‘And this afternoon, just for a second, I did it. I accessed the Rift, I looked into it and realised its potential.’
‘You did what?’
‘Oh I closed it. God, it was barely a second, even Tosh’s equipment barely registered it. You lot in the Boardroom certainly didn’t.’
Ianto had been astonished. At first, he’d thought Owen was having a laugh, being the joker. But, as the evening had worn on, he’d realised Owen was serious.
Perhaps it was the accident, that moment when Owen’s life had changed. Perhaps on that day, as Torchwood had pulled together to help him, perhaps there’d been some split moment in time. Owen had turned left with them. But what if, in Owen’s head, he’d turned right. And that was what had led him to this. Telling Ianto that he was going to play God with Jack’s help.
Except Ianto had known there was no way Jack would ever say yes.
He’d tried to persuade Owen, pleaded with him. To see sense.To talk to Jack.To let himself be talked out of this.
But Owen would have none of it and, during their increasingly heated argument, Ianto had realised what was causing it.
‘It’s OK for you.You’ve got Jack. Gwen has Rhys – God help us all – but what do I have? A knackered hand and no Tosh.’
Ianto had laughed. ‘Tosh? You could have Tosh whenever you want. She’s crazy about you.’
‘Was. But now she’s looking for more. And I’m not it.’
And Toshiko had chosen that moment to walk in.
Or, at least, to make her presence felt. In fact, Ianto had realised, she must have heard the whole thing.
She’d walked across the Hub from the water tower and straight up to Owen, pulling him to her and kissing him, hard. ‘Is that proof enough, Owen?’ she’d said as she eased away from him. ‘I’ve always said that it’s you, your heart, your soul I want.’
Ianto had coughed. ‘If you’ll excuse me, I have some washing up to do. I’ll try not to clatter the cups too much.’
And he’d put Owen’s master plan out of his mind and, instead, was happy that Tosh and Owen had finally found common ground with one another.
So how come he hadn’t seen the changes over the next few months? Was it because he’d trusted his co- workers? His friends? Trusted them too much? Like Jack had. Was it because he’d never have believed Gwen could be corrupted? Owen, Toshiko even, they’d always had that potential, borrowing things from the safes and cabinets for their own ends, things that came through the Rift that could be used for their own hedonistic or selfish ends. But those were things that didn’t really hurt anyone.
But then… then they’d taken it to a new level, and Gwen had been sucked into it. Alien tech that could revolutionise maternity practices. A quick call to the Prime Minister, Tosh using tech to disguise Owen’s voice so it sounded like Jack’s. How far could they go without seeing the moral implications?
Throughout time, mankind had created empires built around one or two people who believed what they were doing was right for the people, or fooled themselves into thinking that was so. Locking away their morality, their conscience, in a box. Driven by the rush of being able to do it rather than examining what ‘it’ was.
Owen and Tosh went down that slope so rapidly it was scary.
Everyone had that chance to turn left rather than right. Owen and Tosh had gone round the roundabout and traced a whole new route of personal morality that Ianto had never believed them capable of.
The Prime Minister had approved the exposure of Torchwood, and was then destroyed by his own policy of disclosure and open government. His administration fell in weeks, and Torchwood acceded to power in days.
Britain moved forward to a new age of enlightenment and industrial domination, aided by alien tech. China, the USSR, even America, they all wanted to get ahead of the game, but it was Britain, or the rapidly expanding Torchwood Empire, that held the reins of power.
Middle East peace in three weeks. Famine in Africa ended. Nuclear weapons dismantled. Star Wars satellites decommissioned. The world was made a safe, peaceful haven in eight months, with no loss of life.
Except one. One man.
They had betrayed him. They had sedated him and wired him up to the water tower, bleeding his energies into the Rift to open it safely, to monitor what came through, to cherry-pick what could, in their twisted minds, help the world.
Owen had realised early on that Jack Harkness could never be free again, that it was his role to serve with his limitless capacity for rejuvenation, and be the source of Torchwood’s true power.
With Toshiko’s help, Owen had trapped Jack, like an insect in amber, unconscious but alive, in a perpetual state of cryogenic suspension, feeding the Rift.
If Gwen had ever had any moral influence on Toshiko and Owen (and Ianto doubted it), once she had gone, they were free to do whatever they chose. Ultimate power – ultimate corruption. She had left Torchwood to have her baby. And that was when the creatures came though, breaching Toshiko’s defences.
The Light and the Dark.
At first they’d thought they were just that, light fragments. It was Owen who’d hypothesised that they might be alive.
Ianto had tried again. After months away, he’d returned to the Hub. His own PDA, which he’d kept, just in case, monitoring Jack’s vitals, had flared as the light creatures came through. He’d pleaded with Tosh and Owen to see how far they’d fallen. But they were almost evangelical. For Owen, this was a chance to contribute. For Toshiko, this was years of being downtrodden, forgotten and bullied coming to the surface in an explosion of bitterness and arrogance. All those years she’d been better, cleverer and smarter than the rest. Now she could prove it.
The Toshiko Sato and Owen Harper that Ianto had once known had gone for ever.
And when their eyes had briefly glowed with light, he’d sussed the truth.This really wasn’t Toshiko and Owen.This was whatever they had unleashed from the Rift. It had been inside them, ever since that day Owen had looked into the Rift – passed into Toshiko via their first snog.
And Gwen? Poor silly Gwen, hormones in a mess with the pregnancy, either the Light had got into her in some way, or she’d just said yes to whatever the others wanted because it was easier for her.
No, that wasn’t Gwen.There had to be more to it.
So Ianto had contacted Rhys and explained the situation. Rhys agreed. He’d never had much time for Jack, but he respected him. And he knew how strong the bond between his Gwen and Jack was. No way, Rhys thought, would Gwen have just approved this abuse of her friend.
So the Light had got into her, too.
Ianto had returned then to the Hub. One last chance. He had talked about what they’d achieved and what effect it was having on the population of Britain. The gap between wealth and poverty had never been wider; their Empire was founded on the oldest traditions in the world, he said – them and us.
Toshiko had insisted that would change. Gwen had tried to reason with him, saying she was his friend, but this was what the world needed.
In one last desperate move, Ianto had told them about the Light and the Dark. That he believed they were controlling his old friends.
And Toshiko had destroyed the future.
She’d destroyed the Hub.
A new Torchwood Institute had been constructed in the heart of Cardiff, at the very heart of the Rift – a massive office complex where the Castle had once stood, history demolished in days.
Then they moved the Rift Manipulator there, the whole water tower and Jack, encased in his glass prison. Lock, stock and barrel. The Hub was firestormed, destroying everything else, so no one else could ever access the past.The basements, the Morgue, the Vaults, over a century of information was lost for ever. Because this was a new Torchwood, burning brightly on the pyre of the old.