Raisa knelt down before Zoya:

– Talk to me.

There was the sound of a key in the front door. Leo entered, red-faced and rushed:

– I’m sorry…

Raisa replied:

– You’re in time to read to the girls.

Zoya shook her head:

– Can I talk to you first? To both of you?

– Of course.

Leo entered the kitchen, pulling up two chairs, sitting beside Zoya:

– What’s wrong?

– I’ve always told Elena everything. Since I got back she’s been so happy, I don’t want to spoil that. I don’t want to tell her what happened. I don’t want to tell her the truth. I don’t want to tell her that I left her alone.

Zoya began to cry:

– If I tell her the truth, will she forgive me?

Though he wanted to, Leo did not yet feel he could put an arm around her. He said:

– She loves you very much.

Zoya looked up at Leo, then at Raisa:

– But will she forgive me?

The three of them turned to the doorway. Elena was standing in her nightgown. She’d only been home for a week and already she’d transformed, gaining weight, the color returning to her skin.

– What’s going on?

Zoya moved toward her:

– Elena, I have something to tell you.

Leo stood up:

– Before you do, why don’t I tell you a bedtime story?

Elena smiled:

– One that you made up?

Leo nodded:

– One that I made up.

Zoya wiped away her tears and took hold of Leo’s hand.

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