alone, I don't think any two men- Without the gun, maybe Morgan dead too. And maybe it was all for something, Luis-that we don't know about, never will. To save the boy-maybe he's got something to do here, part of some plan. You know? Maybe,' and Hackett laughed, 'so Agnes Browne could get all straightened out with her Joe. Maybe so the Wades can keep their nice high-class superior-white-Protestant bloodline pure.'

'Comforting to think,' repeated Mendoza cynically. 'That's why I'm a lieutenant and you're a sergeant, Arturo-every time I formulate a theory, I want evidence to say it's so, or I don't keep the theory. ?Comprende? On that, there's no evidence. If you want to theorize, chico, maybe it all happened so I could meet this pretty redhead. Change, please, if you've got it-?Date prisa, por favor! '

Hackett took the quarter and gave him three nickels and a dime. 'You watch yourself with that one, boy-I got a hunch you don't get something for nothing there.'

'All these years and you don't know me yet. Wait and see. Hasta luego -eight o'clock sharp, we've a lot of routine to clear up.' Mendoza went over to the row of public phone booths.

When Alison answered the second ring he said, 'Luis. Would you like to hear a story of human foibles and follies?… Yes, we've got him, it's all over. But for the routine. I'll be with you in twenty minutes, you'll be interested to hear all about it.'

'Well, yes, but it is rather late-'

'Night's still young, chica. Twenty minutes,' he repeated firmly, and hung up on her reluctant laugh.

Hackett was gone. Mendoza stood on the steps, lighting a cigarette, and the dead man in the freight yards wandered through his mind. The next thing, now. Tomorrow. A couple of rather suggestive little things, there: might yield the ghost of a line to look into..

… When he came out to the street, somebody in a brash new Buick had sewed him up tight in the parking space; it would take some maneuvering to get the Ferrari out. He swore, getting out his keys; no denying at all that a smaller car- He might just look into it, no harm in looking. Maybe that Mercedes…

He slid under the wheel and started the engine. Meanwhile, Alison. He smiled to himself; he expected to enjoy Alison…

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