the, Tatra Mountains—they cover an area larger than most of the neutral nations can boast. And besides, how can we know what action United Planets might ultimately take? Fusion and even fission weapons have been used only two or three times in the past century among the some three thousand member planets of UP, and in which case it meant disaster for the user.”
Number One changed the subject abruptly. “How much of their countryside do we now nominally control?”
His ultimate leader nodded wearily. “We’ll consider it. The finances involved are a problem; Coaid Matheison is still working in a madhouse. So are the anti-draft and peace riots a problem. But I’ll take it up.”
Marshal Croft-Gordon barked, “It’s not just a matter of taking it up, Your Leadership. I
Number One looked at him bleakly. “Pay attention to the manner in which you address me, Coaid. I weary of your lack of courtesy.”
Deputy Mark Fielder of the Commissariat of Surety was on the carpet. His face, for once incapable of controlling inner currents, was slowly darkening.
Number One rumbled, “You were aware of the state of the man in the street. Coaid Westley warned us repeatedly at sessions of the Central Comita. And now, here, this massacre. Your men firing wholesale into bodies of teenage children.”
“Your Leadership! Hardly children. The affair began as a demonstration against the new draft edicts. Children are not of draft age.”
Pater Riggin raised his eyebrows and murmured, “I had always thought otherwise. What is a boy of seventeen?”
They both ignored him,
“Go on,” Number One said ominously. “Explain, Coaid, why over a hundred and fifty of my people were shot down on the streets of Alphacity.”
There were blisters of cold sweat on the forehead of the Surety chief.
Fielder took a handkerchief from a pocket and wiped his face.
“Nobody seems to know how the first spark was struck. Most likely it was one of the Betastani…”
“The what… ?”
“The saboteurs. Was Your Leadership of the opinion that these continuing civil disturbances were spontaneous on the part of our own citizens? Please, Coaid Presidor, this much activity does not come spontaneously. It is planned. Any police agency, down through the ages, could tell you that Riots need leaders. Most often, they need planning. Our people are too well disciplined to provide either.”
Number One was dour. Tell me more about these saboteurs before continuing with today’s riot.”
Deputy Fielder felt himself on stronger ground. “How long the Betastani funkers have been planning for this war is unknown but I begin to suspect that it had been even longer than our own preparations and certainly on a different level. We should have suspected the large number of exchange students that enrolled in our universities. We should…”
Pater Riggin murmured mildly, “At the time we thought it a wonderful opportunity to influence their minds toward our form of regime and our religion.” Once again they ignored him. He didn’t mind.
“… have paid more attention to the number of their citizens who took up semi-permanent residence in Alphacity and elsewhere. At any rate, upon the declaration of war, these supposed students, tourists and temporary residents, disappeared into our streets, our mountains, our countryside. My commissariat is now of the opinion that a considerable number are highly trained ECE agents or graduates of their hush-hush
“What was that last?”
“A very secretive, very difficult, highly demanding institution devoted to guerrilla warfare as adapted to the modern scene. Marshal Croft-Gordon has infiltrated several of his and imprisoned. Without doubt, whoever scrambled Deputy Matheison’s records was a product of
“At any rate, Your Leadership, evidently the Betastani espionage and guerrilla chiefs hit upon the idea of disguising large numbers of their operatives as teen-agers. Has it ever occurred to you how inconspicuous a teenager is upon the streets? Their very loudness of dress, their raucous voices, their condolescent gawkiness, tend to make us ignore them, usually scornfully.
“Anyway, my computers, working on what little data we can program them with, have established that there are some four thousand Betastani operatives, plus or minus three hundred and twelve, disguised as teenagers in Alphaland, at least half of them in Alphacity. Their equipment has evidently been accumulated, in various drops, over the years, some imported, some stolen.”
Number One had been staring at him grimly. He rumbled now, “And why has all this not been brought to my attention sooner?”
His Surety head was suavely defensive. Your Leadership, not even the Presidor can carry all the details of government. It was deemed basically a problem of my commissariat.”
“You certainly did little to solve it. Coaid! You flat, can’t you see that such situations should have been cleaned up before the Crusade began?”
“We didn’t know its magnitude until the war started, Your Leadership.”
His superior looked at him ominously. “You do not seem to hold down your position as well as I once thought, Coaid Fielder. It was your job to know of these spies and saboteurs.” He glowered at the other for a moment. “Go on with today’s riots and the ineptness of the manner in which they were handled.”
“Yes, Coaid Presidor. The spark was struck, as I say, probably by a Betastani agent. My men used their riot batons. The students began to throw bricks, torn from a nearby construction job. Several Surety agents were badly wounded. Reinforcements came up, armed with stun guns. Several of these were surrounded and captured by the growing mobs. The mobs were now not young draftees alone, but older adults as well. They were shouting for the ending of the war and the resignation of your government.”
“Oh, they
“The captured stun guns were turned against my men, who, by this time, were being reinforced by armored cars and squads armed with scramblers.”
Pater Riggin said in gentle accusation, “You turned scramblers loose on an unarmed mob of our own people?”
Fielder looked at him desperately. ”