. “How nice to meet you. Are you new to town?”

Miss Winslow bobbed a polite curtsy. “I am. Thank you for asking.”

Sebastian smiled and murmured her name, and then, because he knew it would befuddle her, took her hand and kissed it. It was at times like these he was rather grateful for his reputation. Olivia wouldn’t think twice about his flirtatiousness.

Miss Winslow, however, colored the most charming shade of pink. She was even more fetching by the light of day, he decided. Her eyes were a very nice shade of greenish gray. Combined with the rest of her coloring, it almost made her look a bit Spanish. And he rather liked the smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose. She would have looked far too sultry without them.

He also approved of her emerald-green walking costume. It suited her far better than whatever pastel she’d been wearing the night before.

But he could not allow his perusal to last overlong. She might read too much into it, and besides, he mustn’t ignore her friend. He turned away from Miss Winslow without even a pretense of lingering. “Lady Louisa,” he said with a polite bow of his head. “How lovely to see you again. I am bereft that our paths have not crossed thus far this season.”

“It does seem to be an uncommonly large crowd this year,” Olivia said. “Did no one decide to skip?” She turned to Lady Louisa. “I’ve been away for several weeks, so I’m hopelessly out of date.”

“Were you in the country?” Lady Louisa asked politely.

“Yes, in Hampshire. My husband had some important work, and he finds it difficult to concentrate in town.”

“My fault,” Sebastian chimed in.

“Note that I do not contradict,” Olivia said lightly. She motioned toward him with a tilt of her head. “He’s terribly distracting.”

Sebastian could not let that pass. “It’s one of my finest attributes.”

“Pay attention to nothing he says,” Olivia said with a shake of her head. She turned back to the young ladies and began to chatter on about something or another, and Sebastian was left with the most unfamiliar sense of irritation. He could not begin to count the number of times Olivia had made a comment likePay attention to nothing he says .

This was, however, the first time that it bothered him.

“Are you enjoying your time in London, Miss Winslow?” Olivia asked.

Sebastian turned to Miss Winslow and regarded her with a bland smile. He was most interested in her answer.

“Er, yes,” Miss Winslow stammered. “It is most diverting.”

“Diverting,” Sebastian murmured. “What an interesting word.”

She looked up at him in alarm. He merely smiled.

“Will you remain in town for the rest of the season, Lady Olivia?” Lady Louisa asked.

“I think so. It depends upon whether my husband is able to concentrate with so many distractions.”

“Whatis Sir Harry working on?” Sebastian asked, since Olivia had never got around to telling him which novel Harry was translating. “I tried to pester him this morning, but he waved me off.” He looked over at Miss Winslow and Lady Louisa and said, “One would think he didn’t like me.”

Lady Louisa giggled. Miss Winslow maintained her stony expression.

“My husband is a translator,” Olivia told the ladies, dismissing Sebastian with a roll of her eyes. “Right now he is translating a novel into Russian.”

“Really?” Miss Winslow asked, and Sebastian had to admit, she sounded sincerely interested. “Which novel?”

“Miss Truesdale and the Silent Gentleman. The author is Sarah Gorely. Have you read it?”

Miss Winslow shook her head, but Lady Louisa practically jumped forward, exclaiming, “No!”

Olivia blinked. “Er…yes?”

“No, I meant to say I haven’t read it yet,” Lady Louisa explained. “I have read all of her others, of course. How could I have missed it?”

“You are a fan, then?” Sebastian asked. He loved when this happened.

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